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引用自:middle ages - Why was Poland spared from the Black Death?
Poland wasnt actually "spared", it was merely less affected than the rest of Europe. That graphic is incorrect (or rather, incomplete), since a substantial number of both Poland and Milans population did in fact die of the plague. Their death rates were only "low" in comparison to the rest of Europe - if it happened today, it would be horrifying to us.
Poland lost about a quarter of its population to the plague (...) Milans death rate was less than 15%, probably the lowest in Italy save a few Alpine villages.
- Gottfried, Robert S. Black Death. New York: The Free Press, 1983.
Nonetheless, it is true that Poland did survive the Black Death relatively unscathed. In addition to Polands relatively sparse population, a key factor is that King Casimir the Great wisely quarantined the Polish borders. By holding the plague off at the borders, the diseases impact on Poland was softened.
During Kazimierzs reign, the Black Death, a pandemic infection, swept across Europe, killing millions. But Poland established quarantines at its borders, and the plague skirted Poland almost entirely.
- Zuchora-Walske, Christine, Poland, North Mankato: ABDO Publishing, 2013.
The quarantines effectiveness was further enhanced by Polands relative isolation. While heavily hit regions such as the Mediterranean coast were densely interlinked with trade, the same was generally not true of Poland. When the Black Death arrived, this isolation helped insulate the Poles from the plague.
[M]uch larger areas, such as central Poland ... locations off the beaten trail and not along the more popular trade routes were more likely to be on the lookout for ill travelers, foreigners, or perhaps not even be visited by outsiders at all. We believe that it was the exclusion of medieval traders and pilgrims that would significantly account for the lightly-affected Medieval Black Death regions
- Welford, Mark, and Brian H. Bossak. "Revisiting the Medieval Black Death of 1347–1351: Spatiotemporal Dynamics Suggestive of an Alternate Causation." Geography Compass 4.6 (2010): 561-575.
Additionally, it has often been claimed that that Poland fared better due to having fewer rats. Two popular explanations offered for this theory is that Poland had more cats, or alternatively less food for rats.
The absence of plague in Bohemia and Poland is commonly explained by the rats avoidance of these areas due to the unavailability of food the rodents found palatable.
- Cantor, Norman F. In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made. Simon and Schuster, 2001.
It is, however, more likely that the local climate was simply less conductive to the plagues spread.
Since my only reference is my (Polish) wife, Ill just add this as a comment. Poland at the time mostly forest, with significant distances between settlements. Casmir introduced internal quarantines (as well as those at the borders), so that travelers (especially caravans) had to wait some distance outside cities for a period before entering. He also conducted significant building works, with some exaggeration, Poles say that Casmir found a Poland built of wood and left a Poland built of brick. From the link above, and this "quote" about building, Poland was clearly rich, also a plus factor.
1. 此wiki的示意圖可能不準確。波蘭等地區並非幸免於難,而是相對於其他地區死亡率較低。
黑死病流行期間,波蘭以南的其他國家即使不是統一的(與今天的義大利相比,義大利當時是分裂的,但時當時的米蘭、熱那亞等都是富強獨立的國家),至少在穩定方面也不輸于波蘭瑞典。黑死病流行不需要同一穩定的環境,穩定的社會條件下繁榮的商貿往來和宗教控制反而為黑死病流行製造便利。a. 14世紀黑死病肆虐歐洲,許多猶太人社區因為注意衛生,並且與基督教人群和區域相對隔離,疫情相對不嚴重。因為落後的衛生條件和醫療措施,還有一些觀念上認知的問題,教會和統治集團控制不了疫情,一些人開始轉移矛盾,指向異教徒。大量猶太人受到迫害。波蘭國王庇護猶太群體。大量猶太人遷入克拉科夫。
b. 波蘭政府的救治和抑制措施產生了作用。
d. 波蘭以北或同緯度區域,14世紀大都處於原始或封建割據時期。13世紀初,波蘭重新統一,1385年王朝聯合,在14世紀至以後黑死病反覆肆虐的時期,波蘭大多處於統一狀態。更加寒冷的北歐,瑞典於11世紀形成統一王國,經過幾次戰爭和宗教信仰變遷,1399丹麥女王成為三國共主。(挪威,瑞典,丹麥)