

Saint-Malo-Geneva line 是橫跨法國的一條文化/人口地理分割線。


"The pattern of saints" name is curiously reminiscent of a long-term trend that is known to geographers and historians as the Saint-Malo-Geneva line. This imaginary line runs diagonally across the country from the Cotentin peninsula in the English Channel to the northern French Alps. At least until the late nineteenth century it appears with surprising regularity when various sets of data are plotted on a map: south and west of the line, people tended to be shorter and to have darker hair and eyes; they were less literate, lived in smaller places, had less taxable income and were more likely to be employed in agriculture. The Saint-Malo-Geneva line may predate the north-south divide [i.e. the 45th parallel], and it may reflect ancient and otherwise untraceable movements of population. It may be the "strange attractor" of a chaotic process involving geology and climate, invasion and migration, enterprise and inertia. It does at least suggest that the Christianization of France was subordinate to other realities and trends, and it raises some tricky questions. Did the Church consolidate the nation by creating parishes and dioceses, or was it simply implanting itself - as it did in Lourdes - on societies and beliefs that already existed? Was modern Gaul created or only conquered by the Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church? And were "superstitions" and popular religion just jumbled bones or Druidism or a coherent system of belief?"


法國有很多以 Saint 命名的城市,作者認為這些城市都是羅馬教會為當地的 pagan 神命名城市改名的結果。 Saint-Mard 和 Saint-Maurice 是 Mars 改來的, Saint Anne 改自凱爾特神 Ana (Anann, Anu). 這些 Saint 城市主要在線西南,在線東北比較少。

基本上來說這是羅馬帝國的遺產,大概是 Gallia Celtica 和 Gallia Belgica 的區分。線以東是更加德意志化的地區:弗蘭德斯,阿爾薩斯,洛林,諾曼底。

作者藉此討論的是,在法國的基督教化過程中,教會並不是從零開始建立教區堂區,而是在已經廣泛存在的 pagan 文化基礎上進行 adaption 的。






在現代,線以南城市:Toulon, Bordeaux, Lyons, Grenoble, Nice, Marseilles, Toulouse, Montpellier, 普遍小於線以北城市:Nantes, Rouen, Rennes, Lille, Strasbourg and Paris.

我不懂法國人口分布,這一段是翻譯自 Ref 第一項中的評論。既然有誤,已經刪去。

一看就是自以為是的巴黎集權主義者用來貶低和羞辱布列塔尼和歐西塔尼亞,為「civilizing mission」和發明國族、消滅地方性搖唇鼓舌的垃圾宣傳,惡臭不堪




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