
看《肖申克的救贖》後想到的問題,片中典獄長、獄警、甚至是記者與審問Morgan Freeman的打醬油的人,大部分都帶的是窄領帶,而在現在很少很少看到有人帶窄領帶,這是因為幾十年來衣著習慣的改變嗎?上圖~~

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From:Are you a skinny/narrow tie person or wide tie person?投票顯示了寬窄領帶的受歡迎程度,當然樣本有限,不一定客觀,但提到的幾個數字還是正確的。


skinny necktie is a men』s tie that has a width of 1.5-2.5 inches. It is
a fashion accessory that was first introduced in the late 1960s
, and
although skinny ties are highly fashionable and season specific, they
are clothing accessories that any man should have in his closet.

Though skinny ties
can be found in 2-inch to 3-inch widths, the average and most popular
width of a skinny tie in 2012 is anywhere from 1.5-inches to 2.5-inches
Going skinnier provides a more retro look, while going wider
creates a more traditional look.Like
traditional-width ties, the standard length for a mans skinny tie is
about 57 inches
, give or take an inch depending upon the manufacturer.
When properly fitted, the tip of the skinny tie should fall near the
belt line when tied, extending no more than one inch below or three
inches above the belt.



Any body type and gender can wear skinny ties, but, due to proportions,
these ties work best on slender frames
, hence why many women wear skinny
ties as well.




Skinny ties can be
worn for both formal and casual occasions. For a formal look, pair a
skinny tie (solid black being the most popular) with a fitted dress
shirt that has a smaller sized collar.


For a casual look,
still wear a collared shirt with your skinny tie. However, the tie knot
can be either knotted tightly or left loose. Roll up shirt sleeves and
pair with a vest for a well-dressed, casual look. Skinny knit ties are
especially popular when it comes to casual looks.

Wearing a skinny
tie for work is entirely dependent upon the work environment.
For a more
casual work environment, the skinny tie can be worn. If you want to
wear a skinny tie in a more formal work environment, it is best to
choose a narrow 3-inch width or slim 2.75-inch width.


此觀點還可參閱: Business attire is still wearing wider ties.:Narrow ties or the wide ones?

題主說的現在很少很少看到有人帶窄領帶,並不奇怪,中國穿衣打領帶的人本來就少,帶的話也基本是由於工作行業要求,日常生活中casual look打領帶的人難得一見。而商界中寬領帶的比例自然是佔大多數,其一看起來穩重,其二領導們都發福了。


附Fashion Rules for Skinny Neckties :

1. Match the tie with to the suit lapels. Skinny ties look best when worn with narrow lapels

2. Skinny ties look best with 1 or 2 button suit or blazer jackets.

Dont wear a dress shirt with a wide spread collar when wearing skinny
ties. The best shirts collars have a medium to narrow collar spread.
Also, button down collars are less suited for narrow neckties.

4. Match the narrow tie with a smaller, slightly asymmetric tie knot. A perfect tie knot is the so called four in Hand knot.

Skinny ties look best on slim men. Stocky and overweight men should stay
away from narrow ties as they will add even more pounds to the frame.

Keep the patterns and colors simple and modern. Traditional patterns
such as Regimental stripes, paisleys, and polka dots are less suited for
skinny ties. Best are solid colors, knitted skinny ties, and modern
stripes, as well as checks of all sorts.

7. Add a tie clip! A simple tie clip in polished silver or gold will be a perfect accessory for the skinny tie.

Source:First Timer』s Guide To Skinny Ties




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