


The last and longest government closure lasted 21 days, starting in December 1995.[1]

While nobody can predict how long this impasse will last, personally, I think it will be resolved before Oct 17, 2013. Oct 17 is when the U.S. will hit its debt ceiling and the country will be so low on cash that it will not be able to make payments on its existing debt, according to Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew.[2]

The U.S. defaulting on its debt is such an unthinkable failure that I pray our congressmen can resolve their petty political difference before then. If the U.S. defaults, then government services will be slashed, interest rates will rise, the financial market will panic and our debt will be downgraded (again). The price of gold will climb - even if the U.S. needs to liquidate its gold assets to make its interest payments. In the long-term, international banks and governments may even considering using the Euro as the worlds reserve currency. All of that would be a huge blow to an already slow U.S. economy.

[1] http://m.voanews.com/a/1760973.html

[2] http://bloomberg.com/news/2013-10-06/u-s-to-default-if-debt-ceiling-not-raised-lew-says.html

奧觀海扭開收音機收聽新聞聯播 聽到自己的祖國正在放十一國慶假 自己卻被派到這裡來受罪 心中憤憤不平 叫來國務卿聽旨:美國不能比中國落後 中國放假了 我們美國也得放!國務卿問道:中國放了一星期,我們放多久?奧觀海一咬牙:先放著再說。。。

哪天共和黨退讓! 或者財務預算達成一致, 或者美國總統奧巴馬不在堅持 社會福利提高得那個什麼法案。 又或者雙方都堅持不住了,那估計雙方妥協就開門了。 又或者美國遊行了,那估計更有可能了。 柯林頓那時候美國政府也關門過。 所以這次估計最久一個月到二個月。 第一次回答問題,。求贊,。無節操得說,我第一給你了,你要對我負責(☆_☆)


在市場經濟下,限購令是福是禍? 政府應如何解決?

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