
@金博潤 知乎怎麼會有這麼可愛的回答。。。看看鄧的經歷,80年代的大學生,在那個時代,知識和眼界算得上是全國10%也許5%的一批人了。再看她赴美讀書,去耶魯MBA,在StarTV工作,以及和默多克結婚的經歷,你看到一個知識貧乏,傻的女孩?拜託。開放,大膽,知識貧乏,傻又比她漂亮的女人,中國有千千萬萬了。你可以不齒她的功利,但是說她傻,簡直顛覆三觀。





I』m not going to try to write about all that has already been said many times about Wendi; her history of being a social climber, her marriage to the media billionaire, her relations with various celebrities and heads of state. I can』t really add much more. I』m now more intrigued about interpreting what Wendi is up to now, and speculating a bit on what her future holds. And at the end of my answer I will pose a few questions for you.


But first, not really myself being a member of the professional media, I have to say my observations are from the standpoint of an American guy who became aware of this Wendi Deng just like everyone else from certain media reporting. I can』t say I was paying attention much when Rupert Murdoch married her. I don』t tend to follow the gossip or tabloid news or even watch much TV at all. But, I was watching, listening and reading reporting about the cell phone listening scandal in the UK where some newspapers owned by Murdoch were being investigated. for hacking and tapping certain people』s cell phones and voicemails, some of them very well-known. It was an interesting story, but none of it really mentioned Murdoch』s wife, that young Chinese woman he had married who I never really had paid much attention to. In fact, at that time, I really didn』t know many Chinese people personally, and frankly, other than just financial and economic data relating to China』s remarkable growth over the past 30 years or so, I didnt know much about China as a country, culture and people.


That changed with a slap to the face. Not actually a real slap to my face, but a real slap to the face of a man who tried to throw a pie at Murdoch in a meeting on the cell phone scandal. I was watching the TV news and suddenly they showed video of Murdoch』s young Chinese wife in a roomful of white British officials and journalists standing up and reaching over her husband and slapping a man attempting to throw a pie in his face. The effect on me was not immediate, but over the next few days and weeks, as the event was replayed repeatedly on television, it caused me to see this Chinese woman, and by extension Chinese women generally with new eyes.


I know that many if not most Chinese women would resist any characterization of Wendi Deng as being representative of Chinese women – either traditional or modern. But, from the perspective of an American guy, this slapping event caused me to see Chinese women as this wonderful combination of femininity and strength. For a time I might have had a bit of a crush on Wendi, maybe a few minutes or hours only, since I realized I cannot avoid the certain fact that I am neither a 21 yr old boy toy, her current preference, nor according to rumor a billionaire head of state who can take her to the next level of her ambitions. So, Wendi and I were not meant to be together. My interest in her now is more objective, as an observer. But, I』m still a fan of Chinese women.



So, how can we understand what our dear friend Wendi is doing now? And what can we expect from her in the future given it is certainly reasonable to suspect she has not lost her ambitious drive, though it may be difficult to maintain the steep trajectory of achievement she has experienced so far?

First, though there』s a certain rumor that she has lately been more than close with a certain leader of a very large country, in my view there is very little to suggest she will go much further than this with any relationship there. She likes swimming in those waters – heads of state, billionaires, oligarchs and all the connections she can enjoy between them. But, she is still alone, except for some apparently occasional indulgence in cradle-robbing. So, with whom and where will she end up?

從以上這些,我們可以推斷,她最近的比基尼和照顧寶寶的照片,不過是為了繼續在媒體上露臉,吸引下一個追求者。但是,因為她自己已經很有錢了,選擇那些年輕稚嫩的21歲小鮮肉,還是選擇默多克、某國元首這種更見多識廣卻年紀較大的,對她而言必是一種困難。奔五的年紀,會讓她的選擇很糾結。 她會像Yoko Ono,一個年事已高、淡出當代藝術資助的奇怪的亞洲女性那樣嗎?還是在年近半百時,從自己的「優選名單」列表上,致力於讓自己在「全球戀情」中扮演一個更引人注目、更正式的角色?

Along these lines we can interpret the recent bikini photos and baby sitting as being just a way to keep her face, and body, in the news and possibly generate the admiration of her next major male acquisition. But, given she already has lots of money, it must be so difficult to choose between the knows-nothing and knows-nobody 21 year old guys and the much more interesting but aging types like Murdoch and other princelings. A tough choice that may be made for her as she becomes a 50 year old woman. Will she go the path of Yoko Ono? A weird old, Asian lady who kind of disappears into the world of contemporary art sponsorship? Or will she devote herself, in her middle, non-bikini age, to a more visible and serious role in global relations – through her A-list of contacts?


Just one more thought about the bikini photos. She』s in her 49th year. Her daughters are teenagers. Better be photographed now. Last chance. It is closing time at the bar. The last thing she will want is to have, in a couple years, her bikini photos then being compared side-by-side with her young adult daughters』 on their beach vacation. That would hurt. So, get all those beach pics done now, Wendi.


I also think at some point there will be a Wendi Deng stage play or even an opera. Some contemporary artistic depiction of her dramatic life in some genre like this. Maybe I will sit down and write it myself. Maybe we could all do it together over a weekend or something. Scene 1: Home at the flat in China, Scene 2: sports and ambitions at University in the US. Scene 3: a marriage that couldn』t satisfy her ambitions. Scene 4: the conquest of Murdoch. Scene 5: Re-inventing herself as a patron of the arts and a sort of goodwill ambassador to US/China relations? What do you think? I think it』s a winner idea.


Regarding the idea of goodwill ambassador to or from China, or to 「teach Chinese people about America and vice versa」 as a friend of hers advised her to do, I believe she really sees this as a more natural role for herself, but is just having way too much fun being a celebrity and hanging out with all the 「best」 people. And I』m also not sure how Chinese people feel about Wendi teaching America about them.

現在,我的問題來了:你覺得鄧文迪的後半生會是怎樣的?她會對某個男人或者某件事認真起來嗎?她將會如何向中國人介紹美國?她會和普通人結婚,還是繼續向上攀爬?她如果成為某位世界主要領導人的妻子,是不是太飽受爭議?她自己將來會不會擔任官方職位?她會不會是下一個Yoko Ono,變得十分古怪,變成一個當代表演藝術家之類的?誰會創造那部展現她驚人一生的舞台劇,名字又會是什麼?

So, now it is question time, my friends. Don』t write me an essay but briefly tell me what you think will be the major theme of Wendi』s second half of her life? Will she get serious about somebody or something? How will she 「teach Chinese people about America」? Will she marry down or up? Is she too controversial to be the wife of a major world leader? Will she at some point take on an official role herself at some point? Or will she be the next Yoko Ono and become super eccentric and strange and take on a role as a contemporary performance artist or the like? Who will write the stage play or opera dramatizing her life and what will it be named?



All great questions, don』t you agree?

I look forward to your response. And Wendi, if you are reading this, I still do have a small crush on you. I, too, would like to teach Chinese people about America. We would be a great team. Wendi, call me.
















作為一個女生 我覺得她很聰明很厲害很有手段也很幸運 但我不想成為她






























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