


我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘電影, 已經堅持6個月了. 你想不想找一種輕鬆的方式提升自己的聽力? 跟我一起每天聽寫電影吧!



This is Tadashi Hamada. And this is the first test of my robotics project.


大家一般只知道the+母音的時候, the讀[ei];

但其實想要強調的時候, 即使the+輔音, the仍然可以讀作/ei/


從第141篇開始, 我不再放出我自己聽寫的版本, 而是改為在答案上標記重難點, 大家特別注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 This is Tadashi Hamada. And this is the first test of my robotics project.

2 -Hello, I am Baymax. -Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!

3 The seventh test of my robotics project.

4 -Hello, I... -What? What? Wait, wait, wait, stop! Stop scan! Stop...

5 Tadashi Hamada again, and this is the 33rd test of my robotics project.

6 Im not giving up on you. You dont understand this yet, but people need you. So, lets get back to work.

7 This is Tadashi Hamada, and this is the 84th test.

8 What do you say, big guy?

9 Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.

10 It works. It works! This is amazing! You... you work!

11 I knew it! I knew it! I knew it. I knew it. Oh, you work. I cant believe it! I cant...Okay. All right, big moment, here. Scan me.

12 Your neurotransmitter levels are elevated.

13 -This indicates that you are happy. -I am. I really am. Oh, man. Wait till my brother sees you.

14 Youre gonna help so many people, buddy. So many. Thats all for now. I am satisfied with my care.

15 Thank you, Baymax. Im so sorry. I guess Im not like my brother.


[第125次聽寫] 咱們裸熊 假如你站在500米的高樓之上

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