今天,陳世峰終被判20年 | 江歌案


20 Years for Killer of Chinese Graduate Student in Tokyo

Dec 20, 2017

A violent murder that has provoked wide public debate in China since it took place in Tokyo last year has reached a verdict[1]. On Wednesday afternoon, Tokyo District Court sentenced the murderer, 26-year-old Chen Shifeng, to 20 years in prison.

[1]verdict:an opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given, especially one made at the end of a trial (根據事實作出的)意見,決定;(尤指)判決,裁決

The jury reached/returned a unanimous verdict of (not) guilty.


The fatal incident happened in Tokyo on Nov. 2, 2016. Jiang Ge, a 24-year-old Chinese graduate student at Hosei University, was found dead after being stabbed outside the rented apartment she shared with Liu Xin, another young Chinese woman and her close friend. The police soon arrested Lius ex-boyfriend, Chen Shifeng, as the prime suspect. Surveillance footage showed Chen near the girls apartment, and he had earlier sent Liu a threatening email.

The trial started on Dec. 11 at Tokyo District Court. Though Chens defense lawyer argued that Chen did not intentionally kill Jiang, the prosecutor recommended a 20-year sentence based on seven criteria, including the cruelty of the act: Jiang was stabbed 12 times, according to The Paper, Sixth Tones sister publication. The prosecutor also pointed out that Chen had worn a mask and brought a change of clothes on the night of the murder, suggesting the crime was premeditated[2].

[2]premeditated:(especially of a crime or something unpleasant) done after being thought about or carefully planned (尤指罪行或不快的事情)預先考慮的,預先策劃的,預謀的

premeditated murder


Chen was convicted of intentional murder and intimidation, and sentence to 20 years. Jiangs mother had petitioned for months for Chen to get the death penalty — a rare sentence in Japan.

Debate around the case reignited last month, with much discussion centering on the roommate, Liu, rather than on the murderer, after a video showed her first meeting with the deceased[3]s mother, Jiang Qiulian. Many online comments judged Liu for her actions both on the night of the murder and afterward, with some calling her 「cold-blooded」 because she did not respond to the mothers messages, while others accused her of not coming to her friends aid.

[3]the deceased:a person who has recently died 新近去世的人;亡故者

The deceased shot her mother before killing herself.





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