

近日,美國《時代》周刊揭曉其2017年「年度人物」,揭露了各行各業性騷擾和性侵事件的「打破沉默者」(The Silence Breakers)當選。



Times Person of the Year 2017 is The Silence Breakers

Time magazine has named "The Silence Breakers," representing people who came forward to report sexual misconduct, as its Person of the Year.

Its a recognition of the cultural reckoning[文化清算] this year and the #MeToo movement, which represents the people, mostly women, who have fueled a worldwide discussion about sexual harassment and assault.

"This reckoning appears to have sprung up overnight. But it has actually been simmering[1]for years, decades, centuries," Times story said.

[1]simmer: if an argument is simmering, people feel angry with each other but only show it slightly〔爭吵〕釀,即將爆發

The row has been simmering for some time.


Violent revolt was simmering in the country.


"These silence breakers have started a revolution of refusal, gathering strength by the day, and in the past two months alone, their collective anger has spurred immediate and shocking results: nearly every day, CEOs have been fired, moguls[2] toppled[3], icons disgraced. In some cases, criminal charges have been brought."

[2]moguls: A mogul is an important, rich, and powerful businessman, especially one in the news, film, or television industry. (尤指新聞、影視界的)大人物; 大亨

an international media mogul


Hollywood film moguls


[3]topple: If someone or something topples somewhere or if you topple them, they become unsteady or unstable and fall over. 倒下

He just released his hold and toppled slowly backwards.


President Trump was the runner-up[亞軍;第二名] for Person of the Year. Chinese XXX came in third.


Times editor-in-chief, Edward Felsenthal, announced the pick Wednesday morning on NBCs "Today."

"It became a hashtag, a movement, a reckoning," Felsenthal wrote in an explanation published on Times website. "But it began, as great social change nearly always does, with individual acts of courage."


The choice was inspired in part by the #MeToo hashtag, which was created more than a decade ago by the activist Tarana Burke[塔拉納·波爾克]. It took off last month when a slew of[大量的] high-profile[引人注目的;高層的] men were publicly accused of sexual misconduct, beginning with Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. The actor Alyssa Milano[艾莎莉·米蘭諾] tweeted the phrase in mid-October, telling her followers: "If youve been sexually harassed or assaulted write me too as a reply to this tweet." When she woke up the next day, more than 30,000 people had used #metoo, according to Time.

After The New York Times and The New Yorker published accusations of sexual harassment and assault against Weinstein, many more women and some men came forward with allegations against others -- including actor Kevin Spacey, comedian Louis C.K. and former NBC anchor Matt Lauer.

In 2017 women stood up and said #MeToo. We overcame our fears to #BreakTheSilence. Technology and social media have connected us all. We cant turn away from[拋棄;對...感到厭惡] each others pain. We are connected to it. We are connected to each other. We are connected. THREAD. #TimePOTY

— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 6, 2017

Time also pointed to other women who called attention to problems all year long.

In February, the engineer Susan Fowler alleged pervasive[4] sexism and sexual harassment during the year she worked at Uber. The ride-hailing companyp[叫車公司] launched an investigation afterward and fired 20 employees based on its findings.

[4]pervasive: Something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing. (尤指不好的事物) 無處不在的

...the pervasive influence of the army in national life.


And in August, pop superstar Taylor Swift won a court case against a former radio host she accused of groping[5] her in 2013. Her testimony was widely covered.

[5]grope: (informal)to move your hands over someones body to get sexual pleasure, especially when they do not want you to do this 愛撫〔尤指當對方不願意的時候〕

"Going to court to confront this type of behavior is a lonely and draining[exhausting;使心力交瘁的] experience, even when you win, even when you have the financial ability to defend yourself," Swift told Time. "Even though awareness is higher than ever about workplace sexual harassment, there are still so many people who feel victimized, afraid and silenced by their abusers and circumstances."

Last year Time awarded Person of the Year to Trump, who had just won the election. Time called him the "President of the Divided States of America."

The president tweeted last month that he was "probably" going to be given the title, adding that he "took a pass" because he would have had to agree to an interview and a photo shoot. Time called that account false.


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