



Dear Professor Hawking, Im Karry Wang from China. Its my great honor to raise questions about the future to you.


You have always been concerned about humanitys future development. In your speeches, you have presented recommendations many times about the necessity of exploring alien immigrants to continue our earth civilization.


Like many young people in China, I am very curious about exploring the universe and the future. What shall we do to prepare for this?


Meanwhile, another topic seems a little far from future and technology, but surely is meaningful which attracts my attention as well.


It is how we should protect our traditional future while exploring the future and developing science and technology at the same time.


Thank you so much for this opportunity! Looking forward to hearing your incisive insights!


Stephen Hawking Lauds Chinese Pop Star for Space Migration Question


BEIJING — British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, on his Chinese microblog Weibo account, praised the lead singer of Chinas most popular boy band for asking about life beyond Earth.

Wang Junkai, leader singer of the wildly popular TFBOYS, posted a video of himself on his Weibo account on Friday asking the author of "A Brief History of Time" how humanity should prepare for interstellar[1] migration in years to come.

[1]interstellar:between the stars 星際的

interstellar space


Hawking recently warned that the human race must evacuate[2] Earth in 600 years before soaring energy consumption turns the planet into a "ball of fire".

[2]evacuate:to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe (把人從危險的地方)撤離,撤出,疏散,轉移

Earlier this month, Hawking made a video appearance at a science summit organized by Tencent Holdings and pleaded for investors to support his idea of traveling to the closest star outside our solar system in the hope of finding an inhabitable planet.

The 75-year old physicist said in a video posting on his Weibo account that Wang asked "an excellent question", which gave him insight into Chinese millennnials and their "curiosities" regarding the future.

Wang and his two other band mates each have more than 30 million followers on their Twitter-like Weibo microblog accounts.

Owned by Weibo Corp, Weibo is Chinas biggest social media platform with more than 200 million active users.

Hawking, who opened his Weibo account last year, has 4.3 million followers, while British Prime Minister Theresa May has more than 900,000, having inherited her account from David Cameron.



Thank you for these questions. I have recently said that the future of the human race is compromised by the damage that we are doing to our small overcrowded planet,and that we should think about exploring planets that may have the potential to sustain human life. Having to make the move will have taught us to behave more wisely.


I am not suggesting that the whole population moves to a new planet, just select few to ensure the survival of the human race. But where should we go first? How should we plan for living on other planets? We are explorers and thinkers. We are motivated to elevate humanity, but first we need the imagination to do so.We need to imagine how we will live in the future. To see in our minds eyes, what might be done to alleviate todays problems and better imagine a future for all.


I do not believe that traditional culture will disappear. I think our art and music are human oriented, and would be meaningless to an alien species. I do not think we need to worry.



《Time》2017最具影響力青少年 兩位中國青年上榜





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