《國際保理通則》(GRIF 2013)譯註(十一):未承保的收款規則,資金撥付

Aticle 22 Unapproved receivables

(i) When all receivables owing by a debtor at any one time are wholly unapproved:

(a) the Import Factor shall obtain the consent of the Export Factor before incurring legal and other costs and expenses (other than the Import Factor』s own and administrative costs and expenses) relating to their collection;

(b) such legal and other costs and expenses shall be the responsibility of the Export Factor and the Import Factor shall not be responsible for any loss and/or costs which are attributable to any delay in the giving of such consent by the Export Factor;

(c) If the Export Factor does not answer the Import Factor』s request for consent within 30 days, the Import Factor is entitled to reassign the receivables then or any time thereafter;

(d) The Import Factor shall be entitled on demand to a deposit from the Export Factor to cover fully or partly the amount of the estimated costs to be incurred in the collection of such receivables.

第二十二條 未核准賬款











先前已經多次講過,保理業務的 collection 是「收款」而非「催收」。國內對 GRIF 有多個版本的翻譯都錯譯為「催收」,如果保理商承擔的是催收責任,則此條款中對於進口保理商代人催賬而產生費用的約束限制以及單方面的解約權利等就難以理解了。

另:目前看到過的英文版本,此條的編號只有 1.款,未見過有 2.款等後續文字,不知是我見過的文本均非全本,還是 FCI 修訂時編號錯誤?望了解情況的朋友不吝教我。

SECTION V Transfer of funds

第五節 資金的劃撥

Article 23 Transfer of payments

(i) When any payment is made by the debtor to the Import Factor in respect of any receivable assigned to him he shall pay in the currency of the invoice the equivalent of the net amount received in his bank to the Export Factor immediately after the value date or the date of the Import Factor』s receipt of the bank』s notification of the amount received whichever is later except to the extent of any previous PUA.

(ii) All payments, irrespective of the amount, shall be transferred daily via SWIFT or a similar system.

(iii) Not later than the day of the transfer the Import Factor shall provide a report showing the allocation of the amount transferred.

(iv) The Export Factor shall repay to the Import Factor on his demand:

(a) any payment made by him to the Export Factor if the debtor』s payment to the Import Factor was made by a payment instrument subsequently dishonoured (cheque or equivalent) provided that:

(1) the Import Factor notified the Export Factor of this possibility with the payment advice (payment under reserve); and

(2) the Import Factors demand has been made within 10 banking days in the Import Factors country from the date of his transfer of the funds to the Export Factor; or

(3) such dishonour was the result of a stopped payment order issued by the debtor owing to a dispute raised later than the issuance of the payment instrument, in which case the procedures and time limits are as provided in Article 27 and for that purpose the payment by the Import Factor to the Export Factor shall be treated as if it were a PUA (as defined in Article 24 (ii) hereof).

(4) repayments demanded by the Import Factor will not affect his other obligations;

(b) without any time limit, any payment made by the Import Factor to the Export Factor in respect of any unapproved receivable or unapproved part of a receivable to the extent that payment by the debtor or any guarantor of the receivable is subsequently recalled under the law of the country of the payer and such recall is either paid or settled by the Import Factor provided that any such settlement is effected in good faith.

(N.B.: Paragraph (iv) (a) adjusted and Paragraph (iv) (b) added October 2002. Paragraph (iv) (a) adjusted again October 2007. Paragraphs (i) and (iv) (a) (3) adjusted again June 2013.)

第二十三條 付款的劃撥


2.所有付款不論金額大小,必須每日通過 SWIFT 或類似系統劃撥。






  (3)在支付工具簽發後產生商業糾紛,債務人簽發止付通知而導致拒付。此種情況的處理程序和期限規定於第二十七條,而進口保理商對出口保理商的付款將被視為擔保付款(據第二十四條第 2 款定義)。





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