
座位安排 Seating Arrangements

In Chinese culture, the rules governing seating arrangements are complex and quite formulized. For example, the person with the highest status, such as an elderly relative or a guest of honor, should be seated facing the entrance, near the host. Guests of lesser importance are situated further away from the host and other important people.

在中華文化里,座位安排的規則是複雜、制式化的。 例如,具有最高地位的人,像是長輩或貴賓,應該靠近主人地坐面向門口。不太重要的客人坐於遠離主人和其他重要的客人。

However, the rules related to who sits where in the West are more flexible. The host often sits at the "head" of the table (the shorter ends of a rectangular table), but there are many

different ways for other people attending the dinner. For instance, people are often placed next to each other depending on if they know one another, their social or marital status, and/or their interests. A common seating arrangement is man-woman-man-woman.


中西方本身就有各自的文化與民情風俗, 想知道有關餐桌上的禮儀, 可以參考我的另外一篇文章 國際餐桌禮儀 。


[第130次聽寫] 國王的演講 我愛上了別人的女人

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