

[第102次聽寫]_騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/cover/s0553rbv4vp/s0553rbv4vp.html

我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘電影, 已經堅持3個月了.

你想要甩掉字幕嗎? 跟我一起做聽寫吧! 拿出紙和筆, 把你聽懂的句子寫下來, 可以隨意暫停, 可以反覆聽, 也可以查字典, 聽懂一句是一句. 只有當你開始行動了, 改變才會開始. 聽完之後在評論里打卡~


And then, black flag, the famous band, who was friends of mine, they played in New York.

I was in Washinton.

I took a ride up to go see them, cause they werent coming down to my town.

I jumped on stage and sang with them that night.

A song.

So I had to go back down to DC and go work like some awful shift.

They called me a few days later.

at the ice cream store and said.

you know were looking for a singer.

cause the rhythm guitar player wants to, Im sorry, the vocalist wants to move on(move down) to rhythm guitar, you can tell Ive told the story before, and were holding auditions.

do you want a crack at this?

『cause we saw you on stage the other night, youre pretty wild.




a group of workers who do a job for a period of time during the day or night, or the period of time itself


As the night shift leave/leaves, the day shift arrive/arrives.



[第84次聽寫]聽寫歌曲 進來受虐吧

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