原文是載於加州阿爾塔日報(The Daily Alta California)1853年5月21日刊登的社論「Chinese Citizenship」。內容主要是反對授予華人公民權以及允許更多華人入境加州。作者認為華人「迷信、狡詐、好色、兇悍、不潔」,完全不能被美國文明所同化,道德上比黑人更低劣。既然不能給外國黑人以公民權,同理也應當拒絕華人成為美國公民。
Chinese Citizenship.
Celestials — What is there in
our naturalization laws to prevent the Asians from avowing his intention ofbecoming a citizen, and then going forward and taking out his naturalizationpapers, and claiming the rights of citizenship? Could he then be refused to
vote on account of color? And are the Chinese among us to be enumerated in thecensus as a portion of our population? These are questions which will soonforce themselves upon us for solution.The above is from the Sacramento Union.
The naturalization law of the United States
declares that, on certain conditions, "any alien, being a free whiteperson, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States." Thequestion is, therefore, are the Chinese free white persons? From what we knowof them, and of the circumstances under which they have come to this country,we are of the opinion that they are neither free nor white, that is, as a
class. There are doubtless some who have come here as agents or overseers ofthe majority, who are free men at home — men of wealth and influence amongtheir own people, and who have furnished the means for their dependents and cooliesto come hither, giving them a small share of what they earn, or bindingthemselves to pay them, after a certain period, a given amount, usually fromfour to five dollars a month. The persons brought out under these stipulationsare not free at home. They are the depressed and servile coolies of the land,and in coming away they leave everything they have behind them, and give theirwives and children as host ages to their masters that they will not break theircompact when they get beyond the reach of the Chinese laws. They are not to be
considered as free persons, and if there were as other objections to theirbecoming free citizens, this alone would be sufficient. In regard to those who areactually free, this objection may not hold good ; but we are to take them as aclass, and in the absence of direct proof to the contrary, we are to take thewhole for what we know the most of them to be. But there are abundant otherreasons why they should not became citizens. If they were all free at home andcame here at their own expense, and to remain here permanently, there arereasons strong and valid why they should not be allowed to become naturalized.They are not white persons in the sense of the law. Mary of them it is true arenearly as white as Europeans, and so are many slaves in the Atlantic States.
The advertisements of runaway slaves often contain descriptions which skatethat the closest inspection is necessary in order to detect the trace of theAfrican blood. Yet the predominence of white blood is sufficient to entitle anyperson to citizenship. The trace of the negro however is sufficient todisqualify him from the principles of a citizen, and if that be just, and weknow it is law, then why should not the tawny Chinese fall under the same ban.They are morally a far worse class to have among us than the negro. They areidolatrous in their religion — in their disposition cunning and deceitful, andin their habits libidinous and offensive. They have certain redeeming featuresof craft, industry, and economy, and like other men in the fallen estate, 「
they have wrought out many inventions." But they are not of that kind thatAmericans can ever associate or sympathize with. They are not of our people andnever will be, though they remain here forever. No American can overcome hisdisgust of their rat-eating and unclean habits, so far as to put himself on anequality with them, or have anything like intimacy with them. They do not mixwith our people, and it is undesirable that they should, for nothing butdegradation can result to us from the contact. The law in regard tonaturalization was doubtless framed with more particular reference to theEthiopian than to any other class. But no one will contend that other races maynot be classed with them as ineligible to the rights of citizenship. If the
Chinese may be naturalized under the law, then why not the Kanaka— andif the Kanaka, why not the Malay— and if the
Malay, then why not the aboriginal New Hollander ? Truly, we must stop short ofthe African, and what rule must be adopted? Must it not be a question of homepolicy as regards who shall be adopted citizens and who shall not ? We havesometimes heard it objected that we are bound to respect treaty stipulations,and that according to those the Chinamen are entitled to all the privileges ofany class of aliens, and that it would be a violation of our national faith to refusethem the privilege accorded to Europeans. But this objection has no force formany reasons. The treaty with China is confined to defining privileges,
immunities and liabilities of Americans in the Empire of the Ta-Tsing, andthere is nothing direct or by implication in it that renders it obligatory onour government to confer citizenship on the Chinese. There is no reason why atreaty similar to that with China might not be made with Liberia, end no onewould pretend to say that such a treaty would give the African any greaterprivileges in the United States than he now enjoys. It is therefore a questionfor us to decide at home. A question of policy among ourselves, and the onlyconsideration of importance is, is the presence of large numbers of Chinesedesirable? We believe not. We believe that it is well to cultivate feelings ofamity and friendly intercourse with them so far as it can be done on their own
ground. But it is of no advantage to us to have them here. They can neverbecome like us, and they are not of that race or native character which willever elevate the social condition of California. If great numbers of themshould continue to be imported, the manner of treatment to be observed towardsthem is destined to be an important question in our State politics. At presentthere are few of them who do not design at some time to leave for their nativeland. But in the course of years they may become so numerous as to form asociety of their own, and have all their native idolatries and superstitions onthis shore of the Pacific In that case there will be less inducement to returnto their homes, and the question is what will be their relative position in
respect to Americans? Will they be adistinct clan, living by themselves, and as a consequence in a sort of semi-warwith our people, or will they become a servile class of 「hew- ers of wood anddrawers of water "to our own people? Or, again, will they amalgamate withAmericans? The last hypothesis is too disgusting to entertain. The first resultwould be attended with stupendous evils, and the second will divide people intocastes, such as cannot exist in a pure republic. It is therefore unwise to encouragethem in coming hither; they cannot or ought not to become citizens, and the wholeadvantage in having them here at all may be summed up in these words — itbenefit American commerce, at the expense of American civilization.推薦閱讀: