尖貨:CATTI 熱辭彙大全
投資炒作風險 investment speculation risk
水污染治理項目 water clean-up projects
代幣發行融資 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
加強發展戰略對接 strengthen the complementarity of our development strategies
推進經濟務實合作 seek practical results in our economic cooperation
中國古人說:「交得其道,千里同好,固於膠漆,堅於金石。」As an ancient Chinese saying goes, 「A partnership forged with the right approach defies geographical distance; it is thicker than glue and stronger than metal and stone.」
信用評分 credit rating
個人信息安全 personal information security
共有產權住房 home with joint property rights
耐抗生素細菌 antibiotic-resistant bacteria
全球性的健康危機 global health crisis
混改方案 mixed-ownership reform plan
信息爆炸 information explosion
信息檢索 information retrieval
戰略投資者 strategic investors
給予員工股權激勵 grant employee incentive shares
為世界經濟增長發掘新動力 foster new sources of growth for the global economy
世界經濟出現向好勢頭。 The global economy is showing signs of moving in the right direction.
把這些理念化為行動 translate our vision into action
在家教育 home schooling
博導 PhD supervisor
碩導 postgraduate supervisor
可持續消費 sustainable consumption
提供技術支持 provide technological support
極右翼支持者 far-right supporter
安全意識 safety awareness
天文觀測 celestial observation
偏食 partial solar eclipse
日全食 total solar eclipse
恐怖威脅等級 terror threat level
白人至上主義 white supremacy
共享平台 sharing platform
模擬機器人 humanoid
drizzle 毛毛雨
thundershower 雷陣雨
shower 陣雨
rainstorm 暴風雨
light rain shower 小陣雨
heavy shower 強陣雨
isolated shower 局部陣雨
scattered shower 零星陣雨
cloud-burst 大暴雨
pouring rain 傾盆大雨
freezing rain 凍雨
thunder 雷
lightning 閃電
raindrop 雨點、雨滴
rainfall 降雨量
這一輪工業革命,是在經濟全球化背景下孕育興起的,正以前所未有的速度、廣度、深度改變著世界,為各國經濟增長提供了強勁動力。This round of industrial revolution, fostered in the era of economic globalization, is changing our world in a way unseen before in terms of speed, scope and depth of transformation, giving a strong boost to economic growth of all countries.
很強的現實針對性 highly relevant to our times
如果把青山喻為世界經濟穩定性,薄霧喻為不確定性,咬定青山不放鬆,就能用穩定性戰勝不確定性。If the hills represent stability of the global economy and the mist uncertainty, then stability will prevail over uncertainty as long as we harden our resolve and make relentless efforts.
刷手機 swipe ones phones
別有用心 harbor ulterior motives
開放、包容、合作、共贏的金磚精神 the BRICS spirit of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation
中國人民抗日戰爭 Chinese Peoples War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
日本無條件投降 unconditional surrender of Japan
為合作繪製藍圖 chart a blueprint for cooperation
農業富餘勞動力 rural surplus labor
殘疾人 people with disabilities
城鎮困難人員 vulnerable urban residents
沒有比較充分的就業,就談不上包容性增長,增加收入、創造社會財富也就成了無本之木。Without relatively full employment, inclusive growth would not be possible, and there would be no solid foundation for generating greater income and wealth. 。
興趣班 interest-oriented class
藝術特長 artistic talent
共享汽車 shared cars
啟動一級應急響應預案 activate level-I emergency response procedures;
7.0級地震 7.0-magnitude earthquake
故意炒作 deliberately hype up
講求效率、注重公平的制度安排 institutional arrangements incentivizing efficiency and equity
在國際多邊規則下,要一視同仁,不宜將單邊規則強加於人,而是要尋求多贏。All countries should be treated equally under international and multilateral rules. Imposing unilateral rules on others is much less advisable than pursuing all-win outcomes.
一項前無古人的開創性事業 a pioneering initiative that has no precedent to follow
本著彼此包容、守望相助的初心 stay true to our commitment to inclusiveness and mutual assistance
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