


To conclude, ES and Solr have more or less feature-parity and from a feature standpoint, theres rarely one reason to go one way or the other (unless your app lives/breathes JSON). Performance-wise, they are also likely to be quite similar (Im sure there are exceptions to the rule. ES relatively new autocomplete implementation, for example, is a pretty dramatic departure from previous Lucene/Solr implementations, and I suspect it produces faster responses at scale).

ES does offer less friction from the get-go and you feel like you have something working much quicker, but I find this to be illusory. Any time gained in this stage is lost when figuring out how to properly configure ES because of poor documentation - an inevitablity when you have a non-trivial application.

Solr encourages you to understand a little more about what youre doing, and the chance of you shooting yourself in the foot is somewhat lower, mainly because youre forced to read and modify the 2 well-documented XML config files in order to have a working search app.

ES has been gradually distinguishing itself from Solr when it comes to data analytics. I think its fair to attribute this to the immense traction of the ELK stack in the logging, monitoring and analytic space. My guess is that this is where Elastic (the company) gets the majority of its revenue, so it makes perfect sense that ES (the product) reflects this.

We see this manifesting primarily in the form of aggregations, which is a more flexible and nuanced replacement for facets. Read more about aggregations here: Migrating to aggregations

Aggregations have been out for a while now (since 1.4), but with the recently released ES 2.0 comes pipeline aggregations, which let you compute aggregations such as derivatives, moving averages, and series arithmetic on the results of other aggregations. Very cool stuff, and Solr simply doesnt have an equivalent. More on pipeline aggregations here: Out of this world aggregations

If youre currently using or contemplating using Solr in an analytics app, it is worth your while to look into ES aggregation features to see if you need any of it.


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