
The One With The Flashback

Written by: Marta Kauffman & David Cranenn306 時光倒轉,昔日重現
















喬伊和莫妮卡, 莫妮卡和錢德,錢德和瑞秋,羅斯和菲比。

[Note: Rachel has two friends that are not named, so I referred to them asnFriend No. 1 and Friend No. 2.]nn[Scene: Central Perk, the whole gang is there including Janice.]nnJanice: Janice has a question. Who of the six of you has sleep with the six of you?nnPhoebe: Wow, it』s like a dirty math problem.

dirty adj.下流的,卑鄙的/Phoebe: Wow, it』s like a dirty math problem.其中的dirty,指的是「黃色的,下流的」意思。比如黃色笑話(dirty jokes),黃色書刊( dirty books),比其他erotic等詞要通俗得多。

Ross: I』m sorry the answer there would be...none of us.nnJanice: Come on over the years none of you ever yknow, got drunk and stupid.nnJoey: Well, that』s really a different question.nnJanice: I』m sorry I find it hard to believe that a group of people who spends as much time together as you guys do has never bumped uglies.

bump ugly v.<俚>=have sex/I』m sorry I find it hard to believe that a group of people whonspends as much time together as you guys do has never bumped uglies: bump uglies means to have sexual intercourse(n.交往;交流) indiscriminately(adv.不分皂白的;不加選擇的)[discriminate v.歧視,區別,區別對待], with no concern for the aesthetic qualities(n.感官質量)[aesthetic adj.美學的] of the partner

Joey: Well, there was that one time that Monica and Rachel got together.nnMonica and Rachel: What?!!nnnRachel: Excuse me, there was no time!nnJoey: Okay, but let』s say there was. How might that go?nnJanice: Okay, okay, well then answer me this. Has any of you ever.... almost?nnRachel: Does anybody need more coffee?nnRoss: Yeah, I』ll take some.nnJoey: Hey, there』s a dog out there!


[Scene: Monica and Phoebe』s, three years earlier, Phoebe, Monica, and Ross arenthere]n

Phoebe: Oh, that is so unfortunate.nnRoss: What?nnPhoebe: Cute naked guy is really starting to put on weight.

Phoebe: Cute naked guy is really starting to put on weight. 「Put on weight」, 就是「長胖」。語言就是越簡單越好,主要表達出意思就夠了。BTW,「保持身材勻稱」就是keep fit。

Monica: (entering from bedroom) Okay, I』ll be back in just a minute. Oh, Phoebe I』m sorry that I left lipstick marks on the phone.

Phoebe: You didn』t leave lipstick marks on the phone.nnMonica: Oh, then it must』ve been you. Bye. (leaves)nnPhoebe: (angrily) Bye-bye! (to Ross) That』s why I moved out.nnRoss: Hey, yknow while we』re on that, when are you gonna tell my sister that you don』t live here anymore.

while we』re on that說到這件事

Phoebe: I think on some levels she already knows.nnRoss: Phoebe, she doesn』t know that you sneak out every night, she doesn』t know that you sneak back every morning, and she doesn』t know that you』ve been living with your Grandmother』s for a week now.

sneak out偷偷溜走,漸隱, 淡出 Phoebe: Okay, well maybe not on those levels.

Chandler: (entering, with a goatee) Hey.nnRoss: Hey.nnChandler: I』m never gonna find a roommate, ever.nnPhoebe: Why, nobody good?nnChandler: Well let』s see, there was the guy with the ferrets, that』s plural. The spitter.nOh-ho, and yes, the guy that enjoyed my name so much he felt the need to make anlittle noise every time he said it. Nice to meet you, Chandler Bing Bing!nGreat apartment Chandler Bing, Bing!

ferret n.雪貂/plural adj.由兩個以上的人(或物)組成的;多元的/spitter n.吐唾沫的人 Ross: So how many more do you have tomorrow?

Chandler: Two. This photographer, who seemed really dull. And this actor guy, who I』m notnsure about, because when he called and I answered the phone 「Chandler Bing」hensaid 「whoa-whoa, short message!」

dull adj.感覺或理解遲鈍的,無趣的

Monica: (entering) Ross (who has his foot on the coffee table), foot on the floor or come over no more!

Ross: (to Phoebe) Sure, your dresser is missing but this she notices.

dresser n.梳妝台

Monica: What?n

Ross: I have to go. Yeah, Carol should be home by now, soo...nnChandler: Umm, how』s it going with you guys?nnRoss: Oh, better, actually. Yknow I-I-I think I finally figured out why we were having so much trouble lately.nnPhoebe: Oh, really?nnRoss: Yeah, yknow how I have you guys, well she doesn』t really have any close friends that are just hers, but last week she meet this woman at the gym, Susan something, and they really hit it off, and I-I-I think it』s gonna make a difference

hit it off v.合得來/hit it off means to get along well together

n[Scene: Chandler』s, Chandler is interviewing a potential roommate.]nnChandler: Soo, ah, Eric, what kind of photography do ya do?nnEric: Oh, mostly fashion, so there may be models here from time to time, I hope that』s cool.

from time to time有時,時不時

Chandler: Yes, that is cool. Because I have models here yknow......never.nnEric: Oh, yeah, during the summer, I spend most weekends at my sister』s beach house, which you are welcome to use by the way. Although, I should probably tell you, she』s a porn star. (Chandler breaks his pencil in half)

beach house n.海濱別墅/porn star n.色情女明星

Chandler: Well, listen I ah, still have one more person to ah meet, but unless it turns out to be your sister, I think you』re chances are pretty good. (Eric offers to shake hands) All right. (Chandler hugs him.)nn[Scene: Chandler』s, Chandler is interviewing Joey.]n

Chandler: (running around the apartment pointing out things) Bedroom. Bathroom. Livingnroom. This right here is the kitchen, and thanks for coming by, (opens door) Bye-bye.nnJoey: Don』t you ah, don』t you wanna ask me any questions?nnChandler: Sure. Ummm. What』s up?n nJoey: Well, ah, I』m an actor. I』m fairly neat. I ah, I got my own TV. Oh, and don』t worry I』m totally okay with the gay thing.nnChandler: What gay thing?

Joey: Ah, yknow just in general people being gay, thing. I』m totally cool with that.

in general通常,大體上, 一般而言

n[Scene: the hallway, Monica is coming up the stairs.]nnnChandler: Well okay Jerry, thanks for stopping by.nn(Joey is leaving and notices Monica, as Monica notices him)nnMonica: Hi.nnJoey: Hey!nn(Joey leaves and Monica mouths to Chandler 「oh my God!」nn[Scene: A bar, Chandler is entering.]n

Chandler: Hey, Mon.nnMonica: Hey-hey-hey. You wanna hear something that sucks.

Chandler: Do I ever我聽多了.nn Monica: Chris says they』re closing down the bar.nnChandler: No way!nnMonica: Yeah, apparently they』re turning it into some kinda coffee place.nnChandler: Just coffee! Where are we gonna hang out now?nnMonica: Got me誰知道啊.nnChandler: (to bartender) Can I get a beer.

bartender n.酒吧間銷售酒精飲料的人, 酒吧間男招待

Monica: Hey, did you pick a roommate?nnChandler: You betcha!

You betcha(=bet you)沒錯,當然, 真的, 的確

Monica: Is it the Italian guy?nnChandler: Um-mm, yeah right!nnMonica: He』s so cute.nnChandler: Oh yes, and that』s what I want a roommate that I can walk around with呆在一起 and be referred to as the funny one.

be referred to 被談到

Monica: Oh look, the pool table』s free. Rack 『em up. I』ll be back in just a minute. Getnready for me to whip your butt.

pool table n.有六個落袋的撞球檯/rack vt.放在架上/whip butt抽打屁股to痛宰你/Oh look, the pool table』s free. Rack』em up. I』ll be back in just a minute. Get ready for me to whip your butt: rack up means arranging billiard(adj.撞球的) or pool balls at the start of a game by using a triangular(adj.三角形的) frame

Chandler: Okay, but after that, we』re shooting some pool.

pool n.撞球

Rachel: (sitting at a table with some of her friends) (to waitress) Oh, um, no, no, no, no excuse me, hello. Hi. My friend ordered an onion, not an olive, and uh I ordered a rum and Diet Coke, which I don』t think this is.

onion n.洋蔥/olive n.橄欖葉/rum n.浪姆酒(用甘蔗或糖蜜等釀製的一種甜酒)/Diet: 就是現在的健怡可樂和輕怡可樂。是低熱量的可樂,用甜味劑替代糖。/Rum: is an alcoholic liquor distilled from fermented(adj.發酵的) molasses(n.<美>糖蜜)or sugar cane(n.甘蔗). Usually, it is used to make cocktails.

nWaitress: I am so sorry.nnRachel: That』s all right. (to her friends) I mean how hard is it to get a couple drinks right, huh?nnFriend No. 1: Well, I would like to propose a toast to the woman, who in one year from today, become Mrs. Dr. Barry Farber DDSnnRachel: Ummm, I think it』s time to see the ring again. (holds her hand out and they all scream)nnFriend No. 2: Oh, isn』t it exciting, I mean it』s like having a boyfriend for life.nnRachel: Yeah, I know.nnFriend No. 1: What?nnRachel: Oh, I don』t know. Well maybe it』s just the idea of Barry for the rest of my life. I don』t know I think I feel like I need to have one last fling, yknow, just to sorta get it out of my system. (Chandler is listening in very intensely)

fling n. 一時的放縱/intensely adv.激烈地,熱情地/fling:a short and not very serious sexual relationship

Friend No. 1: Rachel stop!nnFriend No. 2: You』re so bad!nnRachel: I』m serious, I really, I think I need just to have some...meaningless, sex yknow, with the next guy that I see.nn(Chandler throws the cue ball under there table.)

cue n.暗示, 提示, 球杆/cue ball n.(撞球)母球(以球杆擊打的白色球)/(Chandler throws then cue ball under their table.): cue ball is the ball a player strikes with the cue in billiards and pool

Chandler: Excuse, I seem to have dropped my ball.

Rachel: Yeah, so?nnChandler: (picks it up) And now I』ve picked it up again. (walks over to Monica.)nnMonica: Oh my God, I went to high school with her. (to Rachel) Rachel! Hi!nnRachel: Monica! Look! Hi! What do ya think? (shows her, her ring)nnMonica: Oh my God, you can』t even see where the Titanic hit it.nnRachel: Yes, his name is Barry, he』s a doctor, thank you very much.nnMonica: Awww, just like you always wanted. CongratulationsnnRachel: Thank you. So how-how about you, are-are you seeing anybody?nnMonica: Aww, not right now.nnRachel: Oh, but that』s okay.nnMonica: I know.nnRachel: Yeah.n

(An awkward silence)nnMonica: So, I』ll get-get back to my friend.nnRachel: Oh, yeah, sure, sure, sure, sure. (points at Chandler, who holds up the cue ball as a 「remember me?」thing) Listen, can we please have lunch the next time I』m in the city?nnMonica: Oh, that』d be great.nnRachel: Okay!nnMonica: Thanks.nnRachel: Bye!nnMonica: Bye! (to Chandler) Ten bucks says, I never see that woman again in my life.nn[Scene: Monica and Phoebe』s, Ross is on the phone, as Phoebe is walking byncarrying a lamp.]nnRoss: No real-, honey, really it』s fine, just g-go with Susan. Really,nI, no, I think girls night out is a great idea. Okay, okay, byennPhoebe: So what are they doing?nnRoss: I don』t know, something girlie.

something girlie n.(對少女的呢稱)妮, 姑娘, <俚>娼妓

Phoebe: (to Monica, who』s entering) Hey, you』re early.nnMonica: What are you doing with the lamp?nnPhoebe: I』m just taking it to be re-wired.nnMonica: Oh, well don』t take it to the same place you took the stereo, 『cause they』ve had that thing for over a week.nn(There is a knock on the door, Phoebe answers it, its Mr. Heckles)n

Phoebe: No, no, Mr. Heckles no one is making any noise up here.nnMr. Heckles: You』re disturbing my oboe practice.

oboe n.[樂]雙簧管/You』re disturbing my oboe practice:a double-reed(adj.雙簧的) woodwind(n.木管樂器)instrument having a conical tube(n.圓錐管), a brilliant penetrating(adj.尖銳的;響亮的) tone, and a usual range from B flat below middle C upward for over 2 1/2 octaves(n.八度音節)

Phoebe: You don』t play the oboe!nnMr. Heckles: I could play the oboe!nnPhoebe: Then I』m gonna have to ask you to keep it down. (slams the door in his face.)nn(in the hallway, Eric is moving in)nnMr. Heckles: (to Eric) Who are you?nnEric: Hi, I』m Eric, I』m gonna be Chandler』s new roommate.nnMr. Heckles: I』m Chandler』s new roommate.nnEric: I-I-I don』t think so.nnMr. Heckles: I could be Chandler』s new roommate.nnEric: But, he told me over the phone.nnMr. Heckles: He told me in person.

in person:In ones physical presence; personally

Eric: That』s weird.nnMr. Heckles: Well, I』m going to go into my new apartment now. (goes over to the door and opens it) Ehh! (Eric leaves)nn(inside Chandler』s apartment, Chandler is coming in from his bedroom, sees Mr. Heckles, and screams.)nn[Scene: the hallway, Joey is moving in, Monica is leaving.]nMonica: Hi, again.

Joey: Hey! (goes into the apartment)nnChandler: (leaving to go to work) Hey!nnMonica: Thank you soo, much.nnChandler: Oh, don』t thank me, thank the jerk that never showed up. Okay, I gotta get tonwork.nn(Joey comes back into the hallway and starts to pick up a heavy box)nnMonica: You want some help with that?nnJoey: Oh, no thanks, I got it. (picks it up) No I don』t!nnMonica: Whoa! Are you okay?nnJoey: Whew! Stood up too fast, got a little head rush.

head rush n.頭暈

Monica: It』s the heat. (has her hand on his chest, and then pulls it away) And-and the umidity.

humidity n.濕氣, 潮濕, 濕度

Joey: That』s a uh, that』s a tough combination.nnMonica: Do you wanna come in for some lemonade?nnJoey: Like you wouldn』t believe想得不得了. (they go into the apartment) Wow! This is angreat place.nnMonica: Thank you. Just make yourself comfortable.nnJoey: Gotcha.nnMonica: This place is really my Grandmother』s. (Joey starts to take off all of his clothes, while Monica gets the glasses and pours the lemonade.) I got it from her when she moved to Florida, otherwise I could never afford a place like this. So if the landlord ever asks, I』m 87 year old woman, who』s afraid of her VCR. So are you thirsty?

VCR Cassette Recorder錄象機

Joey: Oh, you bet I am!

You bet[俗]當然, 真的, 的確

Monica: (turning around) Okay, here』s your penis!


[Scene: continued from earlier.]nnMonica: Oh my God!!! What are you doing?!!n

Joey: You said, you wanna come in for some lemonade?nnMonica: So?!nnJoey: Whoa, ah!! We』re you just gonna give me some lemonade?nnMonica: Yeah huh!! Cover yourself up!

cover up v.掩蓋

Joey: Oh right, right.nnMonica: I don』t believe this! When someone asks you in for lemonade, and to you that means they wanna have sex?

Joey: Well usually...yeah! Well, not just lemonade, iced tea, sometimes juice. Well, sorry, I just, I thought you liked me. I』m such a jerk.nnMonica: It』s okay. I suppose it could happen to anyone, not anyone I know, but... By the way I can still see it.nn[Scene: Monica and Phoebe』s, Monica is vacuuming.]nnMonica: Pheebs?nnPhoebe: Huh?nnMonica: Where』s your bed?nnPhoebe: It』s not in the apartment? (Monica gives a 「come on」 look) Oh no. I can』t believe this is happening again.nnMonica: What?nnPhoebe: Okay, enough with the third degree! I-I』ve, I don』t live here anymore.

the third degree n.嚴刑逼供, 拷問/Okay, enough with the third degree! I-I』ve, I don』t live here anymore: third degree ,a slang ,which means any intense questioning

Monica: What are you talking about?nnPhoebe: I』m sorry, I-I-I-I don』t live here anymore. I-I didn』t know how to tell you, but yknow everybody else knows!nnMonica: Everybody knows!nnPhoebe: That was supposed to be a good thing, I forget why. Just listen, Monica, I, do you know, okay, do you know, I couldn』t sleep for like a month because I got like a dot of ink on one of the sofa cushions. nnMonica: Well, you-you coulda just turned the cushion over.

turn over v.翻轉

Phoebe: Yeah, I would』ve except I had a big spaghetti stain on the other side.

stain n. 污點, 瑕疵

Monica: What?!?!nnPhoebe: Okay, this is what I』m talking about, this. I-I need to live in a land where people can spill.n

Monica: You can spill. In the sink.nnPhoebe: Aw, honey it』s not your fault, yknow this is who you are, and I love you, and I want us to be friends, and if I keep living here I don』t see that happening.nnMonica: I love you, too. nnPhoebe: Aww, good. (they hug) What?nnMonica: What? I』m just said.nnPhoebe: No you』re not, you』re wondering which cushion it is.nn[Scene: Chandler and Joeys, (now) Joey is watching Baywatch, as Chandler enters from his bedroom.]nnChandler: So ah, whatcha watching?nnJoey: Baywatch.

Chandler: What』s it about?nnJoey: Lifeguards.

lifeguard n.救生員

Chandler: Well, it sounds kinda stupid... (looks at the TV) Who』s she?nnJoey: Nicole Eggert. Youll like her.

Nicole Eggert:喬伊剛搬到錢德勒的公寓,喬伊在看《護灘使者/海灘遊俠》。錢德勒一開始不屑,但漸漸就被吸引。他問喬伊,屏幕上的美女是誰。喬伊回答:「妮可爾·埃格特。你會喜歡她的。」埃格特是美國名模,曾主演過《終極殲滅者(Demolitionist)》等電影。

(Baywatch goes into one of those running scenes.)nnChandler: Wow! Look at them run.nnJoey: They do that a lot. Hey, you want a beer?nnChandler: Yeah, I』ll go get one.nnJoey: No, no, no, don』t get up, I got a cooler right here.

cooler n.冷卻器

n[Scene: Monica』s, Monica is coming out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel, as Chandler is entering.]nChandler: Well, hello!nnMonica: Hey.nnChandler: Do you have any beers? We』re out of beers.nnMonica: (all depressed) Help yourself.nn Chandler: You okay?nnMonica: Phoebe moved out.nnChandler: Right.nnMonica: I don』t understand, I mean am I so hard to live, is this why I don』t have a boyfriend?nnChandler: Noo!! You don』t have a boyfriend because....I don』t, I don』t know why you don』tnhave a boyfriend. You should have a boyfriend.nnMonica: Well, I think so.nnChandler: Oh-ho, come here. (goes and hugs her) Listen, you are one of my favourite people and the most beautiful woman I』ve ever known in realnlife.nn[Scene: the bar, Ross is entering, Phoebe is at the bar, they are the only two in the place.]nnRoss: (all depressed) Hi. Where is everybody?nnPhoebe: Oh, it』s already closed, Chris gave me the keys to lock up -what is wrong?nnRoss: My marriage, I think my marriage is um, is kinda over.nnPhoebe: Oh no! Why?nnRoss: 『Cause Carol』s a lesbian. (Phoebe is shocked) And, and I』m not one. And apparently it』s not a mix and match situation.

mix and match v.混合搭配/「mix an match」 意思是「混合匹配」,在IT業中用得較多,這裡用得非常好,意思carol是lesbian,而ross又不是,沒法匹配。/『Cause Carol』s a lesbian. (Phoeben is shocked) And, and I』m not one. And apparently it』s not a mix and match situation: made up of complementary(adj.補充的) elements taken from different sets or sources

Phoebe: Oh my God! I don』t believe it! Oh, you poor bunny.

Ross: (sets out a bunch of shot glasses and starts to poor himself a drink, many drinks) I』m an idiot. I mean shoulda seen it, I mean Carol and I』d be out and she』d, she』d see some beautiful woman, and, and she』d be Ross yknow look at her, and I』d think, God, my wife is cool! set out v.陳列/shot glass n.(能夠一飲而盡的)小酒杯

Phoebe: Aw! Hey, do you think that Susan person is her lover?nnRoss: Well, now I do!!nnPhoebe: I』m sorry.nnRoss: Seven years. I mean we』ve been together seven years, she』s the only woman who』s ever loved me, and the only woman I』ve-I』ve ever....nPhoebe: Aw, God Ross. Oh.(goes over and hugs him)nn[Scene: Monica』s, Chandler and Monica are still hugging each other.]nnChandler: Umm, this is nice.nnMonica: I know, it is isn』t it?nnChandler: No, I mean it, this feels really good. Is it a hundred percent cotton?nnMonica: Yeah! And I got it on sale, too.nnChandler: Anyway, I should go, one of the lifeguards was just about to dismantle a nuclear device.

dismantle v.拆除/nuclear device n.核裝置

Monica: Well, if you wanna get a drink later we can.nnChandler: Oh yeah, that sounds great. (starts to leave) Oh, and listen, it』s, it』s gonnanbe....nnMonica: I know. Thanks. (Chandler leaves)nn[Scene: the bar, Phoebe is still hugging Ross.]nnRoss: Maybe this would』ve happened if I』d been more nurturing, or I』d paid more attention, or I... had a uterus. I can』t believe this!

nurturing adj.有教養的,有深度的/uterus n.子宮

Phoebe: I know no, no, yknow you don』t deserve this, you don』t Ross. You』re, you』re really, you』re so good. (kisses him on the cheek)nnRoss: Thanks.nnPhoebe: And you』re so sweet. (kisses him on the other cheek) And you』re kind (kisses him on the lips)n

Ross: Thanks. (kisses her on the lips)nnn(They pause, and they the start kissing passionately, and taking off each others clothes, and they start to lie down on the pool table.)nnRoss: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.nnPhoebe: Huh?nn(Ross tries to clear off the pool table by knocking the balls to the other end of the table, but they all bounce back, and he frantically starts to throw them into the pockets.)

frantically adv.狂暴地,瘋狂似地

Phoebe: Okay, it』s okay.nn(Phoebe jumps on to the table and lays down, Ross follows her and hits his head on the light hanging over the pool table.)nnPhoebe: Oh. (they start kissing again)nnRoss: Wait, wait, wait.nnPhoebe: What?nnRoss: My foot is stuck in the pocket.nnPhoebe: What?nnRoss: No, I can』t get it out.nnPhoebe: Well, that』s not something a girl wants to hear.nnRoss: No, come on don』t start. (they start kissing again) Ouch!nnPhoebe: What?nnRoss: Stupid balls are in the way. (holds up two balls)

be in the way妨礙

(They both look at each other and start laughing and sit up. Ross hits his head on the lampnagain.)nnRoss: Oh well. It probably would』ve been the most constructive solution.

Oh well. It probably would』ve been the most constructive solution: Serving to improve ornadvance, helpful

Phoebe: You have chalk on your face.nnRoss: Huh? (the rest of the gang enters)nnPhoebe: Oh, Ross you』re right, I don』t know why I always thought this was real grass.n

Monica: Hey, are you okay?nnRoss: My wife』s a lesbian.nnJoey: Cool!!nnChandler: Ross-Joey, Joey-Ross. (they shake hands)nnRoss: Hi.


[Scene: the bar, Chandler is playing pool, as Rachel enters.]nnChandler: I can』t believe you came back.nnRachel: Don』t say anything. I don』t wanna speak, I don』t wanna think. I just want you to take me and kiss me and make love to me right here, right now.nn(She hits the jukebox Fonzy style, and It』s That Time of Season starts to play, as they start to kiss.)

jukebox n.自動唱片點唱機

Friend No. 2: Rachel! Rachel! (stirs Rachel from her dream, she』s in her car driving back from the city)

stir v.激起

Rachel: What?nnFriend No. 2: You missed the exit!

Friend No. 2: You missed the exit! 「Exit」 和307 中的 「off ramp」 一樣,也是 下匝道 意思。上匝道是什麼? On ramp。高速路中超車道可以說 「over-take way」。/You missed the exit: any of the marked ramps(n.斜坡;坡道) or spurs(v. 疾馳) providing egress(n.出口) from a highway

Rachel: Oh, sorry.nnFriend No. 1: My God, what were you thinking about?nnRachel: Um, (shyly) Barry.

shyly adv.害羞地;膽怯地

Her Friends: Awwww!!



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