





波特 (Potter)是一個古老的巫師家族的姓氏。他們曾經是純血統家族,但自從詹姆斯·波特娶麻瓜出身女巫莉莉·伊萬斯為妻後,這個家族就誕生了混血的成員:哈利·詹姆斯·波特。





斯廷奇庫姆的林弗雷德 (Linfred of Stinchcombe)是一個生活在12世紀的巫師,綽號是閑人兒 (the Potterer)。他是個藥劑師先驅,發明的許多魔葯經過演變之後一直使用到了今天。他被視為是波特家族的奠基人。





Hardwin Potter是斯廷奇庫姆的林弗雷德的大兒子。他的父親逝世後,他和自己的弟弟妹妹一樣,繼承了一筆數目可觀的金子。




Ralston Potter是1612年至1652年間的威森加摩成員。他是《國際巫師聯合會保密法》的堅定支持者,與那些希望向麻瓜宣戰的激進同行們截然不同。


Abraham Potter是一個美國巫師,也是美國魔法國會最初招募的十二個傲羅之一。直到幾個世紀後,熱心的系譜學家才揭開了亞伯罕·波特與著名的哈利·波特之間的遠親關係。


Charlus Potter是一個巫師,也是波特家族的成員。他的妻子是多瑞婭·布萊克,兩人有一個兒子。

「Charlus 」這個名字可以回溯到「Charles」,源於日耳曼語的「karl 」或「hari」,意思是「男人」或「軍人、戰士」。

「Potter」是英格蘭一個很常見的姓。這個姓傳統上來自於制陶 (pottery)的職業。比阿特麗克斯·波特是一個英國童書作家與插畫家。在英文中,「Potters Field」指的是不知名者,特別是士兵或者孤兒的墓地。波特一家的許多成員符合這一描述。波特圖式是哈佛大學設計的一種道德推理模型。J.K.羅琳曾提到她從小時候就喜歡這個姓,因為住在她家附近的一個家庭就姓這個。

不過,J.K.羅琳指出魔法世界中的波特家族的姓氏來歷與上面無關,他們的祖先是外號是「閑人兒」 (the Potterer)的斯廷奇庫姆的林弗雷德,這個外號在經過演變後成為了現在的姓氏。

  • 曾有猜測認為詹姆·波特的父母是出現在布萊克家譜中的查勒斯·波特和多瑞婭·布萊克,因為J.K.羅琳曾提到詹姆的父母是老來得子,而如果詹姆是多瑞婭·布萊克的兒子,那麼他在出生時母親已經40歲。但羅琳最新的寫作信息否定了這一點。


(Henry Potter)是一個純血統巫師,在1913年至1921年間曾為威森加摩服務。他的家人和密友也把他稱為哈利 (Harry)。亨利是弗利蒙·波特的父親、詹姆·波特的祖父,也是哈利·波特的曾祖父。



  • 詹姆和莉莉·波特給兒子取名哈利,可能與他有關。


Fleamont Potter是一位純血巫師,也曾是霍格沃茨魔法學校格蘭芬多學院的學生。他是亨利·波特的兒子、詹姆斯·波特的父親,也是哈利·波特的爺爺。






弗利蒙與尤菲米婭·波特Euphemia Potter結了婚。儘管家裡非常富有,但他們一直沒能要一個孩子。就在步入中老年的他們幾乎放棄希望的時候,尤菲米婭懷孕了。1960年3月27日,他們的兒子詹姆斯出生。由於是老來得子,並且又是唯一的孩子,因此詹姆斯一直備受寵愛。1976年左右,弗利蒙和妻子在假期收留了離開格里莫廣場12號的小天狼星·布萊克。他那時16歲,因無法忍受布萊克家族而離家出走。







  • 曾有一種關於詹姆斯·波特父母的猜測是其父親為查勒斯·波特,母親為多瑞婭·布萊克。他們出現在羅琳繪製的布萊克家譜上並有一個兒子。但J.K.羅琳在Pottermore上給出的信息否認了這一點。



James與Jacob起源於相同的希伯來名字,意為「抓住」(在創世記的敘述中,雅各 (Jacob)在出生時緊抓以掃 (Esau)的腳後跟,後來還向他換取長子名分)。這個名字出於希伯來語???? (Ya?aqov),在新約希臘文中變為??κωβο? (Iakōbos),在拉丁語中變為Iacobus,後期拉丁語右邊為Iacomus,再在法語中變形後進入英語,成為現在的樣子。

pottermore英文(@馬徐駿 求翻譯):

The Potter family is a very old one, but it was never (until the birth of Harry James Potter) at the very forefront of wizarding history, contenting itself with a solid and comfortable existence in the backwaters.

Potter is a not uncommon Muggle surname, and the family did not make the so-called 『Sacred Twenty-Eight』 for this reason; the anonymous compiler of that supposedly definitive list of pure-bloods suspected that they had sprung from what he considered to be tainted blood. The wizarding Potter family had illustrious beginnings, however, some of which was hinted at in Deathly Hallows.

In the Muggle world 『Potter』 is an occupational surname, meaning a man who creates pottery. The wizarding family of Potters descends from the twelfth-century wizard Linfred of Stinchcombe, a locally well-beloved and eccentric man, whose nickname, 『the Potterer』, became corrupted in time to 『Potter』. Linfred was a vague and absent-minded fellow whose Muggle neighbours often called upon his medicinal services. None of them realised that Linfred』s wonderful cures for pox and ague were magical; they all thought him a harmless and lovable old chap, pottering about in his garden with all his funny plants. His reputation as a well-meaning eccentric served Linfred well, for behind closed doors he was able to continue the series of experiments that laid the foundation of the Potter family』s fortune. Historians credit Linfred as the originator of a number of remedies that evolved into potions still used to this day, including Skele-gro and Pepperup Potion. His sales of such cures to fellow witches and wizards enabled him to leave a significant pile of gold to each of his seven children upon his death.

Linfred』s eldest son, Hardwin, married a beautiful young witch by the name of Iolanthe Peverell, who came from the village of Godric』s Hollow. She was the granddaughter of Ignotus Peverell. In the absence of male heirs, she, the eldest of her generation, had inherited her grandfather』s invisibility cloak. It was, Iolanthe explained to Hardwin, a tradition in her family that the possession of this cloak remained a secret, and her new husband respected her wishes. From this time on, the cloak was handed down to the eldest in each new generation.

The Potters continued to marry their neighbours, occasionally Muggles, and to live in the West of England, for several generations, each one adding to the family coffers by their hard work and, it must be said, by the quiet brand of ingenuity that had characterised their forebear, Linfred.

Occasionally, a Potter made it all the way to London, and a member of the family has twice sat on the Wizengamot: Ralston Potter, who was a member from 1612-1652, and who was a great supporter of the Statute of Secrecy (as opposed to declaring war on the Muggles, as more militant members wished to do) and Henry Potter (Harry to his intimates), who was a direct descendant of Hardwin and Iolanthe, and served on the Wizengamot from 1913 - 1921. Henry caused a minor stir when he publicly condemned then Minister for Magic, Archer Evermonde, who had forbidden the magical community to help Muggles waging the First World War. His outspokenness on the behalf of the Muggle community was also a strong contributing factor in the family』s exclusion from the 『Sacred Twenty-Eight』.

Henry』s son was called Fleamont Potter. Fleamont was so called because it was the dying wish of Henry』s mother that he perpetuate her maiden name, which would otherwise die out. He bore the burden remarkably well; indeed, he always attributed his dexterity at duelling to the number of times he had to fight people at Hogwarts after they had made fun of his name. It was Fleamont who took the family gold and quadrupled it, by creating magical Sleekeazy』s Hair Potion ( 『two drops tames even the most bothersome barnet』 ). He sold the company at a vast profit when he retired, but no amount of riches could compensate him or his wife Euphemia for their childlessness. They had quite given up hope of a son or daughter when, to their shock and surprise, Euphemia found that she was pregnant and their beloved boy, James, was born.

Fleamont and Euphemia lived long enough to see James marry a Muggle-born girl called Lily Evans, but not to meet their grandson, Harry. Dragon pox carried them off within days of each other, due to their advanced age, and James Potter then inherited Ignotus Peverell』s Invisibility Cloak.


【HP同人】《燃情歲月2》第十四回 布痕瓦爾德的女巫
【HP同人】《燃情歲月2》第三十一回 預言家的夢魘
【HP同人】《燃情歲月2》第二十八回 歸來與別離
【HP原著人物評析】珀西·伊格內修斯·韋斯萊Percy Ignatius Weasley

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