How can a website show up at the top on Google?

歡迎大家關注我的QUORA:Max Gou

Even though i have been doing google seo just 2 months, i can still say ,that』s too easy for me.But before i answer the question ,don』t you think that your question is so broad?

I am not criticizing you.But this kind of question only offers the chances for someone who wants to show their own site or their own business.

See,my friend.When you check out the answers,don』t you realize that quora could be a very good platform to show your personal ideas and earn money.The answers can include backlinks as well. As a blogger or the owner of a website.The daily work is to think about how to publish your website into different high quality platforms.People who read those answers or stories,they have huge interests in their websites .So,quora is quite a good place to publish your backlinks.

It』s not criticism i just want to tell you,that maybe you have viewd thousands of answers but why don』t you still realize it?My English is not that good as well,cause my main job is making money online in China.Yes,i am a millionaire.Maybe someday if my English improves faster,i will make a personal SEO site to earn some fees of SEO program systeam.

Before we talk about google,we can analyze the quora.Actually,quora have many similar issues with google.They are both seraching engine.

The only difference is ,quora will publish the feeds if you focus on the different topics.

But that』s not what i want to mention about today.Today,i want to talk about the most important part of SEO.The user behavior.I don』t mean to show how China』s online product』s advancement,maybe in later answers you will know gradually.

We just talk about online business in the U.S.

Okay,first,we can check some detials from quora.

This guy,Mary Kosmo.He is the second popular guy in the topic [ Affiliate Marketing].You can see that in many topics there are lots of guys whose answers are fulling of views but lacking of followers.

This guy has 192.6k views but only 86 people follow him .Is that his problem?No.The most possible answer is the users』s behaviors ,it costs lots for those users to focus on someone.

What does that mean?

It means that in today』s U.S online markets,those users are still in a very basic way to enter in a blog . So, i think you really don』t need to publish your website in the first of google.

Go back to google.What cause the traffics of a website?-The keywords.If a website wants to get some traffics,it must have different keywords which have certain positions that can take users into.

Yes,that sounds easy,but in fact.Many beginners who build their website but still lose their mind.Cause many teachers say if you want to earn money through your website in google,you have to bare a 3–month 「sandbox」 period in google.But unfortunately many people can not bare 3-month horrible time.Every end of the month,when they check out the bill of their server,they fell sad.

I can tell you a secret data:I excaped the 「sandbox」just one week.Yes,just one week.

How do i do that?There are two rules.For many blogger.Their first blog is for personal.You can imagine one thing:Whether you use your site to earn money or just for fun?

Those users who are tired of reading your personal stories as well expect you are wring the stories of how to earn money or other funny part.

So,i have 3 easy advice for you to improve your website.

1.Make a very accurate location for your users.I have seen too many messy websites which include almost everything but not accurate at all.

Why i can give such advice.You can go back to my upper words.For example,in today』s U.S online Marketing.Many user』s behaviors are still originals.They used to accept the information but not have complicated behaviors like focusing someone.See the huge different datas between followers and the views,don』t you realize it yet?

2.Base on the behaviors,try to find out those accurate interests people』s places.For instance,if you have a online-kitchen gear』s site.Where you have too add in?The Facebook group which includes many mothers and the forum which includes many mothers ,etc.Don』t know where to find?Use google.If you want to get a good rank in google.You have to be an expert in searching.Try to combine different 「long-tail 」keywords and then you can find out how to find those people.And then,publish your website』s domain.(It』s publishing backlinks,isn』t it?)

3.Serching engine wants their users to search,but not to give the place to you.

How can the google earn money?The answer is quite the same with how can the baidu earn money.I think whatever in google official or in some other experts.They always say one thing:Making good contents is the best way to get a good rank in google.I totally agree with that.But if you believe it ,i think you will get into the trap with google.Why do they suggest you to make contents?Because they want to give their users a much more powerful results after they typed their keywords.If the google is useful,then the AD is also useful.See what,they want to improve the value of their AD results.

So how does google calculate the places of every positions of ranking?Nobody knows,my buddy.We just guess it.But expect the guess results,what eles does google like?-The traffics and the searching.

Why does those backlinks so important?Because those backlinks mean that someone or the owner has published the backlinks through different places.If you publish the backlinks,and then the traffics imporves.That means your website is useful for those people who are fond of it.But remember one thing.Google is very smart today . It can identify the traffics sources easily .

So,that』s why i say above that you have to publish your backlinks in accurate groups and shrink the serving area of your website.Today』s users are still a little bit stupid.

1.Accurate places to publish your backlinks.

2.Collecting their e-mails once they enter your site.(It means that the content strategy is quite important.

3.Google loves those websites have traffics,that』s business.

4.I think in this answer there is no need to talk about how to make users search you.If you can do those tips above,i think get a good position is not hard at all.

歡迎大家關注我的QUORA:Max Gou



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