




1. 專業性——多年前,在寫《知己知彼》這一職業發展書目,以及在與高管們討論軟技能的重要性時,許多人提到的第一項軟技能便是專業性。用一位高管的話說,在職場中,專業性是一切的基礎。如果別人認為你有很強的專業性,那就能吸引到其他成功人士向你拋來橄欖枝,因為在他們眼裡,你是個成熟、靠譜的人。但如果別人認為你專業性不高,那麼成功人士就不願在你身上浪費太多時間。《培養專業性的關鍵》

2. 主動性——很簡單:主動性越強,學習提高得越快。在我公司,參與度越高的人越能吸引到優秀的機會,越能快速成長。他們能做出更多的貢獻,對所處情形產生更大的影響。因此,優秀的上司和公司喜歡招攬、指導有主動性的員工。《培養主動性的關鍵》

3. 開放性——我記得一位CEO曾告訴我,在判斷公司哪些年輕人擁有高潛力時,他總會關注兩個特質。一是主動性,另一個是開放性。因為同時擁有這兩者的人能更好地適應新情形,更快地學習新東西,更容易指導。在職業生涯早期,你得學習了解許多事情,以及該如何做好這些事情。頑固不化絕對會拒他人於千里之外,使得他們不願與你共事。《培養開放性的關鍵》

4. 靠譜性——優秀的上司和經理還希望能與靠譜、會對自己所分派的任務和工作負責任的人共事。如果某事未能按計劃發展,他們不希望團隊成員找借口,互相指責。我們公司服務於其他頂尖公司和高管的重要招聘需求,如果你無法對你的工作成果負責,能使你獲益的優秀機遇和工作就不會考慮你。《培養靠譜性的關鍵》

5. 正確的態度——俗話說:態度決定一切人能不能處理好睏難、有挑戰性、不確定的情形,關鍵在於有沒有正確的態度。優秀的老闆和公司不願意投入精力在工作態度差的員工身上,不會想要老是不滿,老是抱怨、放棄的員工,而是會幫助成熟、專業以及有正確態度,無論處於何種情形,總能盡全力的員工。《培養正確態度的關鍵》

6. 團隊意識——身為職場新人的你很有可能在團隊里工作,有其他人密切監督著你的工作。眾所周知,優秀團隊的表現比單打獨鬥更好,因此,成功的公司、部門和經理更重視有團隊意識的員工。如果你無法和他人好好合作,幫助他人取得成功,他們也就不願意與你合作,幫助你取得成功。《培養團隊意識的關鍵》

7. 溝通技能——即便在以前擔任研發工程師,天天對著電腦時,優秀的溝通技能對我的工作也有很大幫助。那時的我也要獲取需求、參加會議、討論問題、告知他人最新進展。在以業務、運營為主的職位中,與他人的溝通需求更大。因此,此時,有效溝通對優異工作表現更為至關重要。《培養溝通技能的關鍵》

8. 人際交往能力——除研發工程師這一崗位外,還有許多工作崗位和職業對你人際交往的能力沒那麼高的要求,它的重要性也不是很大。但我一直銘記著很早之前,某位老闆對我的話:業務是由人完成的,業務決策是由人做的。如果你不是很擅長人際交往,那就要好好努力了!《培養人際交往能力的關鍵》



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8 Critical Soft Skills To Have Early In Your Career

(And The Key To Developing Them!)

You』re someone who is starting

out, or at an early stage in your career. If I only had a handful of things to

tell you to do that will most impact your future success, one of them would be

this. Invest your time and effort into developing your soft skills, or

Because you can』t go wrong with them. Good soft skills are

transferrable. They pay off for you over your entire career, no matter what

career stage, job function, or industry you』re in. Even in ones where they

aren』t critical for your success, they』re going to help you to perform better

in any work situation.

The Stronger They Are, The Higher You』ll Go

These days, most people know

that good soft skills are essential to achieving greater career success. Beyond

your functional skills, technical skills, and industry expertise, it』s your

soft skills that allow you to deal with people, handle situations, face

challenges, solve problems, and deliver better results. But which ones are most

important to develop early in your career?

I』ve written two books that

talk a lot about soft skills, so this is a question I』m often asked. Frankly,

it』s hard to name which ones are most beneficial to your success, especially as

a young professional. But if I had to, I』d recommend these eight. The following

describes why they』re so important, and also provides links to other articles

that highlight the key to developing each one.

1. Professionalism – When I wrote my career

development book, Know The Game, Play The Game, and spoke to top executives

about the importance of soft skills years ago, professionalism was the first

one that many mentioned. As one executive put it, your professionalism is your

foundation for everything you do in your career. If you』re someone who』s viewed

as highly professional, you』re going to attract better opportunities and

interest from other successful people. Because to them, you』re mature and

But if you』re seen as unprofessional, then successful people

aren』t going to waste their time with you for very long. <The Key ToDeveloping Your Professionalism>

2. Initiative – It』s simple. People who are more proactive and

take initiative learn and improve faster. In my

company, those who are more eager to participate and willing to get involved

get better opportunities and more exposure to help them grow.

also contribute more and have a bigger impact on the situations they』re a part

of. It』s no wonder that good bosses and

companies like to lead and mentor employees who take initiative.
<The Key ToDeveloping Your Initiative>

3. Open-minded – I remember one CEO once telling me that he

always looked for two qualities whenever identifying young, high potential

talent in his company. One is

initiative. The other is open-minded. Because

in combination, these are the people who adapt to new situations better, pick

up new things faster, and are easier to lead and coach.
Early in your

career, you need to develop your understanding of and learn to do many things

well. Being stubborn and closed-minded is a sure way to turn off others and

kill their interest in wanting to work with you. <The Key To Developing Your Open-Mind>

4. AccountabilityGood bosses and managers also

want to work with people who are reliable and responsible for the tasks and

assignments they』re given.
They don』t want team members who make

excuses or point fingers at others if something doesn』t happen as expected. For

instance, our company services other top companies and executives for their key

hiring needs. So if you』re not someone who is accountable for the results and

work you produce, you』re not going to be considered for good opportunities and

assignments that can benefit you. <The Key To Developing Your Accountability>

5. Right attitude – They say, Attitude is Everything.It』s the difference between people who can overcome

difficult, challenging, and uncertain situations, and those who can』t. Good bosses and companies

don』t want to invest in staff who have a poor attitude towards their job and

work. They don』t want employees who easily feel dissatisfied, complain, or give

up. Instead, they support those who have the maturity, professionalism, and

right attitude to always give their best in any situation. <The Key ToDeveloping The Right Attitude>

6. Team-orientation – As a young professional, it』s likely you』ll be

working within a team and supervised closely by others. It』s well recognized that good teams perform better than separate,

individual contributors.

why successful companies, departments, and managers value team players.

if you don』t work well with others to support their success, others aren』t

going to want to work with you to support your success either. <The Key ToDeveloping Your Team-Orientation>

7. Communication skills – Even when I was an

R&D engineer and spent a lot of time looking at a computer every day, good

communication skills were important for doing my job well. I still needed to

get requirements, participate in meetings, discuss problems, and update others

to perform my role. In business- and operations-oriented

positions, you need to communicate with others even more.
So communicating effectively becomes even more critical to your

ability to do your job well.
<The Key To Developing Your CommunicationSkills>

8. People skills – Like my R&D engineering

job, there are many job functions and career tracks that don』t require you to

deal with people so often, or where good people skills aren』t as critical. But

I always remember what one of my early bosses told me. He said that business is done by people, and business decisions are made by

people. So if you』re someone who isn』t very good at dealing with people, then

become one!
<The Key To Developing Your People Skills>

Improving your soft skills is

an ongoing effort of practicing good habits and techniques, until they become

your normal approach to situations. This take time. If you』re

early in your career, don』t wait. Start working on them now to help you to

stand out and perform better in every aspect of your job.

eight soft skills, in particular, will have a big, positive effect on how

others view your orientation and ability to handle bigger roles and

responsibilities. Ultimately, this is how you go higher in your career and get

there faster.



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