Week 6: It's just the Internet (Weekly Writing Club)

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Seems like people are much more excited to talk about the internet. Its not surprising since we spend so much time on it. I work and play through it. I wouldnt have met any of you without it!

But I always try to understand the world from a different perspective. As Mark Twain writes, "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."

Why do you hate the internet?

Whyndo I hate the internet? The word hate might be too strong in my opinion, sincenI don』t dislike the internet per se. The internet is but a contraption thatnhumans invented in order to facilitate our everyday lives. Just as the knife isnnot to blame when a mob uses it to kill a girl, the internet also should not benheld responsible for the wrongs that human beings commit. For example, peoplenwho invented the Blue Whale death game might still find other means to destroynyoungsters』 even without the internet. People who dwell too much on onlinengames might still acquire other unhealthy hobbies to waste time. What I reallyndon』t like about the internet is the mask it provides to people, so that theyncould be as anonymous, petty and irresponsible as they wish.

Theninternet allows people to be anonymous. While being anonymous isn』t in itself anvice, it does make it difficult, sometimes impossible, to catch the culprit.nTake the famous Eternal Blue for example. Millions of people wail at theirnencrypted documents, and governments strain to catch whoever is behind all thenchaos, but it still proves to be fruitless. Being anonymous would allowncriminals to be at large, and the internet has become the iron veil for them tonhide behind.

Theninternet allows people to be petty. In real life, petty people would be lookedndown upon, since nobody would want to be friends with someone who gossips,ncurses and swears all the time. On the internet, however, one could lash out atnanyone as they wish and not fear the consequences of their words. This could benextremely harmful if the person on the receiving end is already sad, undernpressure, or even suicidal.

Theninternet allows people to be irresponsible. In everyday life, honesty is anvirtue that must be honored, since telling lies would definitely destroy anperson』s reputation. On the internet, however, a liar would not be as cautious,nsince anonymity shields him or her from being seen or being prosecuted. That isnperhaps the main reason why the internet is filled with unfounded rumors,nespecially when there is a big disaster or accident. People may vividlynremember the time nine years ago when there was a big earthquake in Wenchuan.nBack then the rumor mill on the internet was running at full speed, speculatingnwhen and where another earthquake would happen next. Although nothing happened innthe end, the rumors did cause much panic and fright. The internet providesnirresponsible people with a means to circulate lies, and the harm it causesnsociety is paramount.

Abovenall, the internet is but a means, yet it can also magnify the rapacity in humannnature. I detest the side-effects that the internet brings into our society,nand as a student of law, while I do not believe in Original Sin, I firmly holdnthe view that more stringent legal rules are needed in order to stop the aforementionednrapacity.

By Vick

Brian: Im really glad Vick gave such great examples of the perils of anonymity. The subject is at the core of two things everybody values about the internet, freedom and safety. I agree with Vick, we should talk more about the dangers, not of the internet itself, but of the people we encounter on it.

Tell me about your favorite website that nobody knows about.

The Internet is such angreat invention to me: it is fun, useful, and provides many potentialnpossibilities in our lives. It happens everyday to me. I use email at work toncommunicate with my colleagues and customers, and I also meet them sometimes. Ingather information online and apply for trade shows through the Internet.nBooks, music, daily essentials, etc will be delivered at my door with just anfew taps on Amazon or TMall on my cellphone. I feel like everything isnconnected by the Internet now, even us.

There are manynwebsites that are my favorite. But most people probably already know many ofnthem. There is, however, one fun website that you might not know. It is calledn"The Useless Web", the site is at www.theuselessweb.com.nIts really useless. But its also a good website for killing. By clicking thenbutton on it, youll find a new "useless" site every time. You couldneasily spend 5-10 min on it. I recommend this website to everyone, and it mightnbe a good break from work.

So, I have no reasonsnto hate the Internet. In contrast, I love the Internet and the possibilities itnhas created so far. I still believe that there are more to come.

By Xu

Brian: I tried the site. Yup, its truly useless.

Why do you hate the internet?

I wouldn』t say I hate the internet because nowadays no one can reallynlive without the internet.

But during the months Inlived in Mumbai, I was literally fed up with Tinder. Tinder is the dating appnthat most people use but no one likes to talk about openly. I have seen guys』 profiles include promises like, 「I will tell our friends that we met each other in the library.」 It』s actually funny how Tinder users try toncover it up.

Why did I use Tinder innthe first place? To be honest, I wanted to find interesting people to havencoffee with; but deep inside me, I knew there might be some chance of using Tindernto find The One. I met around ten people from Tinder and most of them were moreninterested in getting me in bed rather than learning anything about my soul. Instarted losing interest in all those meaningless conversations and contrivedncompliments.

I deleted Tinder fromnmy phone. I headed out and put more attention in my beautiful surroundings: thencute colleagues who are so into Chinese culture, strangers who shared my table atnStarbucks, the taxi driver who sang a Hindi song to me, the handsome, but shy,nboy who danced beside me at the night club. Those made my memories of Mumbai vividnand alive.

Even though I am still preoccupiednby Instagram, Zhihu, Youtube and Wechat, I believe creating a balance between realnlife and the internet is vital.

By Wei

Brian: I love the honesty in this piece. And even more, I agree enthusiastically about the conclusion about balance. We all yearn for something, and the internet can drown us in that until we forget ourselves. Remember to also live in the moment.

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