








1. 科學的認識nature(基因、大腦)和nurture(環境、養育)的關係

  • Nurture the Nature: Understanding and Supporting Your Child』s Unique Core Personality (2007) 作者:Michael Gurian

  • Brain-Based Parenting: The Neuroscience of Caregiving for Healthy Attachment (2012).作者:Daniel Hughes & Jonathan Baylin

2. 培養親密、安全、信任的親子關係,奠定堅實的人生基石

  • The Secure Child: Helping Our Children Feel Safe andnConfident In An Insecure World (2002). 作者: StanleynGreenspan

  • Attachment-Focused Parenting: Effective Strategies to CarenFor Children (2009) 作者: Daniel Hughes

  • Raising A Secure Child (2017) 作者:KentnHoffman, Glen Cooper, & Bert Powell

  • How to Talk so Kids Will Listen And Listen So Kids WillnTalk (2012) 作者:Adele Fabe 等

3. 培養情緒健康且情緒管控力強的孩子

  • The Heart of Parenting: Raising An emotionally IntelligentnChild (1997):作者John Gottman (有否中文譯本不祥)

  • Attachment-Focused Parenting: Effective Strategies to CarenFor Children (2009) 作者:Daniel Hughes

  • The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies tonNurture Your Childs Developing Mind (2011) 作者:Daniel J.nSiegel & Tina Payne Bryson

4. 通過規則和紀律來培養自律和自控力強的孩子

  • No-Drama Discipline: The Whole Brain Way to Calm The ChaosnAnd Nurture Your Child』s Developing Mind (2014) 作者:DanielnJ. Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson

  • Positive Discipline For Preschoolers: For Their Early Years—RaisingnChildren Who are Responsible, Respectful, and Resourceful (2007) 作者: Jane Nelsen & Cheryl Erwin

  • Mindful Discipline: A Loving Approach To Setting Limits andnRaising An Emotionally Intelligent Child (2014) 作者:ShaunanShapiro & Chris White

  • Parenting With Love And Logic: Teaching ChildrennResponsibility (2006) 作者:Foster Cline & JimnFay

5. 對孩子的全人格教育

  • How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Powernof Character (2013) 作者:Paul Tough

  • How to Raise An Adult: Break Free of the Over-parentingnTrap and Prepare Your kid For Success (2016) 作者:JulienLythcott-Haims

  • Mind in The Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills EverynChild Needs (2010) 作者: Ellen Galinsky

  • Unselfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-MenWorld (2016) 作者:Michele Borba

6. 父母的自我提升和成長

  • The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, EmpoweringnOur Children (2010) 作者:Shefali Tsabary

  • Parenting From the Inside Out: How a DeepernSelf-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive: 10th AnniversarynEdition (2013) 作者:Daniel J. Siegel

  • Peaceful Parenting, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling andnStart Connecting (2012) 作者:Laura Markham

  • The Awakened Family: A Revolution in Parenting (2017) 作者:Shefali Tsabary

  • Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents:How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-InvolvednParents (2015) 作者:Lindsay Gibson




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