餐桌禮儀: 為什麼法式早餐深受成人和兒童的喜愛?


There is a long tradition for a breakfast in France that women and children particularly love. Indeed, unlike the English breakfast which is savoury, the French one is almost exclusively sweet. You and your children can choose between several types of beverages, and a great variety of sweet, delicious viennoiseries, such as croissant, or pain au chocolat… I invite you to read on and discover more about the French breakfast. As you will see, it』s delicious and you can even find it in China!


Why a sweet breakfast?


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Indeed, this is the moment during which the body literally 「breaks its fast」, and recharges a third of the energy it needs for the day. Your brain needs glucose in order to work well. A sweet breakfast will provide it, while helping you avoid a glucose shortage - hypoglycaemia - which often sets in around 11am. It is particularly important for children, as they have to maintain concentration at school.


What can you drink with a French breakfast?


As you wake up, your body temperature gradually increases. You might want to help it along by drinking a hot beverage. The French breakfast generally offers three choices.



This is the most popular beverage in France for adults. You would take it with or without sugar or milk. In order to fully awaken, you may be tempted to make your coffee stronger in the morning than you would later in the day. This is not a bad idea; according to scientists before 11am is the best time for the human body to receive caffeine. Adding cream, milk and sugar helps to smoothen the taste.

熱巧克力Hot Chocolate


Extremely popular in France since Queen Anne of Austria (the mother of Louis XIV) brought it over from Spain in 1615, this is also the favourite beverage for children, who often prefer it with added milk. Queen Marie-Antoinette also used to drink one cup of hot chocolate every morning, even on the day she was guillotined. To make it, you can either melt chocolate bars in a pan, gradually adding milk, or simply buy chocolate powder, heat some milk and mix them together.



Green tea and fruit tea are particularly appreciated for breakfast, mostly by women. Traditionally it was considered too exciting for children: mothers were afraid their child would be full of energy and out of control afterwards! You can choose to add milk or sugar.


Typically in France, it would be unusual to drink hot or cold milk by itself, except for young children. And fruit juices? Under the influence of American culture, orange juice became very popular in the early 20th century. Just make sure it』s not too cold when you drink it in the morning, otherwise it would counter the efforts of the body to warm up.Now that we』ve covered the drink options, what shall we eat?


What can you eat in a French breakfast?


最經典的法式早餐食物就是法式長麵包切片或其他麵包切片抹上果醬,稱之為「奶油果醬麵包片」。您可以將長麵包切下一段,然後再從中間將它切成兩片。這個時候,再將黃油,果醬,蜂蜜,果子醬塗在切開的平面上。這樣的果醬麵包片,早餐時可以吃兩個甚至更多,您甚至可以將果醬麵包片蘸著茶飲然後食用。任意麵包切片均可:白麵包,黑麵包,穀物麵包等等。The most iconic items here are slices of baguette or other breads, spread with jam: we call them 「tartine」. Take your baguette, cut off a portion of it, and then slice this portion in two along its length. You will then have two slices of baguette with a flat top, on which you can spread butter, jam, honey or marmalade with a knife. It is common to eat two or more of these 「tartines」; you can even soak them in your tea, chocolate or coffee. You can choose any type of bread; white baguette, dark bread, corn bread etc…


Then you have another symbol of the French breakfast and sweet culture: the viennoiseries.



The legend says its original version would have been brought to France by Marie-Antoinette for her wedding in 1770 from Vienna where it was created to remember the victory against the Turkish in 1683. Here again you can slice your croissant along its length, and spread various jams, or honey on it, or even soak it in your tea, chocolate, and coffee. Always delicious!

巧克力酥 pain au chocolat/chocolatine


Traditionally it was a piece of baguette bread filled with a bar of chocolate that was given to pupils at school in France, but later bakers made it from puff pastry. I strongly recommend you try it warm, a few minutes after having been pulled out of the oven. Here again, you can soak it in your tea, coffee or hot chocolate if you prefer!

提子酥 pain aux raisins/escargot


This is typically a variant of the croissant or pain au chocolat, made with a leavened butter pastry with raisins added and shaped in a spiral with a crème patissière filling. I advise you not to add anything when eating it, nor to soak it in your tea, chocolate or coffee, as its flavour is already strong enough.


These were the most popular viennoiseries, but of course you can enjoy some other varieties, such like the chausson aux pommes, the chouquette, the brioche etc… Other products such as breakfast cereals, fruit compote, fromage blanc, and yogurt are becoming increasingly common as part of the meal. In my opinion, a croissant with some yogurt and honey is also delicious.


And what about jams? Actually it can take the form of jams, jellies, or marmalades, it varies upon the fruit used. Fruits are cooked, sugar is added and the jam can then be stored for a long time. The most popular jams are made from strawberries, apricots, figs, blueberries, and cherries.


What do you think of this breakfast? Would you like to try it? You can actually find it in many hotels in China, as well as bakeries, or private clubs etc. Do not hesitate to leave us a comment, send us your photos, or share your opinion with us.Bon appétit!


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