
論文大燜鍋 | 文獻綜述:改革開放以來發表在AER上的中國研究論文


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註:這篇推送綜述了1978年以來發表在《美國經濟學評論》上關於中國經濟主題的論文。其中,中國經濟主題的正刊11篇,算上昨天推送的一共12篇,P&P 40篇;中國和其他國家經濟關係的3篇。




1. Rural Reforms and Agricultural Growth in China,Justin Yifu Lin,Vol. 82,No. 1 (Mar., 1992),pp. 34-51

2. Examining Risk Preferences Under High Monetary Incentives: Experimental Evidence from the Peoples Republic of China,Steven J. Kachelmeier and Mohamed Shehata,Vol. 82,No. 5 (Dec., 1992),pp. 1120-1141

3. Gaming against Managers in Incentive Systems: Experimental Results with Chinese Students and Chinese Managers,David J. Cooper, John H. Kagel, Wei Lo and Qing Liang Gu,Vol. 89,No. 4 (Sep., 1999),pp. 781-804

4. Transport Costs and the Geography of Arbitrage in Eighteenth-Century China,Carol H. Shiue,Vol. 92,No. 5 (Dec., 2002),pp. 1406-1419

5. Hazards of Expropriation: Tenure Insecurity and Investment in Rural China,Hanan G. Jacoby, Guo Li and Scott Rozelle,Vol. 92,No. 5 (Dec., 2002),pp. 1420-1447

6. Growing Like China,Zheng Song, Kjetil Storesletten and Fabrizio Zilibotti,Vol. 101,No. 1 (Feb., 2011),pp. 196-233

8. Group Size and Incentives to Contribute: A Natural Experiment at Chinese Wikipedia,Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang and Feng Zhu,Vol. 101,No. 4 (June., 2011),pp. 1601-1615

7. State Misallocation and Housing Prices: Theory and Evidence from China, Shing-Yi Wang,Vol. 101,No. 5 (Aug., 2011),pp. 2081-2107

9. The Chinese Warrants Bubble,Wei Xiong and Jialin Yu,Vol. 101,No. 6 (Oct., 2011),pp. 2723-2753

10. Trade Liberalization and Embedded Institutional Reform: Evidence from Chinese Exporters,Amit K. Khandelwal, Peter K. Schott and Shang-Jin Wei,Vol. 103,No. 6 (Oct., 2013),pp. 2169-2195

11. Domestic Value Added in Exports: Theory and Firm Evidence from China,Hiau Looi Kee and Heiwai Tang,Vol. 106,No. 6 (June., 2016),pp. 1402-1436

二、AER Papers and Proceedings:40篇

1. Price Adjustment, the Responsibility System, and Agricultural Productivity,Thomas B. Wiens,1983

2. Economic Reforms and External Imbalance in China, 1978-81,Bruce L. Reynolds,1983

3. Enterprise-Level Reforms in Chinese State-Owned Industry,William Byrd,1983

4. Reforms in China: Implications for U.S. Policy,Robert F. Dernberger,1989

5. Chinese Enterprise Behavior Under the Reforms,Roger H. Gordon and Wei Li,1991

6. Why Has Economic Reform Led to Inflation? ,Barry Naughton,1991

7. Economic Reform of the Distribution Sector in China,Richard H. Holton and Terry Sicular,1991

8. Chinese Institutional Innovation and Privatization from Below,Barry Naughton,1994

9. Chinese Industrial Reform: Accomplishments, Prospects, and Implications,Thomas G. Rawski,1994

10. Social Security in Present-Day China and Its Reform,Athar Hussain,1994

11. Chinese Rural Poverty: Marginalized or Dispersed?,Carl Riskin,1994

12. Accounting for Chinas Growth Performance,Eduardo Borensztein and Jonathan D. Ostry,1996

13. Challenges of Chinas Economic System for Economic Theory,Gregory C. Chow,1997

14. Competition, Policy Burdens, and State-Owned Enterprise Reform,Justin Yifu Lin, Fang Cai and Zhou Li,1998

15. Chinas State Enterprises: Public Goods, Externalities, and Coase,Gary H. Jefferson,1998

16. Village Leaders and Land-Rights Formation in China,Scott Rozelle and Guo Li,1998

17. Changing Incentives of the Chinese Bureaucracy,David D. Li,1998

18. Policy Burdens, Accountability, and the Soft Budget Constraint,Justin Yifu Lin and Guofu Tan,1999

19. Inside Chinas Cities: Institutional Barriers and Opportunities for Urban Migrants,Feng Wang and Xuejin Zuo,1999

20. Leaving the countryside: rural-to-urban migration decisions in China,Yaohui Zhao,1999

21. Migration, Remittances, and Agricultural Productivity in China,Scott Rozelle, J. Edward Taylor and Alan deBrauw,1999

22. Markets and Inequality in Rural China: Parallels with the Past,Dwayne Benjamin and Loren Brandt,1999

23. Income Distribution in Urban China during the Period of Economic Reform and Globalization,Azizur Rahman Khan, Keith Griffin and Carl Riskin,1999

24. Chinas Lagging Poor Areas,Martin Ravallion and Jyotsna Jalan,1999

25. Urban-Biased Policies and Rising Income Inequality in China,Dennis Tao Yang,1999

26. Carrots and Sticks: Fertility Effects of Chinas Population Policies,Marjorie McElroy and Dennis Tao Yang,2000

27. Skill-Sorting, Self-Selectivity, and Immigration Policy Regime Change: Two Surveys of Chinese Graduate Students Intention to Study Abroad,Yiu Por Chen,2005

28. Who Are Chinas Entrepreneurs?,Simeon Djankov, Yingyi Qian, Gérard Roland and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya,2006

29. The Multitask Theory of State Enterprise Reform: Empirical Evidence from China,Chong-En Bai, Jiangyong Lu and Zhigang Tao,2006

30. Institutional Entrepreneurs,David Daokui Li, Junxin Feng and Hongping Jiang,2006

31. Executive Turnover and Firm Performance in China,Takao Kato and Cheryl Long,2006

32. Modernizing Chinas Growth Paradigm,Eswar S. Prasad and Raghuram G. Rajan,2006

33. Chinas Exchange Rate Policy Dilemma,Morris Goldstein and Nicholas Lardy,2006

34. Chinas Exchange Rate Trap: Japan Redux? Ronald McKinnon,2006

35. Making Room for China in the World Economy,Dani Rodrik,2010

36. Trading Favors within Chinese Business Groups,Raymond Fisman and Yongxiang Wang,2010

37. Love and Money by Parental Matchmaking: Evidence from Urban Couples in China,Huang, Fali; Jin, Ginger Zhe; Xu, Lixin Colin,2012

38. Powering up China: Income Distributions and Residential Electricity Consumption,Auffhammer, Maximilian; Wolfram, Catherine D,2014

39. Growth, Pollution, and Life Expectancy: China from 1991–2012,Ebenstein, Avraham; Fan, Maoyong; Greenstone, Michael; He, Guojun; Yin, Peng; Zhou, Maigeng,2015

40. The Retirement Consumption Puzzle in China,Li, Hongbin; Shi, Xinzheng; Wu, Binzhen,2015



1. The impact of outsourcing to China on Hong Kongs labor market,Czech, Brian; Woo, Keong T.,2005(中國外包對香港勞動力市場影響)

2. The China Syndrome: Local Labor Market Effects of Import Competition in the United States,David H. Autor, David Dorn and Gordon H. Hanson,2013(中國出口對美國勞動力市場影響)

AER Papers and Proceedings:1篇

1. Chinese Entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia,Yuan-Li Wu,1983(中國商人在東南亞)




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