
【HP】《哈利波特神器寶典Harry Potter: The Artifact Vault》翻譯G





「Turn to page three hundred and ninety -four.」

——Severus Snape, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban







——headline in the Daily Prophet, Harry Potter and the Order of thenPhoenix

It』sna well-known visual effect in movies to see a whirling newspaper slow down tonreveal a headline proclaiming information that is important to the audience.nThe newspapers and magazines in the Harry Potter films took this familiarnconvention and gave it its own unique spin, taking cinematic advantage of thenmoving images under the headlines of the wizarding worlds』 media to advance thenplot or recap necessary information. The Daily Prophet and The Quibbler werenimportant storytelling devices, used to show the sway of public opinion as thenDark forces rose up and Harry Potter』s supporters refused to be put down.





PAGE 114: The printing press used bynXenophilius Lovegood, editor of The Quibbler, damaged after the Lovegood housenis destroyed by Death Eaters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows —Part 1;nABOVE: Ron Weasley and Remus Lupin (David Thewlis) listen in a meeting of thenOrder of the Phoenix in the kitchen of number twelve Grimmauld Place, as HarrynPotter reads the latest edition of the Daily Prophet; RIGHT: Wizardnpublications include the Quibbler, published by Luna Lovegood』s father,nXenophilius (this issue seen in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 1 and HarrynPotter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 2), and Seeker Weekly, a Quidditch aficionado magazine on RonnWeasley』s bedside table in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince(」CHUDLEYnCANNONS FACE RELEGATION!」」CORRUPTION IN THE QUDDITCH LEAGUE:HOW THE TORNADOS ARE TAKINGnCONTROL」」100 TICKETS UP FOR GRABS:PRIDE OF PORTREE VS. FALMOUTH FALCONS」 SEEnINSIDE FOR MOREDETAILS PAGE 12); OPPOSITE:The Daily Prophet reports on the increasingly worrisome anti-Mugglenincidents at the opening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 1;nFOLLOWING PAGES: Storyboards of the Daily Prophet drawn for Harry Potter andnthe Order of the Phoenix illustrate the complicated maneuvers through the paper』sntext and pictures that will be crafted digitally. (「DARK MARK SPARKS PANIC」, 「VIOLENCEnSPREADS, MUGGLE FAMILY MURDERED」 , 「DEATH EATER NUMBERS GROW」,」RUFUS SCRIMGEOURnHOLDS EMERGENCY MEETING WITH MUGGLE PRIME MINISTER」,」IS YOUR HOME SAFE?」)



「Excuse me, little girl! This is for thenDaily Prophet!」

——Daily Prophet photographer, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Just as a heronstars in all the films in a series, sometimes so does a hero prop. A vitalnmethod of storytelling, and the wizarding world』s primary printed news source,nthe Daily Prophet appeared in every Harry Potter film. It was known from thenstart that the newspaper would feature moving images within it, and so graphicndesigners Miraphora Mina and Eduardo Lima felt that the test shoud feelncompatible with that. 「We didn』t know at first if the text might move as well,」nsays Mina, 「and that was probably one of the reasons that the pages have thentext in spirals and shapes.」 For the first five films, the Prophet』s cover pagenoften had text blocks in a design that reflected the story: In Harry Potter andnthe Prisoner of Azkaban, the headline announcing the Weasley』sngrand-prize-winning trip to Egypt is in the form of a pyramid; Rita Skeeter』snstory about Harry Potter and the Triwizard Cup in Harry Potter and the Gobletnof Fire is placed, literally, within the outline of the Cup. The newspaper』snheadline font, created by Mina, reflected the Gothic style production designernStuart Craig had chosen for the film』s architecture; other fonts were takennfrom old books, Victorian advertisements, and letter presses, but 「we had tonuse an illegible font for the actual story copy,」 she adds. At first, thendesigners would place in a sketch for the moving images as a suggestion to thenvisual effects crew.」 We』d send it in for approval,」 remembers Lima, 「but thenresponse would be, 『Well, that』s good, but you know it』s not the image we』ll benusing.」 So soon enough, Mina and Lima would simply write 「MOVING PICTURE TO BEnADDED LATER」 in big letters in the picture box for forthcoming issues. Thenfinal printed version of the paper would have green-screen material in thenimage box, of course.

Since the Daily Prophet is, well, a dailynpublication, Mina assumed that the paper would look new, but the filmmakersndidn』t want white pages, and the paper was given an off-white tint. Theirnchoice of dye was, again, coffee, which added a slight scent to the prop. Thenpages would be put on the floor to dry, and any wrinkles would be ironed out.

While the headlinenand specific stories would be dictated by the scripts, Mina and Lima were givenna free hand (subject to the filmmaker』s approval) with other stories, regularnfeatures, and advertisements. Like most newspapers, the Prophet offersncrossword puzzles (with Escher-like designs that question what is across andnwhat is down), contests (WIN A TRIP TO TRANSYLVANIA), letters to the editor (tonbe sent by owl post only), horoscopes classifieds, and advice columns. As fornother headlines that were needed to fill out the pages, 「We had to come up withnthese,」 says Lima, 「and we had a lot of fun doing it.」 「But we』re not writersnso we pulled ideas from our friends and coworkers,」 adds Mina. 「One of ournfriends was a singer, so she featured quite prominently in the issues. She goesnto Azkaban for illegal henna (GINGER WITCH SURVIVES HENNA EXPLOSION), then shencomes out, but gets arrested again (HOOLIGAN GINGER WITCH ARRESTED IN MUGGLEnFOOTBALL MATCH).」 Frequently, the names of their fellow graphic artists werenused in the ads. 「And, of course, we always tried to put our names in it,」 Limanconfirms. M. Mina and E. Lima were the final contestants in a wizarding duelingnfinal, and a mashup of their names became a Dark Arts protection course for thenSpellbound Minulimus Method. Lima, among others, also posed for pictures in thenads; one of his is for another course in scuba spells, and he is decked out innfull gear.」 It』s not just us,」 Lima concedes. 「My mum』s writer for the Prophet.」

The graphicsnteam estimates that there were forty original editions of the Daily Prophetncreated throughout the film series, although the interiors were often repeated,nas they would not be seen on camera. 「Sometimes we needed thirty copies, andnsometimes we needed two hundred,」 says Mina. Once an issue was approved, itnneeded to be recreated quickly. 「The work was heavy-duty,」 she continues, 「butnwith our team, I felt like we had elves.」

Once thenMinistry begins to take control of the newspaper, starting in Harry Potter andnthe Order of the Phoenix, the style and personality of the paper changed. 「Wendiscussed it with [director] David Yates,」 recalls Mina, 「and he wanted it tonhave a dogmatic feel; that nobody had a say anymore, that it was all comingnfrom the Ministry, so this was a big influence on the look.」 The graphics teamnwas inspired by Russian Constructivism propaganda posters, and so the aestheticntook on a totalitarian tone with bold Soviet-era letters.」 The design is alwaysnunderpinned by the story,」 Mina explains. The height of the paper was reducednand Yates also asked for everything to be printed on the horizontal. 「We alsonlooked at newspapers from the 1940s,」 she continues. 「When something was reallynimportant, they would fill the whole page with one story.」 As the style of newspapernchanged, so did the design of its title. But Mina and Lima did enhance the 「P」nof Daily Prophet in gold foil because, as Mina explains, 「With such an heavynfont, the gold was really just to keep it still, absurdly, magical.」









P.120: DAILY RPOPHET: The wizard world』snbeguiling broadsheet of choice

「10000 Galleons on Potter』s Head: Seeninside for full details PG.3」

「National Weather」







OPPOSITE: A special issue of the DailynProphet was distributed as the Ministry of Magic takes increasing control overnthe newspaper in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 1;nRIGHT: The style and personality of the Daily Prophet changed drastically fromnthe embellished, free-form style seen in Harry Potter and the Chamber ofnSecrets(top) to the unadorned, block-style distributed in Harry Potter and thenOrder of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Partn1(bottom); FOLLOWING PAGES: Advertisers in the Daily Prophet feature an acnenmedication, the Minulimus Method protection course of study, and the FambusnStation Wagon from the Nimbus broom company.


1: THE EVENING PROPHET: Flying Ford AnglianMystifies Muggles; Moment flock to Lockhart Signing

2: DAILY PROPHET: New headmaster fornHogwarts Severus Snape confirmed; Compulsory I.D. cards imposed by thickness;nAurors decommissioned wands confiscated

3:DAILY PROPHET SPECIAL EDITION: HE WHOnMUST NOT BE NAMED RETURNS:He who must not be named has returned to this countrynand is once more active



3: 《預言家日報特別版》:那個連名字都不能提的人回來了:那個連名字都不能提的人回到了這個國家並再次活躍了起來

P.122 (from left to right, top to bottom)

1. 500 galleons:on any informationnregarding death eaters (see inside for full details pg.3)

2. Don』t blame it on the fox: Since beforenI can remember the fox has been blamed for almost every thing you can imagine.nFrom fouling tents to killing chickens this unf air victimization of anninnocent animal has to come to an end. Here are a few other animals to look outnfor before you blame The Poor Fox.

3. Cracked cauldron ONLY FIVE. Quick fix.nBuy now.

4. London central

5. Bulman』s ultimate witch』s hat liner. Newnimproved model! Warranted to delight the purchaser (Send a self-addressed owlnto bulman』s of wolv erton

6. Lizard Belt!

7. Blemish Blitzer (Special formula withndragon claw)

8. No more fouls in your O.W.Ls. Soar abovenexpectations with our new O.W.L.s Crammer. Get off to a flying start! 「Cram it!」

9. Floo powder accelerator: Enhance yournfloo networking performance!

10. Intensive 3 Days. Dark arts protectionncourse: Come&learn with Top wizards!!! Advanced spells and charms. Protectnyou and your family against all the DARKEST ARTS!!!


1. 500加隆懸賞:任何有關食死徒的信息(詳情參見內部第3頁)

2. 不要怪狐狸:在此之前我記得狐狸幾乎在每一件可以想像的事物上被指責。從空氣污染到在帳篷里殺雞,狐狸都被認作是傷害了其他無辜生物的罪魁禍首。其實在你指責狐狸之前,有其他一些你需要了解的動物。








10.3天集訓。黑魔法保護課程:跟隨頂尖巫師學習!n! !高級的法術和魅力。保護你和你的家人免受所有的黑暗襲擊!!


1. IS YOU OWL READY? For the nationalnS.M.S. Secrets messaging service: Get your owl stand out from the rest? Grade 1nbirds urgently required.

2. STAMP OUT THE ENEMY: Be aware of deathneaters

3.Ministry of Magic. Wizarding public awareness.nPractitioners of Dark Arts using New 「Rune-Sign language」 to Bamboozle BonafidenWitches & Warlocks!」

4. SERVICES REQUIRED. Ministry needs youn:Join the Ministry』s only official. Attack squad. Don』t fall victim! Sign upnnow.

5. ALWAYS BE: ON GUARD: Don』t risk beingnunprepared. The enemy can strike at any time. Preparation is the bestnprotection.

6. WARNING! Death eaters are among us! Helpnus to help you! Your information is vital. Inform immediately. The magical lawnenforcement squad of any suspicious behavior.

7. WAND SERVICING—Nothingnis more vital in these dark times! Yournwand is your life! Collection & Delivery Service available

8. GRINCOTTS: Junior wizard savingsnaccounts

9. A remarkable new broom joins the nimbusnfamily of fine brooms.

10. Defensive spells: (Advanced) Training.nEnroll now!


12. WATCH YOUR BACK: Convert Death Eatersnare omnipresent: Report any suspicious activity forthwith to the Auror OfficenAt the Ministry of Magic.


1. 你的貓頭鷹準備好了嗎?國家S.M.S.秘密消息傳遞服務:你的貓頭鷹脫穎而出嗎?1級鳥類迫切需要。

2. 消滅敵人:注意食死徒

3. 魔法部。魔法公眾意識。黑魔法愛好者使用新的「如尼古文符號語言」來迷惑正直的巫師和術士!」

4. 服務需要。魔法部需要你:加入魔法部官員。保衛。不要讓更多受害者出現!!現在報名。


6. 警告!食死徒正在我們中間!幫助我們,也幫助你自己!你的信息是至關重要的。有任何可以行為發現,請立刻通知魔法部執法隊伍。

7. 魔杖服務——在黑暗時期沒有任何東西比魔杖更重要了!你的魔杖是你的生命!提供收集&送貨服務

8. GRINCOTTS:少年巫師儲蓄賬戶

9. 引人注目的新光輪掃帚!更新光輪掃帚系列





1.The lead singer of 「The Hobgoblins」 &nMina Lima are the same person! 「Speel steps of the week.」

2. Games: Check this week』s answer bynsending us an owl.

3. Wrackspurts: Unfuss the Mystery. 「Gingernwitch arrested in caxambu with fake henna. 「NEXT WEEK: Muggle wolrd. BARCODE:What』snthe point?

4.Cornelius 「Goblin-Crusher」 Fudge.nPower+Gold=Fudge. NEXT WEEK:Goblins cooked in pies!







「Do you think Neville Lonbottom, thenwitless wonder, could have provided you with gillyweed if I hadn』t have givennhim the book that led him straight to it?」

——Barty Crouch Jr. disguised as Alastor 「Mad-Eye」 Moody, Harry Potternand the Goblet of Fire

In addition to the textbooks necessary fornHogwarts classes such as Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Charms,nbooks were created for Hagrid』s hut and Dumbledore』s office, for the Hogwartsnlibrary (regular and restricted sections), for Neville Longbottom in order tonhelp Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, for Hermione Grangernto take on their journey in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 1, andnfor author Bathilda Bagshot』s house. Books were seen close up, being held bynstudents, and in the distance, so the use or view of the book on camerandetermined their material and construction. Many of the shelved books in Dumbledore』snoffice were London phone books rebound in faux covers and sprinkled with dust.nSome shelves in the Hogwarts library were filled with books in the same way,nbut there were also books that needed to fly up to their places, for example,nin Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Stephenie McMillan』s team made thesenout of a lightweight material. Their 「flight」 was created by having crew membersnwearing green-screen gloves reach through the stacks to grasp the books thatnEmma Watson (Hermione Granger) would hold up. The piles of books in the librarynand the curved stacks in Flourish and Blotts that seemed to defy gravity werencreated by the prop makers, who would insert a curved metal bar through a holendrilled in the books, like stringing beads, to create the effect.





TOP: Harry Potter and Remus Lupin talk overnseveral stacks of bound books after the professor resigns from Hogwarts at thenend of the events of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; ABOVE LEFT: Antacky book stack, The Life & Lies of Albus Dumbledore, from Harry Potternand the Deathly Hallows—Part 1; OPPOSITE: The precariously stacked books of Flourish andnBlotts bookstore in a reference photo for Harry Potter and the Chamber ofnSecrets; RIGHT: The books that 「floated」 from Hermione Granger』s hand to thenshelves of the Hogwarts library in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince werencaught by crew members.







「Honestly, don』t you two read?」

——Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer』s Stone

Before the startnof each school term, Hogwarts students would receive a letter listening whatnbooks they would need for the subjects assigned to them for the year. Alongnwith writing the text for the pages within, the graphics department created thentitle treatments and the design and binding of the books. 「We worked verynclosely with bookbinders and learned traditional techniques and processes,」nsays Miraphora Mina. 「It was a wonderful experience to engage with otherncraftsmen because we wanted to push the boundaries of what you would normallynexpect in a book binding, and learn to make covers out of metal and silk and goldnleaf.」

And Eduardo Limancollected a considerable amount of old books that they used as reference fornboth for the binding and its contents in addition to being able to observe howna book aged; for example, where it broke with daily or yearly use. Once thenteam, which included their assistant, Lauren Wakefield, decided upon a finalndesign, different-sized editions of the book would be created, again dependingnupon their time in front of the camera. 「There are those books at regular sizenthat the students use,」 explains Lima, 「but when they need to be read close-upnon camera, we』ll do a bigger version, from twenty-five to fifty percent bigger,nespecially when you need to read the handwriting, as was the case with thenAdvanced Potion-Making book.」

Every book wasnfilled with about twenty pages of text on its subject, written by the membersnof graphics department, and these pages would be repeated and bound until theyncreated the size of the book they wanted. A minimum of copies, usually eight,nwould be created for each book that was handled by a main character. Thenschoolbooks in general would be printed for classes of twenty to thirty students,nplus several extras, in case the book was destroyed in a stunt or wasnaccidentally ruined during shooting. Author』s names that didn』t come from thenoriginal novels came from friends, family, or members of the graphicsndepartment : Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charms is by E.Limus (EduardonLima), Ancient Runes Made Easy is by Laurenzoo (Lauren Wakefield), and NewnTheory of Numerology is by Lukos Karzos (Miraphora Mina』s son). With so manynbooks needed for Flourish and Blotts, new titles were created with a wizardlynbent (A Fully Illustrated History of the Flying Carpet and Wanderings of a TreenThrough the Alps), and a few seemed to parallel books from the Muggle worldn(Wizards Are from Neptune… Witches Are from Saturn). Familiar names showed upnfor the publishers: Luca Books, Winickus Press (for graphic artist RuthnWinick), and MinaLima Books.

In Harry Potternand the Deathly Hallows—Part 1, Hermione Granger brought many books with her on theirnjourney seeking out the Horcruxes that she thought would be helpful. Innaddition to any books that had already been mentioned that would be useful,nsuch as Moste Potente Potions, which Hermione used to create Polyjuice Potion,nMina and Lima added others to her cache to total about twenty books, carried inna small beaded bag touched with the Undetectable Extension Charm. This was annoccasion when the artists tried to get into the character』s skin. 「 It was anreally nice opportunity to think, well, which ones would she have taken on herntrip?」 asks Mina. 「There was a line in the script that described her bag. Shenshakes it, and there is this terrible noise of stacked books falling over.nSadly, you don』t get to see all of them in the film.」






每本書大約有二十頁有關主題的文本,由圖像部門的成員撰寫,這些頁面將會被不斷重複,直到創造出他們預設書本大小的厚度。每本書會印刷一定數量,通常最少的話是8本,被主要人物在影片中拿著。一般教科書將印刷給20~30名學生,再加上幾本備份,以防這本書毀於一場特技拍攝,或是在拍攝期間被不小心損毀。除了原著中出現的作者名字,其他名字來源於設計人員的朋友、家人,或是圖像部門成員:古老的遺忘魔咒作者名是E·利比亞(Eduard·利馬),古如尼古文課本作者名是Laurenzoo(勞倫·韋克菲爾德),算數占卜的理論課本作者名是Lukos Karzos(Miraphora Mina的兒子)。由於麗痕書店和博金·伯克書店需要大量的書本,所以許多新的書本標題被創造出來(《飛毯歷史說明》、《一棵樹穿越阿爾卑斯山的漫遊》),和一些似乎是平行麻瓜世界中的書(《巫師來自海王星》、《女巫來自土星》)。出版商的家人名字也出現了:諸如盧卡的書本、Winickus新聞(圖像藝術家Ruth Winick),以及MinaLima書籍。



TO LEFT TOnRIGHT: Rubeus Hagrid』s copy of Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit and thenfirst-year』s textbook for Professor McGonagall』s Transfiguration class, bothnfrom Harry Potter and the Dark Arts students, Harry Potter and the Prisoner ofnAzkaban <A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration>; ABOVE: A Defense Againstnthe Dark Arts textbook and a student notebook created for Harry Potter and thenGoblet of Fire; OPPOSITE TOP: The exquisite cut-out cover of one of the twentynbooks Hermione takes with her in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 1;nOPPOSITE BOTTOM: Perhaps the first edition of Advanced Potion—Making,ncrafted with a leather cover debossed with gold symbols.




下頁:赫敏的二十本精美課本中的一本剪影——《哈利波特與死亡聖器(上 )



Top: ThenStandard Book of Spells for first years, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer』s Stone;nABOVE: The Runes Dictionary Hermione Granger brings with her in Harry Potternand the Deathly Hallows—Part 1; OPPOSITE TOP: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,nrequired for first years, Sorcerer』s Stone; OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Bathilda Bagshot』snA History of Magic. Versions of this book are seen throughout the film seriesnbut this one features the author』snimage, played by actress Hazel Douglas in Deathly Hallows—Part 1;nFOLLOWING PAGES: The array of books seen throughout the Harry Potter seriesnincluded not only school subjects but topics from sports to psychology tonsocial interaction.








<Quidditchnteams of England &Ireland> Extraordinary visual record of the ART ofnQuidditch (revised edition)

<Grammatica>nA useful guide to Grammatica

<Ancientnrunes made easy> The most helpful paperback available

<Flying withnthe Cannons>

<The declinenof Pagan Magic> By Bathilda Bagshot

<How to tamentigers? > Professor V.Veridian









<Hogwarts anhistory>

<How to woonwitches> Mauricius Carneirus: Every wizard』s 「Must have」guide! 12 simplenways to make you the master of approach and charm your way! THE NUMBER ONEnBESTSLLER! Wand control/Fresh halitosis/Love potion cocktails/Spellsnstrength/Latin spells and mantras/…And many more tips and tricks to make yournlove life out of this world…//*5 Million wizards have triedn&tested!/*Bestseller in over 34 countries!/*A worldwide phenomenum!/Try itnnow!!! Guaranteed satisfaction or your money back


<Wizards arenfrom Neptune, Witches are from Saturn> Irsis Pius

<Unfoggingnthe future> Cassandra Vablatsky

<The Mugglenconspiracy>Sinistra L

<PhyllidanSpore』s 1000 Magical >Herbs & Fungi


《霍格沃茨 一段校史》

《如何吸引女巫》 MauriciusnCarneirus:每個巫師的「必需」指南!12個簡單的方法可以讓你具有親和力的魅力大師!最暢銷的書!/魔航控制/清新口臭/愛情魔葯雞尾酒/魔法強度/拉丁魔法和咒語/…和更多的技巧和訣竅,讓你的愛情生活超乎世界/ / 500萬巫師已得到測試和檢驗!/暢銷書在34個國家!/ *世界級現象 !/現在就試一試! ! !保證滿意!如若不滿,必將退款!

《算數占卜》 L。Wakeifield

《男巫來自海王星,女巫來自土星> 辛尼莘塔L






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