
原文作者是Quora的 Top Write之一, 人民之道(ViaPopuli.com)網站的博主 Ozgur Zeren

鏈接:What should Fidel Castro be remembered for?

Turning Cuba from a casino and whorehouse for US rich (especially Mafia) to a modern society in which ordinary citizens have social services and guarantees no less than the ones in Scandinavian countries despite total economic blockade causing lack of resources and consumer items


No exaggeration or metaphor in the above sentence. Circa 1950s, Cuba was a whorehouse and casino for US rich. Ordinary people still lived in a colonial society, in poverty and no recourse to change the situation under a dictator backed by US.



Fast forward to today, and Cubans enjoy many benefits which tens of millions even in US has no access to, from totally free education and higher education to total free healthcare coverage, full employment and guaranteed housing.


Each of these items are a topic in themselves, and the grand contrast in between Cuba and US in regard to these items is worth another talk in itself.


So far the only reason why Cuba is not precisely on par with Scandinavian countries - especially on consumer items - is the total economic blockade (ie warfare) US effects on Cuba by using every means possible from direct blockade to forcing its 『allies』 to do so as well. Leave aside US ships patrolling off of Cuba to enforce that blockade, US govt. spends a few million dollars every year just to make sure that there are no ships having any kind of produce from Cuba passing through harbors in other countries with destination being in US.


Despite that Castro』s and Castro』s Cuba』s successes are plenty, ranging from their social successes to even freedom movements in other countries, and even ending apartheid.



Surviving ~60 years of warfare and terrorism



Make no mistake, Cuba is still in war. For 60~ years the severity of the war ranged from actual invasions to CIA bombings with unmarked planes, to assassination attempts to economic warfare - which was constant.


Castro himself survived despite ~600 CIA arranged assassination attempts, but also Cuba went through a total terror campaign in the hands of CIA:


Noam Chomsky: A Brief History of Americas Cold-Blooded, Terroristic Treatment of Cuba

The famous, iconic picture of Che Guevara which everyone knows was taken when he was being informed of a ship exploding in a massive explosion Havana harbor, killing hundreds of people. It was a CIA operation aided by French intelligence. One of the first terrorist attacks against Cuba by CIA. After that they went on with many incidents of bombing with unmarked planes, assassinations and whatever you can imagine.


Cuba always stood a few stages away from a total invasion. Forget Bay of Pigs - US floated many plans to effect actual invasion, one of which being Operation Northwoods.


Operation Northwoods - Wikipedia

The plan which was put in front of JFK by Chiefs of Staff was that CIA was going to bomb Florida with planes disguised as Cuban aircraft, and this would give US the excuse to invade Cuba.


Yes, that was an actualplan. It wasn』t put into action only because JFK refused it.


The bold move by Castro to allow Soviet nukes in Cuba as a counter balance to US missiles in Turkey was not only a means to remove the first strike capability by US by forcing them to remove their nukes in Turkey, therefore reducing any desire US military-industry complex had for a 『winnable』 nuclear war but also to prevent and discourage any future invasions of Cuba.


But US didn』t budge. Kennedy stubbornly refused to remove missiles in Turkey which were already set for removal/replacement due to being considered obsolete. Thankfully, Soviet side stepped back to evade nuclear war.


Since then, Cuba has been strangled and suffocated through an illegal blockade effected against it directly by US Navy, and then through US 『allies』 through diplomatic pressure. To the extent that they have to use cars remaining from 1950s because they are deprived of importing any industrial machines and infrastructure to manufacture and distribute their own cars, leave aside export them.


Economic warfare.


Despite that Cuba succeeded in accomplishing wonders in many fundamental aspects of modern society, even if they had failed in regards to consumer amenities:


Free Education and Higher Education, Total free Healthcare coverage, Full employment, Guaranteed housing


Healthcare 醫保:

Education 教育:

Full Employment 充分就業:

Guaranteed Housing 保障性住房:

Ending Apartheid 終結種族隔離:

Support for independence movements in any colonial country

Internationalism, Charity, Solidarity with every country

Long story short, Castro should be remembered for succeeding.


Succeeding in everything, practically, ranging from actual independence to application of socialist/communist ideals and practices to the extent they could be applied/practiced under total economic warfare and constant terrorism, coupled with imminent invasion at any given time.


Imagine someone is strangling you from your throat, preventing you from even breathing and then turning to your neighbors and telling them 「Look, this guy can』t even speak. All he thinks and does is bullshit and he is poor」…

That』s what US had been doing to Cuba.

However Cuba succeeded in not only talking loud, but also even helping his neighbors and anyone in need, to the extent it could, all the while being strangled.

A spectacular success…

One wonders what they could achieve if the total economic warfare against them wasn』t there.


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