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The 4

Levels Of Communicating How Good You Are In A Job Interview


Least To Most Impressive)

My recruitment firm listens to many people talk about

how good they are at what they do. Over

the years of interviewing so many candidates, you learn how to distinguish the

average versus very good versus exceptional ones. Today, we provide a

lot of guidance and advice on how to impress potential employers. Especially when speaking to experienced

executives, here are the four main levels of communicating how good you are in

an interview, from the least to most impressive.

1) Most Basic Level: People Who Talk About Their Qualities

And Capabilities

During a job interview, many people like to highlight

their strongest qualities and capabilities.

They』ll claim to be a fast learner, persistent, or a hard worker, or say

they』re a good communicator or team leader.

For a fresh university graduate with little

or no work experience, this is okay, since your potential and what will allow

you to be successful are pretty much all you have to talk about.

The Problem With Doing Only This

However, if you already have some work

experience, then experienced interviewers will wonder why you』re not talking

about what you can actually do. Your

actual work experience is what distinguishes you from fresh university


2) More Revealing Level: People Who Talk About Their Work


Your actual work experience is a much more tangible

indicator of your capabilities to an interviewer. As a result, always talk about your

outstanding qualities and capabilities in the context of describing what you

can do.

The Problem With Doing Only This

However, experienced interviewers know that just

because you』ve done something for a long time doesnt mean you do it well. Think of the people

you know who have been doing a job for a while, but who are only so-so or

average at what they do? Top employers

want very good to excellent people, not so-so or average ones.

3) More Impressive Level: People Who Talk About

Impressive Achievements

If you want to convey to others how well you can do

something, then talk about your achievements. Think of them as the proof of

what you can do. Of course, the more impressive they are the better.

For instance, I』ve interviewed many

candidates with impressive degrees, certificates, company names, and years of

experience. But when you ask them to

share their most impressive achievements, the examples they give are


Then there are candidates from 2nd tier schools and lesser known companies who have generated bigger results, led bigger

teams, or built new processes. So while

I may have originally thought the candidate with more qualifications would be

better, I』ll pick the one with the more impressive achievements. Top companies and experienced executives

think the same way.

The Problem With Doing Only This

However, even listening to someone talk about their

achievements can be misleading. There are smart people out there who can sound like they』ve

done something impressive, but actually, have only supported, participated in, or observed

someone else do it. Or their

achievements were largely the result of a company process or team they were a

part of. Or were achieved at a hot time

in the market or when the competition wasn』t very strong yet. They』re very familiar with what should

actually happen, but haven』t actually led or managed the situation


4) 「We』d

Like To Hire You!」 Level: People

Who Can Tell You How They Achieve Impressive Results

This is why the most impressive candidates are the

ones that can not only share impressive achievements with you, but who can also

tell you exactly how they achieved the result.

They can tell you exactly how they do it, and tell you instantly,

fluently, and without hesitation.

They can explain things to you in this way because

they』ve gone through it firsthand.

They』ve spent dozens if not hundreds of hours thinking about, understanding,

and figuring out how to do it well. And

they』ve spent hundreds if not thousands of hours actually doing and executing

it. In fact, they can not only tell you why

they did it a certain way, but why they didn』t do it another way. When you finish listening to them, you just

think to yourself, 「Wow, that』s impressive!」

To experienced executives and interviewers I know, it』s the people who can share impressive

achievements along with what it takes to achieve them that really stand out. If you want to get

chosen for a great opportunity, this is how you go about impressing top



For more great career development and career success-related expertise, insights, and advice, follow Larry Wang on Wechat, at <wangliyazhou>.


To get to get to know Larry Wang better personally and access his latest career development and career success-related articles, follow him on Weibo, @ <LarryWang王承倫>.


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