
按照時間先後順序(chronological order),大多數人都能將自己經歷的時空形成一條線(timeline)——「回顧過去(past)趣事」、「記錄此刻(present)此情」和「創塑未來(future)」。此外,時間線上的言語表達(utterance)有自身的「內部時間結構」——「何時(when)」、「完成與否(perfection)」、「持續時間(duration)」以及「是否慣常(habitual)」。接下來,我以「過去事件的內部時間結構」為例,來談談如何準確地運用時態,保證在口語表達以及寫作時的「時態一致性」,從而避免不合邏輯的時間的「漂移」(illogical tense shifting)。「不合邏輯的時間漂移」也就是「時態沒有一致性」,比如「Peter knew that none of his friends are interested.」。

一般過去時(Past simple)來陳述過去完成的事件,其內部時間結構包含:

  1. 具體或交流雙方都知曉的過去(when: past time)
  2. 事件已完成(perfection: completed)
  3. 僅在過去的很長一段時間內存在的事實(duration)
  4. 是否慣常(habitual: once and/or repeatedly )

例句 1 :A few weeks ago a woman called to report a robbery at her house.

例句 2 :How did the burglar break in without anybody hearing him?(例句 1 已經提到了是 a few weeks ago,所以是過去的具體的時間,用過去時。)

例句 2.1 :Dinner was delicious.(我跟澳洲人一起吃飯,在剛剛吃完時會聽到他們這樣說。同「例句 2」一樣,是對方和我都清楚的同一過去事件,即便沒有具體的過去時間,也該使用一般過去時。)

例句 3 :When her son got older he often went out to visit his friends after school.

例句 4 :Bill worked for the police force for over 17 years. (but he stopped working there)

Explorers at that time believed that the world was flat. (but it is no longer true)

值得注意的是,在表述「過去常常做現在不做了的」事(past repeated actions),且不強調其持續時間(duration),則用「used to」。

例句 4.1 :Bill used to work for the police force. (but he doesn』t now)

She used to keep the front door locked. (but she stops doing this)

過去進行時(Past continuous)來提供過去事件的發生背景,其內部時間結構包括:

  1. 具體的過去(when: past)
  2. 不強調事件完成與否(perfection: undefined)
  3. 重複的動作(habitual: repeatedly )
  4. 有 while,when 以及 as 這幾個標誌詞

例句 1 :It happened at five in the afternoon while she was watching the news on TV.

例句 2 :For a while last year I was working at the cinema, studying for my degree and writing a column for the local newspaper.(我們不知道這三個事情是否已經完成,其發生的時間先後順序也不清楚。)

例句 2.1 :Last year I worked at the cinema, studied for my degree and wrote a column for the local newspaper.(表示這三個事件都已完成,並且可能是以這樣的先後順序完成。)

例句 3 :When I worked there, Jonas was always making mistakes.

一般過去完成時(Past perfect simple)來陳述在另一個過去行動之前就已經完成了的事件,其內部時間結構包括:

  1. 過去的過去(when: further back in the past)
  2. 事件已完成(perfection: completed)
  3. 有事件完成的先後順序(order of the event)
  4. 有 already,as soon as,by the time 等標誌詞

例句 1 :His father was a composer and his grandfather had also been a musician. (His grandfather was a musician and then later his father became a composer)

例句 2 :When I got home, my husband had cooked dinner. (= my husband cooked dinner before I got home)

例句 2.1 :When i got home, my husband cooked dinner. (= I got home and then my husband cooked dinner)

例句 3 :By the time he was six, the little boy had written a composition of his own.

一般過去完成進行時(Past perfect continuous)來指在另一個過去行動之前就已經持續了的事件,其內部時間結構包括:

  1. 過去的過去(when: further back in the past)
  2. 事件是否完成(perfection: undefined)
  3. 重複的動作(habitual: repeatedly)
  4. 強調事件的持續時間(duration)

例句 1 :Jonathan had been waiting there for half an hour when his girlfriend arrived.

例句 2 :By seven that morning, we had been working non-stop for eleven hours.

如同 MacBook 的 Time Machine 功能一樣 ,「時態」其實也就是以時間軸的形式對語言信息進行展示。由此我們可以知曉所言事件、人物的「狀態」和「版本」。

青格樂的 Live——開始學習一門外語,我需要知道什麼?

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