在北美給教授寫郵件 你一定要懂得的14個「潛規則」


1.E-mail to a professor should be treated like a business letter – at least until you know that professors personal preferences very well. Although e-mail is widely regarded as an informal medium, it is in fact used for business purposes in many settings. You wont err if you are too formal, but there is the possibility of committing many gaffes if you are too informal.


2. The subject header should be informative. It is not a salutation line, so dont write something like"hey professor" in that line. Instead, write a few words indicating the purpose of your message: "Request for a space in your class," for example.Never include demands such as "urgent request—immediate response needed.」That』s the surest way to get your request trashed.

郵件主題應當包含必要信息。注意郵件主題一欄並不是用來打招呼的,所以千萬不要在主題欄出現諸如「hey professor」的字樣。最好的選擇就是用最簡略的語言表達清楚你的目的,如「Request for a space in your class」等。千萬不要包含一些要求,比如說「緊急請求--請立即回復」,可以很肯定的說,你的請求會像垃圾一樣處理掉。

3. Use professors names when addressing them. Many professors we queried said that they do not like to be called simply "professor." They prefer "Professor Lee" or"Ms. /Mr. Lee". Some professors will eventually suggest that you call them by their first names, but if you are more comfortable continuing to use a title, that is always fine. Just be sure to use a name.

郵件中提及教授時盡量用到他們的名字:很多教授表示他們不喜歡被簡略的稱呼為「professor」。相較於「professor」,他們更喜歡被稱呼為「Professor Lee」或者「Ms/Mr. Lee」。一些教授會建議學生直接叫他們的名字(first names),但是如果你認為加之頭銜(如Professor,Dean等)也是可以的。

4. Avoid "hey" – no one we queried likes that one. To some eyes and ears, "Dear Professor Jones" may be too formal for an e-mail message – but in fact, it will do just fine when your purpose is a business-like one. Simply writing "Professor Jones"(followed by a comma) is fine, too. Some faculty are sensitive to the word"Hi" as a salutation, whether alone or with a name (e.g., "Hi,Professor Jones"), but others dont mind it and in fact use it themselves.

郵件開頭避免使用hey-沒有教授會喜歡這種稱呼方式。在很多人眼裡,在郵件中使用「Dear Professor Jones」會顯得過於正式。但事實上,如果你的目的帶有商業性,這樣的稱呼恰到好處。當然,簡單的「Professor Jones」也不存在問題。另外,雖然一些人對於用「Hi,Professor Jones」來打招呼也非常敏感,但大部分人還是習慣用hi來開始一封郵件的。

5. Dont expect an instant response. Although we have all become accustomed to the instantaneous quality of electronic communication, your professors want you to know that they simply cannot always answer a message quickly. Allow them a day or two, or even more, to respond.You can re-send the message if you havent heard back in five days or so.


6. Dont use smiley faces or other emoticons when emailing professors, and dont use all those internet acronyms, abbreviations,and shortened spellings (e.g., LOL, or "U" for "you").Similarly, dont confuse email style with txt style. All of that electronic shorthand signals a level of intimacy (and perhaps of age) that is inappropriate for exchanges with your professors.

切記在與你的教授溝通的郵件中不要運用任何錶情符號,更不要用網路流行的首字母縮略詞,縮寫詞和簡寫(如lol(Laugh Out Loud), U(You), Urs(yours)等等)。不要把郵件混同於簡訊,因為以上所有的電子速記寫法所代表的親密度程度(亦或是年齡層)對於你的教授來講很有可能是不合時宜的。

7. Write grammatically, spell correctly, and avoid silly mistakes. Use the spelling checker. Especially double-check for embarrassing errors in your subject header. Show that you care about how you present yourself in writing to your professor.


8. Dont use e-mail to rant or whine. Sometimes that may well elicit the exact opposite response that you intend.


9. Keep most messages to under a screen in length; lots of readers will simply defer reading long messages, and then may never come back to them. On the other hand, a very short, terse message may simply be meaningless. Be sure to include enough information so that your reader can understand what you are requesting. Provide a bit of background or context if necessary. State your request clearly.


10. Quote selectively and briefly from any prior messages to provide context and background.Although sometimes its good to quote an entire exchange so as to keep a record of whats beensaid and decided, often thats unnecessary and simply ends up making a messagetoo long and cluttering the screen.


11. Dont lay it on too thick. Its one thing to bepolite and friendly in your e-mail; its another thing to wind up with a brownnose.


12. Many professors advise that you think about why you are sending an e-mail message. Are you asking something that could easily be checked if you took a few extra steps yourself? For example, e-mailing a professor simply to ask when her office hours are can be annoying when the office hours have been clearly announced on the syllabus already. On the otherhand, emailing for an appointment is just fine. Are you emailing to lodge acomplaint or to ask for a letter of recommendation or to seek help with aproblem set? In these cases, personal contact and an office visit might be much better.


13. Sign-offs and signatures count. Always end by thanking the professor for his or her time, and closing with "Best wishes" or "Regards" (or some other relatively formal, but friendly, closing). And always sign with your (entire) real name, not some wacky nickname like Ry-Ry or Biff.

最後的簽名很重要。每封郵件最後都要感謝教授抽出時間來幫助你,並以「Best Wishes/ Regards」來結尾。(或者其他相關的正式語,但是要用友好的語氣。)然後簽上你的全名,而不是諸如Ry-Ry/ Biff什麼的昵稱。

14. Always acknowledge. If your professor deigns to answer—or send you the handout or reference that you asked for—be sure to tell him or her that you got it. That way he or she will think kindly of you next time they see you in class.




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