












4.SEVIS FEE列印收據,在線提交
























1. 聯網電腦

2. 戶口本、I20請放到手邊,幾個號碼填寫

3. 能交美元的信用卡等卡

4. 找到最近的中信銀行或者有中信銀行借記卡

5. 找時間把在校證明或畢業證,以及成績單開了

6. 印表機或者能夠把網頁等列印成pdf





























1.Talk about yourself. /Introduce yourself.介紹你自己.

My name is _______. I am _______ years old. I am from ________.

In my free time, I like _______________ ,_____________ and __________ .

2.Whats the purpose of your visit? 你去美國的目的

I want to have further study there.

3.What do you do now? /What did you do after graduation? /What have you been doing lately? 你現在在幹什麼?

I am a student. I graduate from ________________________________.

I am learning English in a training center lately.

4.When and where did you graduate? 你什麼時候,在哪裡畢業的?

I graduated from __________________________________________

5.What did you study in college? / What is it about? 你大學學的什麼專業?

I studied ___________________________ before.

6.What will you do in USA? /What is your purpose for the visa? /What』s your study plan in the states /Tell me your education plan.你的學習計劃.

I will learn ESL (English as a Second Language) there. I will have undergraduate studies: Level 1, 2, 3 and 4. Then I will major in Business Administration and Management.

7.Why do you want to study in USA? /Why do you intend to study in USA rather than in China? 為什麼想去美國學習?

Because I want to improve myself and learn more English.

8.1).What degree will you pursue in USA?

2).What is your ultimate academic goal?

3).What level of education are you pursuing in America?

4).What was the last degree you obtained?

5).What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation? 你在美國將要獲得什麼學位?/你最終的學習目標?/你準備在美國繼續什麼層次的教育?

My goal is to have Masters degree or even Doctors degree there.

9. What school will you go? 你將要去哪個學校?

I will go to North Seattle Community College.

10.How do you know this university? 怎麼知道的這所學校?

I know this university/ college from the agent and from the internet.

11.Why did you choose that university? 為什麼選擇這所學校?

Because I heard that it is a good school and I like the city there.

12.How much do you know about the university? /Tell me about something about this university. 對這所學校了解多少?

13.Whats your intended major? /What will you study? 選擇的專業是什麼?

I will learn ESL (English as a Second Language) there. I will have undergraduate studies: Level 1, 2, 3 and 4. Then I will major in Business Administration and Management.

14.Why do you want to study this major in the USA? /Why did you choose this major? 為什麼選擇這個專業?

Because I think it is useful for my future and for my family business.

15.How did you get interested in your major? 你是怎麼樣喜歡上你的專業的?

I think it is useful and challenging.

16.Who will be your sponsor? /Whos going to pay for your studies in the States? 誰支助你上學?

17.Who will be your sponsor? /

Whos going to pay for your studies in the States? 誰支助你上學?

My father and mother pay for my studies.

18.Did your parents borrow any of the money? 你父母為你上學借錢了嗎?

No. they didnt. They can afford it.

19.What do your parents do? / Where does your father or mother get the funds from? 你父母的工作是什麼?/ 你父母的錢是從哪裡來的?

My father and mother have a factory.

They sell ____________________ for money.

20.What are your fathers/mothers responsibilities at work? /Describe your fathers/mothers job to me. 你父母的主要工作是?

They sell ______________________.

21.How long have they worked there? 他們在那裡工作多久了?

They have worked there for ________ years.

22.Do you have a bank deposit certification (Bankbooks)?

May I see your bankbooks/bank statements/C.D./certificate deposit? 你有存款證明嗎?我能看一下嗎

Sure, here you are!

23.How much money have your parents saved for your education? /How much money have you been set aside? /How much money do you have been fund? 存了多少錢?

Yes. ____________________ (pointing out)

24.Do you have the enough fund for your study? 你有足夠的錢學習嗎?

Yes, I do.

25.How long have you been saving money? 錢存了多久?

For more than ________ years.

26.What is your plan? /What will you do after graduation? /What kind of job can you find in the future? 你畢業以後的計劃?

I will get my MBA degree in America. Then I will go back to China and work in my parents factory.

27.Will you come back after graduation? /Do you plan to return to china after graduation? 畢業後打算回國嗎?

Sure! I will go back to China and help with my family business.

28.1).In USA you can earn much more money than in China .So, why do you say you will return to China?

2).You can also make more of this kind of money in US, why don』t you want to earn more?

3).Why wont you stay in the US?

4).Why will you come back to China instead of finding a job in America? 5).Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? 為什麼要回國?

Because my family and the factory need me. If I can get MBA degree, I am able to help my family factory in the future.

29.1).Do you plan to seek financial support in the US?

2).Do you plan to find a job while you are studying?

3).Will you look for a part time job while going to school? 你在學習期間會做兼職嗎?

30.1).Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed your studies?

2).Do you looking for employment in USA?

3).After graduation do you plan to find a job in USA? 你畢業後打算在美國找工作嗎?

I dont think so. I want to go back to China and help with my parent』s factory.

31.What is the TOEFL requirement of your school? 你學校要求的托福成績是多少?

32.When is the opening date of your university? /When does your university start? 你學校什麼時候開學?

33.When are you going to enter USA? 你打算什麼時候去美國?

34.Where are going to live? 你打算住在哪裡?

35.Does your university require you to take ESL? 你的學校要求參加ESL課程嗎?

36.What does the ESL mean? ESL是什麼意思?

37.Is this your first trip to the embassy? 這是你第一次來大使館嗎?

38.When did you arrive to the US consulate? 你什麼時候到達美國大使館?

39.Are you confused? 你感到很困惑嗎?

40.Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed? /Are you fit enough to be interviewed? 你準備好面試了嗎?

41.Is this your application form? /Is this you non-immigrate visa application form? 這是你的(非移民)申請表嗎?

42.What is another name for your non-immigrate visa application from? 非移民簽證申請表的另一個名字是?

43.Is this your D-S form? 這是你的D-S表?

44.Did you read the form? 你已經讀了這份表格了嗎?

45.Did you fill in/complete your D-S form? 你填完D-S表了嗎?

46.Is this your I-20 form? 這是你的I-20表?

47.Did you fill out your I-20 form? 你填完I-20表了嗎?

48.Have you signed your I-20 form yet? 在I-20表上簽名了嗎?

49.How long do you want to stay in USA? /What is the maximum time you want to stay in USA? /How long do you need a visa for? /How long will you study in USA? 你打算在美國待多久?

50.What type of visa do you need? 你需要那種簽證?

51.Do you know anyone who has been refused a visa to America or any other country? 你認識被美國或其他國家拒簽過的人嗎?

52.Have you ever been refused a visa? 你曾經被拒簽過嗎?

53.Are you a member of any political parties? 你是政黨的成員嗎?

54.Have you ever applied for a visa to another country? 你向其他國家申請過簽證嗎?

55.Is this your first time applying for a visa? 這是你第一次申請簽證嗎?

56.Are you traveling alone? 你是自己一個人去嗎?

57.Are you traveling with someone else? 你和其他人一起去嗎?

58.Are any of your relatives in USA? /Do you have any relatives in the United States? Is anybody in your family outside of China now? 你在美國有親戚嗎?

59.Is anyone of your family in the other country? 你的家人有在其他國家的嗎?

60.1).Have you ever been to nations aside of china? 你出國過嗎?

2).Have you ever traveled outside of China?

3).Have you ever gone abroad?

4).Have you ever traveled other nations?

61.Do you know anyone who intends to travel to USA? 你認識其他想去美國的人嗎?

62.Is this your first time going out of china? 這是你第一次出國嗎?

63.Have you got any scholarship? /Did your school offer you scholarship? 你的學校提供獎學金給你嗎?

64.May I see your transcript? /Can I look at your transcript? /I need to see your transcript? 我能看看你的成績單嗎?

65.How many hours per-week will you study? /How much do you plan to study? /How long will you study every week? 你每周學習幾個小時?

66.How did you prepare the interview? /Have you prepared the interview? 你是怎麼準備簽證的?

67.How long have you prepared your visa interview? 你為了簽證準備了多長時間?

68.Do you want American Citizenship? 你想要美國公民資格嗎?

69.Will you immigrate? 你想要移民嗎?

70.Will your return to China on holidays? 你假期回中國嗎?

71.On your holidays do you plan to see any sites in American? 在假期中你打算在美國去看一些城市嗎?

72.If I cant give you a visa today / If I refuse your visa /If I don』t believe you are student /If I say I think you want immigrate /If I dont believe your paper work is real, what will you do? 如果我拒簽你,你將怎麼做?

73.Who do you think has been the best president in American history? 你認為美國歷史上最偉大的領導人是誰?

74.Who do you think has been greatest leader in the world? 你認為世界上最偉大的領導人是誰?

75.Do you think you can graduate from this university? 你覺得你會畢業嘛?

76.How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States?

77.Whats your hobby? / What do you usually do in your spare time? 你的興趣愛好是什麼?

78.Tell about your favorite movie/book/star....

79.Tell me about your hometown.



1. 看了看照片看了看我說:你整容了?我說:沒。他:眼睛看起來不一樣?我也不知道雙眼皮貼用英語怎麼說,就立馬噌一下把雙眼皮膠帶撕下來給他看,他就驚呆了。


  3. 校邊上那個92號公路誰修的你知道么(內心在滴血,這我怎麼知道?肯定死定了)他:出了校門就是呢,然後就have a good summer。(⊙﹏⊙b汗)

  4. 你是去這個學校嗎?還沒等我開口,他:拿著你剩下的材料回去吧。啊!事情發生的好突然,我以為我被拒了,結果我水過了。

  5. 他:有沒有男票,我說:有。他:你們接吻么? 我:額。。。(很尷尬)他:你出國了那你男票怎麼辦。。。(這也要管?)


  7.我:Good morning,I am applying for F1 visa to study in XXX. Balabla. 簽證官不搭理我,一個勁兒的敲電腦, 為了避免尷尬,我繼續balabala。然後簽證官拿走申請材料,又一個勁兒的敲電腦,我繼續balabala,然後簽證官:have a nice trip!我過了。。。。。。


  9.他:為什麼你這麼美? 我竟無言以對


  11.問我「do u like fish」,我以為問我喜不喜歡吃魚我就說很喜歡很好吃。結果他告訴我他是想跟我說亞特蘭大的水族館很好看。

  12.為什麼你的托福98分還沒過學校的語言要求???98分???98分啊!!!Thats crazy!!!」然後瘋了一樣跟周圍兩個窗口的簽證官重複了三遍。


TAG:留学美国 | 美国签证 | F1签证 |