
歡迎來到一周"UFO NEWS REPORT",最新鮮的資訊為你開啟。縱覽近期的目擊事件,我們發現三角形類不明飛行物體的目擊案例佔了絕大部分。


7月11日 晚上八點 北卡羅來納州——擁有軍事背景的目擊者拍到了三角形不明物體

目擊者說:」I saw a triangle-shaped aircraft with three white, pulsating lights hovering – and then moving slowly northeast and then the lights went off and the craft disappeared"


」I』m a former navy rescue, so I know all about aircraft warning lights and I』ve never seen anything like that in the military."


8月23日 凌晨3點15分 德克薩斯州——目擊者看到一架三角形UFO在附近公園徘徊了15分鐘

"I saw a strange light hovering a little past the park,」 the witness stated. 「At first I thought it could be a helicopter, since I live in Killeen right next to Fort Hood and there are always helicopters in the air."


「As I got closer I could tell it was a triangle-shaped craft and not a helicopter. I couldn』t hear any noise from it.」


8月15日 晚上11點 俄亥俄州——一對夫婦看到兩架低空飛行三角形UFO

「I』m 54 years old, sane and sober,」 the witness stated. 「I was staring up at the sky, not seeing any meteors and just relaxing. There』s no roof on my porch; it』s like a deck. Suddenly over my right shoulder, and over my house, I see two very dark objects moving silently over my street, then over the houses across the street and then disappearing into the northwest.」


「As soon as I saw them I had a creepy feeling, like these things were not meant to be seen. I can』t explain it, but that』s the thought that ran through my head. I didn』t think about 『aliens』 or 『extraterrestrials』 but I knew I had never seen anything like it, and for some reason, I believe I never will again. They were completely silent and had no lights whatsoever, but they did have some king of design on them.」


9月1日 「Out of this World」愛丁堡第四屆UFO年度大會&嘉年華舉行

「This is our fourth annual UFO conference,」 Dustin M. Sekula Library Director Letty Leija said. 「Last night, we had an excellent festival where we had over 3,000 people show up for our UFO festival in Edinburg. And right now, we have 350 people show up to our conference.」

超過3000人參加了UFO嘉年華,350人參加了會議。眾多愛好者和專家也參與了會議。詳細視頻文章:Believers, Experts Gather at UFO Conference


8月26日 阿波羅14號Edgar Mitchell在接受一網站採訪時爆料羅斯維爾存在UFO

He also said that the incident was kept secret because of the technology that could be obtained from the UFOs by "moneyed" interests.

由於金錢的關係,這個秘密一直沒有公開。U.S. astronaut says he was told there were UFOs at Roswell

8月22日 Foo Fighters樂隊主唱Dave Grohl表示:偶是UFO狂熱分子!

In another life, I hope that I was an astrophysicist, Dave told Billboard magazine. I spend most of my time online in the science section of Google news. Its what I do all day long. Im a UFO fanatic..

Grohl: Im a UFO fanatic

8月24日 過半英國人相信外星人的存在,2萬人稱曾遇到過

A total of 53% of people believe there is intelligent life on other planets, pollsters found, with another 29% unsure.

Just 18% of the public think we are alone in the universe and many people appear to believe aliens have visited earth in UFOs - but the government has covered it up.

Almost 2million Brits claim to have met an alien

8月26日 雪茄型UFO出現在國際空間站,NASA緊急切斷在線播放源

『What appeared to be a possible dust particle or meteor reveals itself to be a massive, cylinder-shaped craft.』

One YouTube commenter said, 『Right after that brief shot of that UFO NASA cuts the video, what a coincidence.『That in my opinion is proof positive that they are hiding SOMETHING from us.』他們肯定對我們隱瞞了什麼

Cigar-shaped UFO 窶話uzzes窶the Space Station

精彩預告:9月24-27號 2015MUFON國際會議舉行,主題:Expanding Ufology

The 2015 MUFON Symposium will focus on expanding ufology by opening new doors in academia, industry and the media. The expert speakers who will be lecturing at this symposium will provide you with valuable information that will broaden your horizons and open up whole new vistas for you to explore. They are truly some of the best in the world.

此前爆料地球存在外星人的加拿大前國防部長Paul Hellyer也出席該會議並進行演講。他的演講主題為:「Universal Control and Dominance」




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