
Strategic Management 有哪些 PhD level 的教材?



Strategic Management PhD level已經沒有教材之說了。基礎的是某一領域的開山鼻祖書籍,或者某一領域的開山鼻祖Paper。


  1. Simon. Administrative Behavior
  2. March Simon. Organziations
  3. Cyert March. Behavioral theory of firm
  4. Penrose. Theory of the growth of the firm
  5. Coase. Theory of the firm
  6. Neslon Winter. An evolutionary theory of economic change
  7. Porter. Competitive strategy
  8. Milgrom Roberts. Economics, Organizations and Management
  9. Chandler. Invisible hand
  10. Schelling. Strategy of conflict
  11. Granovetter Swedberg. The sociology of economic life
  12. Scott Davis. Organizations: Rational, Natural and Open Systems


  1. Barney. 1991. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. JOM (RBV)
  2. Eisenhardt. 1989. Agency theory. AMR (Agency)
  3. Teece et.al. 1997. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. SMJ (Dynamic capability)
  4. March 1991. Exploration and exploitation in org learning. OrgSci (Learning / ambedexterity)
  5. Williamson. 1975. Transaction cost economics. JLE. (TCE)
  6. Kogut Zander. 1992. Knowledge of the firm, combinative capabilities and the replication of tech. OrgSci (KBV)
  7. Tushman Anderson. 1986. Technological Discontinuity and org environment. ASQ (Technology)
  8. Uzzi Brian. 1997. Social structure and competition in interfirm networks. ASQ (Network)
  9. Hannan Freeman. 1977. Structural inertia and org change. AJS. (Population Ecology)
  10. DiMaggio Powell. 1983. Iron cage revisited: institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizaitonal field. ASR (Institutional theory)

@CFMars 提到了很多經典文獻和專著,這些經典文獻在seminar上一般都會讀到。誠如所見,大多數學校都不會指定PhD教材。戰略領域實在是太年輕,年輕到所有理論無法系統地裝到一個無可爭議的目錄里。

然後……咱們還是有教材的。我只列三本相對權威的。第一本是Mahoney的Economic Foundations of Strategy。

Mahoney, J. T. (2004). Economic foundations of strategy. Sage Publications.

內容大致覆蓋了商學院Strategy Seminar第一學期的內容。包括RBV,TCE, Agency theory, Property Rights Theory等等。

另外一本是Bromiley的The Behavioral Foundations of Strategic Management。

Bromiley, P. (2009). The behavioral foundations of strategic management. John Wiley Sons.

裡面重點介紹了March, Cyert, Simon等人的行為理論,中間還夾雜著對新古典經濟學、組織經濟學等的批評。個人感覺中間有些評論過於辛辣了點。

這兩本書的好處是薄,乃博士生資格考試之前居家旅行必備之珍品。我個人非常喜歡Bromiley書的前三章。讀完之後對Behavioral theory of the firm的理解非常有幫助。

許多學校還開設了Organization theory的seminar,這個seminar其實也是有教科書的。

Scott, W. R., Davis, G. F. (2015). Organizations and organizing: Rational, natural and open systems perspectives. Routledge.

這本書的內容說實話有點陳舊了,我在不同學校上過好幾次OT的seminar,每次只要閱讀書目里有這本書的,都只用了2-4章 。

找你們學校的5,6,7研究生課程。 查找syllabus.


求推薦一下比較實用的管理學書籍 公司從開始的兩三人到今天的十來號人 人員管理上也越來越重要了 急急急?

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