《The Elements of Typographic Style》《CJKV Information Processing》
《一字一生》最近剛出新版的 Thinking with type [1] 可以作為初學者讀物。
[1] http://www.thinkingwithtype.com/關於英文字體設計,或許可以看一下 Gary Hustwit 拍攝紀錄片《Helvetica》。
初學者可以不局限於字體。最近看到這本,感覺不錯:The Non-Designers Design Book, by Robin Williams
1. What type designer drew Helvetica?2. What type designer drew Times New Roman?
3. What was Times New Roman originally designed?4. How many points are there in a pica?5. How could you describe the attributes of a "humanist" typeface?6. When would you use an em-dash?7. When would you use an en-dash?8. If 10 point type is "set solid" what leading is it on?9. What is a widow?10. What is an orphan?11. What is kerning?12. What do the terms "upper case" and "lower case"mean? Where do the terms come from?
13. What nationality was Bodoni?14. What are non-lining numerals? When do you use them?15. How many "word" spaces should you use after a period?16. What is "leading"? Where does the term come from?17. Which was designed first: Helvetica, Akzidenz, or Futura?18. What is a ligature?19. What is the difference between a typeface and a font?20. What is tracking?21. What is the name for small numbers raised above the baseline?(cr:Michael Worthington)
還有一些人做的type anatomy 和基礎知識小測試什麼的TypographyAIGA type quizAnswers to Ultimate Typography Quiz小林章《西文字體》亞洲人學習西文字體的範本剩下就要自己各種零零碎碎的找不同的type foundry 來補充自己(只是學習西文字體的部分方法)一本有些老,但很好的參考書:Design with type, by Carl Dair 。 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0802065198
※為什麼維斯安德森(Wes Anderson)在《月升王國》(Moonrise Kingdom)中要用一種不同於以往的字體?
※字體話題中說的 fallback 具體是什麼意思?
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