目前最有效率的脫脂方法是美國 william D.Brink博士發明的碳水循環法,這個方法可以讓你在減少脂肪的同時最大限度地保持瘦體重。
具體做法是:4天作為一個循環,前三天每斤體重只攝入0.8克碳水化合物,平均的分配到前五餐中(最後睡前加餐不吃碳水),另外需要高達 1.5克的蛋白質和0.5克脂肪。碳水必須是複合碳水。蛋白質要選擇高BV(biology value,生物學價值)的製品,比如分離乳清蛋白,雞胸 肉,雞蛋白,瘦牛肉,深海魚。植物蛋白比如大豆蛋白對修復肌肉組織的意義並不大。可以選擇的食用油只能是橄欖油(主要成分歐米加-9)和亞麻籽油/深海魚 油,並且要以後者為主, 因為亞麻籽油/魚油中含有最豐富的歐米加-3必須脂肪酸,而這種脂肪酸可以加速人體自身的脂肪分解代謝。花生也是不錯的來源。所 以假如你體重150斤,一天就需要攝入120克複合碳水,225克高質量的蛋白質和75克健康脂肪。
飲食法是減脂的基礎,但是建立運動習慣和日常健康飲食才是最高效持久的方式。Zig-Zag 循環飲食法高新陳代謝減脂
來自:How to get ripped naturally
Zig zagging calories for fat loss is awesome! Been doing it for a long time now, I got from 35% bodyfat to 3.5% bodyfat with it, in just a matter of 4 months, that is MUCH faster than just eating low calories most of the time! Plus I maintained ALL my muscle in the process. This is (I believe) the secret to getting ripped fast! So read carefully..
Zig Zagging(急轉)卡路里法減脂法十分神奇! 通過這個方法,我在4個月裡面,體脂率從35% 降到了3.5%。 這比一直吃低卡飲食快多了! 而且在這個過程中,我沒有失去一點肌肉。我相信這就是快速減脂的秘密! 所以請仔細閱讀下面的內容
The best zig zagging method I have came up with is to eat low calories for 2-3 days, then high calories for 2-5 days, then repeat. On the high days, you generally increase your complex carb intake, and fat intake (near the end of the phase) as well, protein should remain the same on both high and low days. Reading down below on this page you will get a better understanding of how to do "Clean Bulking". that refers to getting and staying lean all the time while gaining muscle at the same time.
最好的zig zagging方法是:
繼續讀你會進一步理解如何做 "Clean Bulking(膨脹)", 關於如何做到和保持一直瘦而且同時增肌。
The main way this diet works is the zig-zagging of the starchy carbs, where we avoid starchy carbs (like bread, pizza, pasta, potatoes, rice) during the low days and only eat them during the high days, this enables your metabolism to run smoothly all the time (even during the low days), and keep the hormone insulin low during the low days so fat loss will occur. Muscle maintenance is also there thanks to all the high days and the carb load meals.
這種飲食奏效的主要方法在於 澱粉類碳水化合物的Zig-Zaggging,如,麵包,披薩,義大利面,土豆,米飯等。
NOTE: Below is a typical example of food a person will eat whos lean body weight (your weight minus your fat weight) is about 160 pounds, and may be different according to your physique. This exact same diet has been working very well for me.
注意:下面是典型的例子,一個人的飲食,他的體重是160磅,約145斤。(體重=體重-脂肪), 而且可能會根據體格的不同而變化。這個食譜對我很有效。
Also, as common dieting practices go, you should eat every 3 hours or so, which ends up to be about 5-6 meals a day. These are the break down of the food intake for both phases:
2-3 Low calorie days:
Meal #
calories - protein/carbs/fat grams
卡路里-蛋白質/碳水化合物/脂肪 (克)
660 - 65/55/20
Tasty oatmeal: 1 cup of plain oatmeal, 1 TBS raw honey, 1 TBS flax oil (or hemp oil), 2 scoops of whey protein, 1 scoop of caseinate protein, and cinnamon.
美味的燕麥片: 1 杯純燕麥片,1勺蜂蜜,1勺亞麻油,2勺蛋白粉,1勺酪蛋白酸蛋白,和肉桂
第2餐320 - 35/12/15
5 oz of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1/4 cup of brown rice, 1 TBS of extra virgin olive oil. NOTE: Last day of the low phase, eliminate the rice.
5盎司雞胸,生混蔬菜,1/4杯糙米, 1勺初榨橄欖油。注意:低卡最後一天,減掉米飯meal#3:
320 - 35/12/15
5 oz of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1/4 cup of brown rice, 1 TBS of extra virgin olive oil. NOTE: Last day of the low phase, eliminate the rice
5盎司雞胸,生混蔬菜,1/4杯糙米, 1勺初榨橄欖油。注意:低卡最後一天,減掉米飯meal#4:
第4餐320 - 35/12/15
5 oz of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1/4 cup of brown rice, 1 TBS of extra virgin olive oil. NOTE: Last day of the low phase, eliminate the rice
5盎司雞胸,生混蔬菜,1/4杯糙米, 1勺初榨橄欖油。注意:低卡最後一天,減掉米飯meal#5:
第5餐225 - 25/0/14
1 scoop of caseinate protein, 1 TBS of FLAX seed oil. NOTE: Add 1/4 cup of oats on the first low day for this meal.
1勺酪蛋白酸蛋白,一勺亞麻籽油。注意:在低卡第一天,加上1/4杯燕麥Totals:總共:1,845 calories, 195/91/79 (last low day: 1,725 cal)總共:1845 卡路里, 195/91/79(低卡最後一天:1725卡)2-5 High calorie days:
2-5 天高卡日:
Meal #
每餐calories - protein/carbs/fat grams
卡路里-蛋白質/碳水化合物/脂肪 (克)
第1餐660 - 65/55/20
Tasty oatmeal: 1 cup of plain oatmeal, 1 TBS raw honey, 1 TBS flax oil (or hemp oil), 2 scoops of whey protein, 1 scoop of caseinate protein, and cinnamon.
美味的燕麥片: 1 杯純燕麥片,1勺蜂蜜,1勺亞麻油,2勺蛋白粉,1勺酪蛋白酸蛋白,和肉桂meal#2:
第2餐440 - 35/42/15
5 oz of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1 cup of brown rice, 1-2 TBS of extra virgin olive oil.
5盎司雞胸,生混蔬菜,1杯糙米, 1-2勺初榨橄欖油。meal#3:
第3餐440 - 35/42/15
5 oz of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1 cup of brown rice, 1-2 TBS of extra virgin olive oil.
5盎司雞胸,生混蔬菜,1杯糙米, 1-2勺初榨橄欖油。meal#4:
第4餐440 - 35/42/15
5 oz of chicken breast, raw mixed vegetables, 1 cup of brown rice, 1-2 TBS of extra virgin olive oil.
5盎司雞胸,生混蔬菜,1杯糙米, 1-2勺初榨橄欖油。meal#5:
第5餐320 - 25/23/14
One scoop of casein protein, 1/2 cup of oats, 1 TBS of FLAX oil.
Totals:總共: 2,300 calories, 195/204/79總共:2300卡路里, 195/204/79NOTE: This is just a typical diet that can be done with calorie cycling. You can always use a different protein, carb, or fat sources as you chose. Such as choosing turkey, beef, tuna instead of chicken, or choosing another whole grain carb choice rather than brown rice. You can even do a more restricted calorie phase during the low days. As a matter of fact my friend Matt lost 100 pounds in 6 months by doing intermittent water fasting during his low days.
How Many High and Low Days to do?
Most zig-zag programs for fat loss usually only have 1 high day followed by 3 low days. From my experience, if you extend the amount of high days, you will crank your metabolism up even further so once you go back on the low, fat loss becomes even quicker than if you just did one high day! I have had great results doing: 2-low, 2-high, 2-low, 3-high, 2-low, 2-high, 2-low, 3-high etc etc. This keeps your metabolism tricked so it know it doesnt get used to a certain program. Last thing you want is for your body to find homeostasis for your metabolism, which fat loss becomes almost impossible then!, which I think it can find doing only 3 low and 1 high constantly. But the whole principle here is that you want your metabolism (which is gets revved up during the high days) to run quicker on the low days, so fat loss can occur.
大多數的減脂的zig-zag 計劃只有1天高卡然後跟著3天低卡。根據我的經驗,如果你延長高卡的天數,你將啟動你的新陳代謝,將來一旦回到低卡,比起1天高卡日,更快速減脂。我有著很棒的結果:2天低卡,2天高卡,2天低卡,3天高卡,2天低卡,2天高卡,3天低卡,3天高卡。等等。這樣能夠使你的新陳代謝被「欺騙」,使它不會習慣於這個計劃。最後一件你需要的是 ,通過不間斷的 3天低卡,1天高卡 ,那樣會讓你的身體找到新陳代謝的平衡 ,那樣將不會減脂 ! 但是原則就是 讓你的新陳代謝在低卡日運轉的快些,這樣減脂將會發生 。
How many high and low days you want to do is up to you, but I would keep it in the range of 2-7 high days and 2-3 low days. You can experiment yourself to see what works best for you (or see the chart below for examples). Most zig-zag programs have you do more low days relative to the amount of high days. But I have found out through LOTS of experience, if you double the overall amount of high days to low days, your metabolism will run hot all the time and you will burn fat faster overall, and your body will simply look way better and more ripped.
高低卡日的天數隨你決定,但我建議控制在 高卡2-7天,低卡2-3天 。你可以通過實驗來看到底哪種分配適合你 。或者參照下面的表格例子。大多屬的zig-zap計劃會要求你的低卡日總數達於高卡日 。但我發現通過很多經驗 ,如果高卡日是低卡日的2倍,你的新陳代謝將一直運行的很快而且總體上看你也能瘦的更快,你的身體會看起來更棒和更加有型。
Its important to make sure you do not extend the low days past 3 days. Your metabolism will start to kick in starvation mode and you will be much better off going right back to the high days then to keep your metabolism running hot. You will most likely lose more fat on your second low day than your first or third. Because on the first day your body is getting rid of all its liver glycogen and nutrients in the intestines before it starts to tap into bodyfat. And the third day wont be as much fat loss compared to the second low day because your metabolism starts to slow down. So I actually recommend sticking with 2 low day cycles most of the time.
確保低卡日不要超過3天,這很重要 。你的新陳代謝將開始進入飢餓模式,然後你將終止低開,進入高卡日讓其高速運行起來。脂肪將在第二的低卡日燃燒的更多,高於第一和第三日。因為在第一日,你個身體剛剛脫離腸道中的糖和營養,在其開始轉變為體脂前。而第三天比第二天相比,不那麼容易減脂,是因為你的新陳代謝開始放慢。因此,我非常推薦大多數時候堅持2天低卡的循環 。
I also recommend cycling your cycles (see chart below for what Im talking about), this will prevent homeostasis (your body remaining the same, thus fat loss coming to a halt).
我也推薦你循環你的高低卡日 ,請參照下圖。這將阻止身體達到平衡。如果身體保持平衡,那麼減脂將會停止 。
Take a look at this chart to help you decide how many high days and low days to do. My better recommendations are at the top and least are at the bottom:
下圖將幫你決定你的高低卡日的分配。我更好的建議在最頂和最低端 :
3 high 2 low 2 high2 low
3 高卡日
2 低卡日
5 highs / 4 lows
5 高卡日/4 低卡日This is the main one I have used myself to drop to a very low bodyfat percent very quickly!
這是我採用的快速減脂的主要方法 5 high 2 low 3 high 2 low 2 high2 low
5 高卡日
10 highs / 6 lows
10 高卡日/6 低卡日
I have recently started to use this cycle, and let me tell you, this one may even be better than my top choice. Only difference is, it adds a 5 high day cycle in the mix. I am experiencing a hotter metabolism more often with this one! And fat loss on the lows are incredible! This is recommend for people with a 3% bodyfat and over!
我最近開始這個循環,讓我告訴你,這個方法可能比之前的更好。唯一不同的是,添加了5個高卡日。我體會到這種方法的新陳代謝更高,而且在低卡日減脂令人難以置信! 這種方法適合 體脂3% 到0%的人。 5 high 3 low 3 high2 low
5 高卡日
8 highs / 5 lows8 高卡日/5 低卡日
I have not tried this, but I would assume this would work good for someone with a bodyfat % between 9%-14%.我沒有試過這種方法,但我估計這個適合體脂在9%到14%的人
3 high 3 low 2 high 3 low3 高卡日
5 highs / 6 lows
5 高卡日/6 低卡日
I have used this one before during a high bodyfat percent and worked real good. It started to work less efficiently on me once my bodyfat percent got lower and lower. So this one is recommend for someone who has a bodyfat percent over 18%.在我體脂很高時,我使用過這種方法,真的很有效。但當我的體脂降低時,這種方法變得越來越不那麼有效了。所以這種方法適用於體脂超過18%的人。
2 high 2 low2 高卡日
2 低卡日
2 highs / 2 lows2 高卡日/2 低卡日
This uses very short cycles all the time, and it works very well! If you feel like your metabolism might be slowing down a tad, then stretch the high days to 3-4 to keep it going hotter.這種方法是很短的循環,但也很有效!當你發現你的新陳代謝可能降低了一些,可以把高卡日延長到3-4天。
5 high 2 low5 高卡日
2 低卡日
5 highs / 2 lows5 高卡日/2 低卡日
This diet cycle is the complete opposite of what most diet books and "dieters" recommend. Most people would think to do the opposite, which would be to eat low for 5 days, then high for 2 days, such as eat low during the weekdays, then pig out during the weekends. Well guess what? I can guarantee you, that you will lose fat 3-5 times faster doing the opposite (5 high/2 low). As long as you stick with the program correctly, that is eat maintenance level (or even a little above) with clean healthy foods for 5 days, then cut carbs back for 2 days, while doing plenty of intense cardio all the time, you will get LEANER MUCH FASTER than what most people would do instead (5 low/2 high).這個循環跟大多節食方法完全相反。大多數人的做法也完全相反,低卡5天,高卡2天,比如工作日的5天吃的很少,周末吃的很多。猜猜看結果會怎樣?我可以保證,使用5高2低的方法會比你的做法,減脂效率高3-5倍。一旦你正確的堅持這個計劃,吃到穩定水平,或者更高,使用清潔健康食物,5天,然後減去碳水化合物2天,同時保證足夠的高強度有氧運動,你將會比大多數堅持5低2高的人瘦得更快。
But overall, I still do not recommend doing this cycle because the cycles are not being cycled. But the point I am trying to make is, you simply need to eat more food more often and only lower it occasionally to burn fat off quick.
You will burn off more fat in those 2 low days each time, than you would doing 3 whole weeks of doing 5 low/2 high.
If you want to get to an extremely low bodyfat percent, while maintaining all muscles, this is how it is done (not 5 low, 2 high bullcrap)!
1 high 3 low1 高卡日
3 低卡日
1 high / 3 lows1 高卡日/3 低卡日
This is what most diet books recommend, and I actually think this is a horrible strategy compared to the ones above! I think you need more overall high days to low days to get to a low bodyfat percent quickly and this cycle is not the answer in my opinion. I do think this may work okay for obese people.這是大多數節食書籍推薦的方法,但我認為跟上面的方法相比,這個方法非常恐怖。這個方法不是如何快速減脂的答案,我認為你需要總體上高卡日比低卡日多,才能快速減脂。我也同意這個方法適合超胖的人。
Cardio is Key!
You are probably thinking, with all these high days compared to low days, I am going to get fat and gain weight! This is not the case because is order to make any of these calorie cycling diets work correctly is to make sure you do cardio workouts all the time! Whether its a high day or low day, continue to do intense cardio workouts (usually every day) or at the very least, every other day.
你可能會認為,跟低卡日相比,在高開日,我會增脂體重增加!不是的。因為為了讓卡路里循環飲食達到效果,必須保證,你一直在做有氧運動。無論是高卡日還是低卡日,持續的做高強度的有氧運動,通常每天 或者至少隔天 。
Cardio prevents fat accumulation during the high days, and allows you to eat more to increase your metabolism without gaining fat! This is VERY important to grasp. If you read my cardio article you will fully understand.
有氧運動防止脂肪在高卡日堆積,而且讓你在多吃的同時提高新陳代謝卻不長胖 。領會這點非常重要 。如果你閱讀了我的關於有氧運動相關的文章,你將會完全理解 。On the contrary, if you do not do cardio regularly and do any of these calorie cycling diets, you will most likely gain fat weight. The opposite happens when you do cardio, you will get slimmer and slimmer as time goes on while maintaining all your muscles in the process, thus getting closer to a ripped body. And the more intense you do your cardio, and the more often its done, the faster you will get ripped.
High Day Tips
On the high days, dont worry about over eating as much, feel free to eat some extra fruit if you like. Feel free to go out to a restaurant and eat a good sized meal once or twice. This will only help crank your metabolism up even further. And remember, dont worry about gaining fat, it will not happen as long as you keep doing intense cardio workouts.
高卡日,不要擔心會吃的很多 ,隨意吃你想吃的其他水果。隨意的外食,吃一兩次合適大小的肉。這隻會幫你讓新陳代謝更快。記住,不要擔心長胖,只要你堅持高強度有氧運動,這將不會發生 。
For the second half of the high phase, I recommend adding an extra tablespoon of oil for each of the 3 middle meals, that will add an extra 42 grams of fat and 378 calories to your diet each day, and will further help raise your metabolism..
For the last day on the high phase, have one of your meals be a super carb load meal, such as a big plate of spaghetti, ramen noodles, potatoes, etc. But make it a different carbohydrate than what you usually use for your meals. For example if you normally use brown rice for your meals all the time, use something different such as spaghetti for the carb load meal. This results in a different stress to the digestive system, which will help trigger more thyroid hormones. Doing this carb load will help add more muscle glycogen to preserve muscle for the upcoming low days, and also provides a nice metabolism boost.
I would also keep fruit servings to about 1 on the low days, and 1-3 on the high days. Fruit still contains a lot of sugar, and we want insulin to remain low most of the time. You can eat as many raw vegetables as you like though.
我也會保證低卡日1個水果,高卡日1-3個水果。水果保證了 糖,我們希望在大多數時候,胰島素保持很低。你可以儘可能的吃生菜。
Cardio is Key!
You are probably thinking, with all these high days compared to low days, I am going to get fat and gain weight! This is not the case because is order to make any of these calorie cycling diets work correctly is to make sure you do cardio workouts all the time! Whether its a high day or low day, continue to do intense cardio workouts (usually every day) or at the very least, every other day.
你可能會認為,跟低卡日相比,在高開日,我會增脂體重增加!不是的。因為為了讓卡路里循環飲食達到效果,必須保證,你一直在做有氧運動。無論是高卡日還是低卡日,持續的做高強度的有氧運動,通常每天 或者至少隔天 。
Cardio prevents fat accumulation during the high days, and allows you to eat more to increase your metabolism without gaining fat! This is VERY important to grasp. If you read my cardio article you will fully understand.
有氧運動防止脂肪在高卡日堆積,而且讓你在多吃的同時提高新陳代謝卻不長胖 。領會這點非常重要 。如果你閱讀了我的關於有氧運動相關的文章,你將會完全理解 。On the contrary, if you do not do cardio regularly and do any of these calorie cycling diets, you will most likely gain fat weight. The opposite happens when you do cardio, you will get slimmer and slimmer as time goes on while maintaining all your muscles in the process, thus getting closer to a ripped body. And the more intense you do your cardio, and the more often its done, the faster you will get ripped.
High Day Tips
On the high days, dont worry about over eating as much, feel free to eat some extra fruit if you like. Feel free to go out to a restaurant and eat a good sized meal once or twice. This will only help crank your metabolism up even further. And remember, dont worry about gaining fat, it will not happen as long as you keep doing intense cardio workouts.
高卡日,不要擔心會吃的很多 ,隨意吃你想吃的其他水果。隨意的外食,吃一兩次合適大小的肉。這隻會幫你讓新陳代謝更快。記住,不要擔心長胖,只要你堅持高強度有氧運動,這將不會發生 。
For the second half of the high phase, I recommend adding an extra tablespoon of oil for each of the 3 middle meals, that will add an extra 42 grams of fat and 378 calories to your diet each day, and will further help raise your metabolism..
For the last day on the high phase, have one of your meals be a super carb load meal, such as a big plate of spaghetti, ramen noodles, potatoes, etc. But make it a different carbohydrate than what you usually use for your meals. For example if you normally use brown rice for your meals all the time, use something different such as spaghetti for the carb load meal. This results in a different stress to the digestive system, which will help trigger more thyroid hormones. Doing this carb load will help add more muscle glycogen to preserve muscle for the upcoming low days, and also provides a nice metabolism boost.
I would also keep fruit servings to about 1 on the low days, and 1-3 on the high days. Fruit still contains a lot of sugar, and we want insulin to remain low most of the time. You can eat as many raw vegetables as you like though.
我也會保證低卡日1個水果,高卡日1-3個水果。水果保證了 糖,我們希望在大多數時候,胰島素保持很低。你可以儘可能的吃生菜。
Benefits of the High Days高卡日的益處
The high days has many benefits and is VERY important to do to help you lose fat and get ripped FAST. Without the stretch of high days you will experience plateaus of never losing fat, muscle loss, and low energy. The key to the high phase is all the extra complex carbohydrates you will consume. Because these are the many benefits:
-Replenishes muscle glycogen (energy stores in muscles), which gives you more energy and helps to maintain your muscle.
-補充肌糖元 (能量存儲在肌肉中),這將給你提供更多能量幫助保持肌肉。-Facilitates many metabolism increasing hormones that will keep your metabolic rate running smoothly all the times for you to burn fat, and helps to prevent your metabolism from ever slowing down and adapting to always eating a low calorie diet.
-促進新陳代謝增加荷爾蒙,這將幫助保證所有的時間裡,新陳代謝平滑的運轉,從而燃燒脂肪,而且幫助你的新陳代謝去適應低卡日而不減速。-Allows you to break fat loss plateaus, and I strongly think this diet is the key to getting to a low bodyfat % safely, effectively, and naturally while maintaining your muscles in the process.
-Allows variety in your diet that allows you to have "pig out" meals without guilt.
-允許你變換飲食,讓你可以大吃特吃而沒有內疚感。Tips to increase health factor!
The diet I outlined above is VERY healthy, and it can be done for a lifetime with many positive anti-aging benefits! It has been said that when you mix raw honey with cinnamon (like for the breakfast meal every morning), you are helping yourself prevent many diseases, illnesses, and cancers. Look it up on google (honey plus cinnamon) and you will see all the benefits you get from them together. Plus all the raw fruits and vegetables help to also prevent cancers and diseases, along with cleaning out your intestines and colon. The oatmeal every morning also helps to clean out your colon and your arteries.
我描述的飲食非常的健康,這可以持續一生,有著很多積極的抗老化的好處!我說過,當你伴著原蜜和肉桂,你正在幫自己趕走疾病。你可以在google上搜索關鍵字"蜂蜜加上肉桂",你將看到你能從他們得到的所有益處。加之所有的生蔬菜水果也幫助阻止疾病,同時清潔你的腸道。每天早晨的燕麥也幫助清潔你的腸道和動脈。If you want to even crank up the health factor a bit more, just make sure that all the food you buy is organic, and you will be sure that all the food you get is free of chemicals, hormones, antibiotics etc..
For extra health benefits you can add mushrooms to your salads. Mushrooms such as Maitake, Shiitake, and Crimini are tasty and add tons of health benefits for you. You can even take Reishi mushroom supplements, which I recommend for tremendous health benefits.
Dont believe these cycles will work?不相信這樣的循環有用?
If you are skeptical at all about calorie cycling or the cycles I outlined above, then try this..
Lets say you are dieting down to lose fat, and you are sticking to a low calorie diet, with a calorie range of about 1,600 a day, every day. You came to the conclusion that you are not losing fat at the rate you would like. Now you are afraid to try my diet because you are afraid to try long stretches of high days all the time, and you think it simply will not work, because you would be eating more than what you are now. But try this, do any of those cycles above (except the bottom 3), and just let your current calorie range (1,600, or what ever it is) be your high days, and then lower it to like 1,200 - 1,400 (or accordingly for your diet) for the low days. So lets say if you chose this cycle method here, this is how you would eat:
你依靠飲食來減脂,而且你堅持低卡飲食,每天大概攝入1600卡。你會面臨這樣的結論,你將不會繼續減脂,當到達一定的體脂率。現在你可能擔心試試我的飲食法,因為延長高卡日,你會吃的比你現在吃的還多。但試試這樣,試試上面任何一個方案,除了第三個,而且保持你現在的卡路里,1600 或者任何在高卡日,然後在低卡日,攝入 1200-1400卡,或者按照你的食譜。如果你簡直這樣的循環方法,讓我們看看你將如何吃:5 high - 1,600 calories.
2 low - 1,300 calories. 3 high - 1,600 calories.2 low - 1,300 calories.
Alright? You have nothing to be scared of, because you are still overall eating your same amount of calories you were eating before, you are just dropping them further only occasionally. Now try that for awhile and watch the fat MELT off your body with a quickness.
怎麼樣?你現在沒有什麼好擔心的了,因為你還是吃的跟之前一樣多,你只是偶爾沒有那麼遲。現在堅持一下,看看你體內的脂肪是不是燃燒的更快了。Taking this a step further...
繼續。。。。Now did you know that since your body is not a machine, but rather a force of nature, it will do anything in its power to survive and adapt to your environment accordingly (thats nature!), thus it is not all about calories burned versus calories consumed through your day that determines your fat loss rate (like what most people think). It is all about your metabolism and adaptations that determine your ACTUAL fat loss rate. If you are doing intense cardio every day, you have all the right to increase those calorie ranges above and still burn fat off quick, and you will experience a much more toned and defined body over time, while experiencing fat loss about the same rate. So for example you can start doing this and probably see even better results:
現在你知道了你的身體不適一個機器,但是自然的力量,他會盡全力做任何生存和適應環境的事情,這不是關於決定你體脂消耗率的卡路里消耗或者燃燒的問題。這是關於你的新陳代謝和適應性來決定你實際體脂減少率的問題。如果你每天堅持高強度有氧,你就有權利增加卡路里的攝入而且仍然很快燃脂,當你減脂的同時,你將體會到更多的樂趣。因此例如你可以開始試試,很可能你會得到一個更好的結果:5 high - 2,000 calories.
2 low - 1,600 calories. 3 high - 2,000 calories.2 low - 1,600 calories.
Funny, how now we are eating the same amount of calories on the low as we did on the high with the previous diet. The point is, if you keep juggling your calories on a higher end rather than a lower end, overtime you will develop a much more defined and toned body with much more muscle mass, and you will still lose fat at the same rate as with the previous diet above. This is another VERY important secret you must grasp if you want to get ripped with big muscles and very low body fat percent.
有趣的是,我們在低卡日吃的跟之前高卡日吃的一樣多。問題時,如果你在高卡日提高你的卡路里比低卡日還高,你會建立一個更加有型和健美的身體,有著更多的肌肉塊,而且你將仍然以之前食譜相同速度減脂。這是另一個需要領會的很重要的秘密,如果你想要有著大塊肌肉的有型身體,而且超低的體脂。You can also use this information to determine how big or how small you want to look over all. If your goal is to lose weight (that is both fat and muscle), then juggle your calories on a low end. If your goal is to have lots of muscle mass with still a very low bodyfat percent (like a typical bodybuilder), then juggle your calories at a higher end. You will probably not find this information anywhere else!
你也可以使用這些信息來決定你希望自己看起來如何。如果你的目標是減重,也就是脂肪和肌肉,那麼顛倒你的卡路里在低卡結束。如果你的目標是大肌肉低脂肪,那麼顛倒你的卡路里在高卡結束。你很可能在其他地方都找不到這麼有用的信息!其他答主明顯不懂carb cycling的意義,而誤以為是低碳高蛋白高脂肪飲食。兩者是有根本區別的,而且低碳減肥法早就淘汰。
通常碳水循環不會單獨使用,會配合卡路里循環一併使用,效果棒棒的。是本人所知道體脂8以下減脂的唯一健康方式。我十二月份開始用阿特金斯,十七斤到了平台期,怎麼零碳水都沒發瘦,還感覺皮膚不好,生活質量下降嚴重,中間去倫敦過了個聖誕,胡吃海喝了幾天,反彈了五天,嚇得要死,回來趕緊又戒碳水,結果一路減到三十斤,順利突破平台期,我靠,現在看來不就是有點碳水循環的意思么,今天又看了篇熱門文章,gain fat to loss ,也是這麼個意思,無意間發現了新大陸了
自己根據資料做了個公式 準備嘗試 待補
食物熱量來自微博 劉努努 侵權刪。。。
這飲食法不長久的,你總不能一輩子這麼吃吧@( ̄- ̄)@那人生多無趣啊!這樣做確實會瘦下來,但是一回到正常飲食馬上反彈。
Zig-Zag 循環飲食法高新陳代謝減脂 很有用贊贊贊
2017年一月份開始沒鍛煉現在胖回來了 畢竟減不減肥都是沒有妹子的呀
通過低碳飲食,我是說通過第1 步減少了33%~50%的碳水化合物後。你需要花多長時間來維持這一攝入水平?這就要看你的身體反應了。如果你的肌肉的減脂強悍的過程能夠持續2周,那麼太棒了,你應該繼續堅持。當然如果你發覺你飲食已經能夠很好地減脂增肌,那麼你為什麼需要再進入碳水化合物循環呢?一般情況下,在保持低碳攝入的時候,我發現絕大多數健美者都能夠在2周內達到更好的減脂效果,至多是3周吧。不過,你也沒有必要拘泥於我所提到的數字。你可以大致計算一下,如果你從一開始攝入900g碳水化合物,那麼你每天都能夠減脂450-600g。如果你從一開始攝入400g碳水化合物,那麼你的肌肉將每天減少200-300g,這就是為什麼說碳水對與增肌人群更加重要的原因。
首先讓我們看看宏量營養素是什麼樣的,以及如何安排宏量營養素,然後我們將深入介紹如何安排碳水化合物的攝入量才能最大程度的保持運動能力和肌肉(要肌肉,不要脂肪)。因為3大營養素直接關係到你的總攝入的熱量問題Step 1:首先了解宏量營養素蛋白質:維護肌肉質量,想要限制熱量的攝入,就需要充足的蛋白質攝入量。雖然有科學表明我們在構建肌肉時,每磅體重不需要超過0.8克的蛋白攝入(約每公斤1.5克蛋白質),但是奧克蘭理工大學進行的一項研究表明,限制/控制熱量攝入的訓練者,需要更多的蛋白質攝入量。它們的結論是:你每磅瘦體重需要攝入1-1.2克 的蛋白質來維持肌肉組織,你肌肉越多,瘦體重越重,或是是控制熱量攝入的時間越長,需要的蛋白質越多。反過來也一樣,身體脂肪越多的人,節食時間還比較短 ,可以進行比較低的蛋白質攝入。現在,大部分人的人都簡單的認為「自體重 x 1g」是可以接受的範圍,如果想算的更仔細一些,可以參考下面的公式。以180磅,體脂為15%舉重者為例180 x 0.15 = 27磅脂肪(體重/磅x體脂率/%=脂肪含量)180 - 27 = 153磅瘦體重(體重/磅-體脂重量=瘦體重含量)153磅x 1.2 =每天184克的蛋白質(瘦體重x 1.2 =每天蛋白質的克數)脂肪:膳食脂肪的攝入大概在總攝入熱量的20-35%,就可以獲得脂肪的所帶給你的所有益處,相當於每磅體重的脂肪攝入在0.3-0.4克。
180磅/每天x 0.4 = 72克脂肪/每天體重/磅 x0.4=每日脂肪的克數碳水化合物:健身的人永遠不應該迴避碳水化合物,它是我們的主要能量來源,但是吃的太多的話就會變成脂肪存儲下來,以備不時之需,我們應該儘可能多的攝入碳水當然前提是保持一定的赤字水平,一個合適的建議量是每磅體重攝入1到1.5克碳水每天。180磅(x)1- 1.5 -=每天180 - 270克碳水化合物每磅體重(x)1-1.5=每天碳水化合物的克數Step 2:把碳水和脂肪安排到每周攝入量
以上面180磅的人為例,每天需要攝入180g蛋白質,72克脂肪,還有大約225g碳水,這樣下來每天的熱量攝入略低於2300卡,而周攝入量每周低於16000卡。這樣的話我們只要保證攝入量在這個範圍內,就屬於熱量赤字(減脂)。而不論你在一周的時間如何安排脂肪和碳水的量,都將會消耗脂肪。這就意味著我們一周可以拿500g脂肪和1575g碳水來做個實驗。即通過控制攝入的量使得在健身房的運動能力達到最大值。健身房的表現越棒,我們越不用消耗肌肉來提供能量。而且最大化健身房運動表現的方法就是有足量的碳水來供能。Step 3:確定高、中、低碳水的日子
這一步就是確定你的訓練計劃中的運動強度,有幾天是高強度,中等強度或是休息日。一般是兩天重訓,兩天中等訓練,三天休息。如果你訓練計劃不是以強度去劃分,而是以部位這樣的方式安排,那就把高碳水的日子用到最具有挑戰的項目上,比如練腿日深蹲、硬拉訓練日。高強度訓練日=高碳水化合物的攝入量中強度訓練日=適量碳水化合物攝入量休息日=低碳水化合物攝入量分配的方式也很簡單,50%用於高強度訓練,35%用於中等強度訓練,而剩下的15%用於休息日。舉例來說,如果你的一周碳水攝入是在1575克,高強度訓練日的兩天攝入50%的碳水(788g),每天是394g,而35%的碳水(551g)分配到兩天,每天是275g,剩下的15%的碳水是236g,平均的分配到不訓練的三天,每天則是78g 。高碳水日=394g中等碳水日=275g低碳水日=78g當然上述只是舉例,看似很複雜,但其實如果你有一個詳細的訓練計劃,則非常簡單。Step 4:確定高、低、中脂肪的日子
算了一下自己的數據 即使是低碳日 每斤體重0.8的碳水 總熱量都1478 已經沒有熱量虧損了
我也有一個疑問,畢竟針對現在大部分的上班族每頓精心的準備時間絕對有所欠缺。我是一周5練,3+2。那能否在我訓練日的時候保持正常的飲食(當然盡量控制油糖) 在非訓練日或者周末的時候吃常規的低油糖健身餐。這樣效果如何?