




Chinas social media filled with nostalgia at year-end

Chinas social media platform WeChat was abuzz[1] with people posting photographs of themselves aged 18, in recent days. The trend showed many Chinese readying themselves for 2018 in nostalgic mood.

[1]abuzz:filled with noise and activity 喧鬧紛亂的;嘈雜的;忙亂的

When we arrived, the party was in full swing and the room was abuzz.


But why 18?

The trend was inspired by the fact the arrival of 2018 means even the youngest members of the 90s generation-those born from 1990 to 1999-have now turned 18 and entered adulthood.

For many, this milestone suggests a generational shift.

While some have simply posted images online of their younger selves, many have also shared memories of their hopes and dreams from that time, as well as reflections on the swift passing of time.

"Now the stage has been set for the post-00s generation," said an Internet user.

For many, posting the old photos was not just a coming-of-age[2] party for the post-90s generation, but an occasion to lament[3] the passing of time. "I was young and chubby[4]. Now I am old and thin. I would rather exchange the lost weight for the lost time," said one wistful WeChat user.

[2]coming-of-age:done to celebrate the fact that someone is legally an adult and old enough to vote 慶祝某人踏入成年而做(或舉辦等)的

a coming-of-age party


[3]lament:to express sadness and feeling sorry about something 對…感到悲痛,對…表示失望,痛惜

The poem opens by lamenting (over) the death of a young man.


[4]chubby:(especially of children) fat in a pleasant and attractive way (尤指兒童)圓圓胖胖的,胖乎乎的,豐滿的

chubby legs


"If I were 18 again, I would encourage my friends-especially the women-to read more books. I would aim higher and be more ambitious," she added. "I would spend more time in love before getting married, and Id see more places overseas."

"I felt it was interesting, so I put up my pictures, too," said the 26-year-old, who in one image can be seen with four friends, all smiling into the camera, as they sit beside West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province.

Fang Shilin, an engineer with China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp[中國航天科技集團公司], posted two pictures on his WeChat Momentsfeed on Sunday after noticing that many of his friends had uploaded photos.

Kou was 18 when she first fell in love. She remembers being "muddled[5] but happy".

[5]muddled:A person who is muddled is confused 頭腦不清楚的;糊塗的;困惑的

He became increasingly muddled as he grew older.


Kou Ying, 53, was not a fan of the trend at first, but she quickly changed her attitude after seeing her friends old photos.

"When I was 18, I never imagined that Id be able to study in Germany and become a professional translator. Its interesting to look back," she said. "I havent changed so much. Even my husband said I am still as simple as I was at 18 years old."

"It was a great time. When I look at these pictures, I miss my friends and the old days. Back then, all I wished for was that there would be no more exams in my life. Now the dream has come true," he said with a laugh.

On Sina Weibo, "photos taken at 18" was one of the hottest search topics on Sunday. Many netizens also urged celebrities to post their photos.

Members of the 90s generation were born at a time when China was beginning to see significant results from its reform and opening-up policy, which was launched in 1978. They grew up with rapid development in the information era.

A lot of attention is also paid to this generation because its members, most of whom have no siblings, grew up in a better family environment than earlier generations. However, many have argued that this has led to the generation being "spoiled".


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