
[第113次聽寫] V字仇殺隊 這篇被血虐了

[第113次聽寫]_騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/cover/i0558it09ob/i0558it09ob.html

我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘電影, 已經堅持3個月了. 你想不想甩掉字幕看電影和美劇? 跟我一起做聽寫吧!



in view, a humble vodervilian(vaudevllian) veteran.

cast vecariously(vicariously) as both victm and villan by the vicissitudes of fate

this visarge(visage). no mere of near(veneer of) vanity.

is the(a) vestige of the vox populate(vox populi)

now vacant. vanished

however this violereous(valorous) visitation of a bygone vixation(vexation)stands vivified.

and has vowed to vanquish these veenel(venal) and vanel(virulent) vermin vanguarding vice and vouch safing(vouchsafing) the violently viciously and veriously violation of vision(volition).

the only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta.

held as the votive.

not in vain. for the value and veracity of such shall one day.

vindicate the vigilant and virtuous.

vearly(verily) this vicious world of verbuge vears most verbous(vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose)

so let me simply add that its my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.


今天不認識的詞實在太多了, 有點小崩潰. 我先把這篇放一放吧~


突破小詞第2彈 him vs her vs them

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