[第69次聽寫]銀護2 他是全宇宙最棒飛行員?
[第69次聽寫]銀護2 (六)他是全宇宙最棒飛行員?_騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/cover/z05417yxysl/z05417yxysl.html
我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘電影, 已經堅持2個月了. 把你聽懂的句子寫在評論里, 和我一起堅持聽寫, 早日甩掉字幕吧~
這周開始我對每日聽寫做2個調整: 標題改的更有趣一些. 當日聽寫的視頻, 第二天公布答案, 這樣避免大家直接看到答案, 就懶得自己聽寫了~
What were you thinking?
Dude, they were really easy to steal.
Thats your defense?Come on, you saw how that high priest was talking down upon us(high priestess talked down to us).Im teaching her a lesson.I didnt realize your motivation was altruism.
Its really a shame the sovereign has(have) mistaken your intentions and theyre trying to kill us.Exactly.I was being sarcastic.No, you were supposed(youre supposed) to use a sarcastic voice.Now I look foolish.
Can we put xxx(the bickering) on hold until after we survived(survive) this massive space battle.More incoming.Good, Im gonna kill some guys.我的心得
1 這篇很難, 錯了很多, 聽寫+對答案30分鐘.
2 priestess這個辭彙不熟, 導致該句的時態聽錯了.
3 survive和youre supposed to還是兩個時態聽錯了.推薦閱讀:
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