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Why Career Sense Is So Essential To Your Success

Before you can do something well you need to understand it well first. That concept makes perfect sense, right? If you think so, then you should care a lot about improving your career sense. Because here』s the bottom line. The better your career sense, or understanding of how to achieve your career success, the better you』ll be able to make good career decisions, perform in your job well, and pursue your career objectives.

How you end up in bad situations in the first place

Now, you』re probably thinking that spending time to improve your career sense isn』t very practical. It isn』t the most critical thing you need to do right now to improve your situation. What you need instead are straightforward answers to solve your career problems. But you couldn』t be more wrong.

Because when you find yourself in a bad job or career situation that you need answers to fix or escape from, you have to ask yourself, how did you end up there in the first place? Why are you in an industry or company you don』t like, in a job function you aren』t interested in, or working for a crap boss? These were your choices and decisions.

The fact is, the reason you have to deal with many of these unhappy situations is because of bad decisions you』re making. And the root cause to most of your career problems is, you guessed it, your poor career sense.

Just imagine how much more successful and happier you』d be if you made better job decisions and different career choices. A big reason why some people are more successful is because they』re able to avoid the type of bad situations you face. Their career sense is better. So they spend more of their time and effort building their career success instead of solving their career problems.

How career sense impacts your career success

For me, career sense has had a huge impact on my own career moves and decisions. Here are just three times when it helped me early in my career.

The time I avoided a career track that didn』t fit me - Before going to business school, I actually planned to go to law school. I got in and was all set to go!

While waiting for the program to start though, I decided to talk to some lawyers to better understand what they did. They all said the same thing. They loved law school and studying law. But nobody seemed to like their job. Practicing law wasn』t like what we see on TV, where you battle other lawyers in a courtroom and stand up for the rights of others. Instead, most lawyers review thick legal documents, do detailed research, and file applications for clients. It sounded mind-numbing.

Ultimately, I decided not to go. Thank god! These conversations raised my career sense and understanding of what a law career really looked like and helped me avoid wasting a huge amount of time and money pursuing something I wouldn』t like.

The time I made a job decision that changed my life – I call my job decision after getting my MBA as the best career decision I ever made, because it got me to Asia from the U.S.

At the time, I had offers from two leading consumer product companies. I wanted to do marketing, so these were just the companies to work for. But instead, I took an offer from a technology company, Wang Computers, in an industry that』s not known for its marketing.

Accepting their offer wasn』t an easy decision. They offered me much less money and a lower title. I also had to do 4 ? months of sales training when I started. That was a big turn off. But their position was in their Asia Pacific Division, while the other two opportunities focused on the U.S. market. Since I wanted to come to China as soon as possible, I chose Wang Computers. 15 months later, I got transferred to Taipei. That was over 20 years ago. I』ve been here ever since.

I often wonder how long it would have taken me to get here if I took one of the other offers. Fortunately, I was very clear about what was most important to me then and what kind of situation would best allow me to achieve my career goal. This was also due to my career sense back then.

The time I did something that got me transferred to Asia – After my sales training, I was assigned to Wang Computers』 Boston headquarters to support its Asia operations. Now, I just needed to stand out among the company』s 30,000 other employees.

What I did was create a document of answers to most often asked questions about the company』s key product then. Some questions I had heard before, but most I came up with myself. I then talked to R&D, product development, technical support, and sales & marketing people in the company and documented their answers.

When I finished the document, I passed it to the people I supported in Asia. Beyond my expectations, it started getting circulated around the entire company. This caught the attention of my boss, who then approached me to ask what my career interest was. My response was, 「Send me to Asia, dude!」

Rather than think so much about why the company should send me to Asia, I just focused on helping those I supported be more successful. Rather than feel frustrated or impatient, I identified and did something that had a high impact to others. This value-oriented approach was also based on my career sense and understanding of my situation then.

Become good at avoiding problems, not solving them

As a talent industry professional for over 20 years, I』ve met many people who have placed themselves in a situation that』s causing their career problems or limiting their success. It』s too bad. If only they had made a different career choice or better job decision.

So want some very practical career advice? Here it is. Spend your time and energy in situations that help you get closer to what you want instead of situations that don』t. Unable to do this nearly enough right now? Then improve your career sense. That』s the key. Better career sense will help you put yourself into better job and career situations, and then pursue your success more effectively once you』re there.

What you need is a better approach, not more answers

So stop always asking others what you should do. While you may get answers to fix your problem, it』s likely that you』re just going to run into different problems later on. Many of your career bottlenecks, bad job decisions, and job frustrations don』t have to happen though. To have a more successful, happier career, you want to become good at avoiding problems, not always solving them. Stop putting yourself in undesirable situations in the first place. Become stronger at identifying situations and creating opportunities by yourself that can speed up your learning and development. People with stronger career sense are better at doing these things. That』s why career sense is so essential to your career success, and why you want to improve yours right away.

In my next article in this series of three articles about career sense, I』ll talk about What Exactly Is Career Sense?



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