其核心功能模塊(core functionality)當中的PCA類,直觀看看數字圖像處理當中PCA的應用。
Detailed Description
Principal Component Analysis.
The class is used to calculate a special basis for a set of vectors. The basis will consist of eigenvectors of the covariance matrix calculated from the input set of vectors. The class PCA can also transform vectors to/from the new coordinate space defined by the basis. Usually, in this new coordinate system, each vector from the original set (and any linear combination of such vectors) can be quite accurately approximated by taking its first few components, corresponding to the eigenvectors of the largest eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. Geometrically it means that you calculate a projection of the vector to a subspace formed by a few eigenvectors corresponding to the dominant eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. And usually such a projection is very close to the original vector. So, you can represent the original vector from a high-dimensional space with a much shorter vector consisting of the projected vectors coordinates in the subspace. Such a transformation is also known as Karhunen-Loeve Transform, or KLT. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_component_analysis
Public Attributes
Mat eigenvalues eigenvalues of the covariation matrix More...
Mat eigenvectors eigenvectors of the covariation matrix More...
Mat mean mean value subtracted before the projection and added after the back projection More...
PCA () default constructor More...
PCA (InputArray data, InputArray mean, int flags, int maxComponents=0) PCA (InputArray data, InputArray mean, int flags, double retainedVariance) Mat backProject (InputArray vec) const Reconstructs vectors from their PC projections. More...
void backProject (InputArray vec, OutputArray result) const PCA & operator() (InputArray data, InputArray mean, int flags, int maxComponents=0) performs PCA More...
PCA & operator() (InputArray data, InputArray mean, int flags, double retainedVariance) Mat project (InputArray vec) const Projects vector(s) to the principal component subspace. More...
void project (InputArray vec, OutputArray result) const void read (const FileNode &fn) load PCA objects More...
void write (FileStorage &fs) const write PCA objects More...
構造函數,一般我們最好使用帶參數的構造函數對這個類進行實例化。上面兩個帶參數的構造函數,區別就是最後一個參數:一個是保留的最大維數值,默認是全部保留,另一個的描述是Percentage of variance that PCA should retain,即經過PCA變換之後,保留前百分之多少的特徵向量作為基底,這種初始化方法能夠做到歸一化處理,避免由於輸入數據的維度不同產生不同的特徵向量最大值。其實不難發現,當構造函數完成之後,那組最優的基底已經計算出來。剩下的方法例如
- 讀取圖像序列
- PCA準備階段:「拉直」圖像,構成扁平矩陣
- 執行PCA
- 得到圖像向量協方差矩陣的特徵向量之後,投影產生point,圖像「復原」
- 使用trackbar動態調整保留特徵向量數量比例
#include <iostream>n#include <fstream>n#include <sstream>n#include <opencv2/core.hpp>n#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"n#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>n#include "cvui.h"nnusing namespace cv;nusing namespace std;nn#define WINDOW_NAME "PCA"nint main(int argc, char** argv)n{n cv::CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);n string file = parser.get<string>("filename");n vector<Mat> imgs;n tryn {n readImgList(file,imgs);n }n catch(cv::Exception& e)n {n cerr<<"Error opening file ""<<file<<"". Reason:"<<e.msg<<endl;n exit(1);n }n //this demo needs at least 2 imagesn if(imgs.size()<=1)n {n string error_message = "This demo needs at least 2 images to work! Please add more image to your data set!";n CV_Error(Error::StsError,error_message);n }n //reshape and stack images into a row matrixn Mat data = formatImagesForPCA(imgs);n //perform pcan PCA pca(data,cv::Mat(),PCA::DATA_AS_ROW,0.95);n //demostration of the effect of retainedVaraince on the first imagen Mat point = pca.project(data.row(0));//project into the eigenspace,thus the image becomes a point with each elementn //representing the linear combination coefficientsn Mat reconstruction = pca.backProject(point);//recreate the image from the "point"n reconstruction = reconstruction.reshape(imgs[0].channels(),imgs[0].rows);n reconstruction = toGrayscale(reconstruction);nn Mat frame = Mat(80,300,CV_8UC3);n double trackBarValue = 100.0;n bool checked1 = false;n bool checked2 = true;n namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME);n cvui::init(WINDOW_NAME);n namedWindow("Face",WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);n for(;;)n {n //fill the frame with a nice color-RGBn frame = Scalar(40,50,40);n //show some textn cvui::text(frame,10,5,"This is PCA demostration");n //trackBar componentn cvui::trackbar(frame,50,30,200,&trackBarValue,0.,100.);nn PCA pca_realTime(data,cv::Mat(),PCA::DATA_AS_ROW,trackBarValue/100.0);n //demostration of the effect of retainedVaraince on the first imagen Mat point_realTime = pca_realTime.project(data.row(0));//project into the eigenspace,thus the image becomes a point with each elementn //representing the linear combination coefficientsn Mat reconstruction_realTime = pca_realTime.backProject(point_realTime);//recreate the image from the "point"n reconstruction_realTime = reconstruction_realTime.reshape(imgs[0].channels(),imgs[0].rows);n reconstruction_realTime = toGrayscale(reconstruction_realTime);n //update must be called after all componentsn //it handles mouse click and others behind the scene with magic!n cvui::update();n imshow(WINDOW_NAME,frame);n imshow("Face",reconstruction_realTime);n if(waitKey(20)==27)//press escp to exit the processn {n break;n }n }nn return 0;n}n
/rootn main.cppn imgList.txtn /buildn Pca Unix Excutablen /datan /s1/1.pgmn /s1/2.pgmn …… n /s2n ……n
static void readImgList(const string& filename,vector<Mat>& images)n{n std::ifstream file(filename.c_str(), ifstream::in);n if (!file) {n string error_message = "No valid input file was given, please check the given filename.";n CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, error_message);n }n string line;n while (getline(file, line)) {n images.push_back(imread(line, 0));n }n}n
//each image M*N,then the output Mat is numberof(images)*(M*N) flat matrixnstatic Mat formatImagesForPCA(const vector<Mat>& data)n{n Mat dst(static_cast<int>(data.size()),data[0].rows*data[0].cols,CV_32F);n for(unsigned int i=0;i<data.size();i++)n {n Mat image_row = data[i].clone().reshape(1,1);n Mat row_i = dst.row(i);n image_row.convertTo(row_i,CV_32F);n }n return dst;n}n
Mat data = formatImagesForPCA(imgs);n
//perform pcanPCA pca(data,cv::Mat(),PCA::DATA_AS_ROW,0.95);n
mean optional mean value; if the matrix is empty (noArray()), the mean is computed from the data.n
//demostration of the effect of retainedVaraince on the first imagenMat point = pca.project(data.row(0));//project into the eigenspace,thus the image becomes a point with each elementn//representing the linear combination coefficientsnMat reconstruction = pca.backProject(point);//recreate the image from the "point"nreconstruction = reconstruction.reshape(imgs[0].channels(),imgs[0].rows);nreconstruction = toGrayscale(reconstruction);n
static Mat toGrayscale(InputArray _src)n{n Mat src = _src.getMat();n //only allow one channeln if(src.channels()!=1)n {n CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg,"Only matrices with one channel are supported!");n }n //create and return normolized imagen Mat dst;n cv::normalize(_src,dst,0,255,NORM_MINMAX,CV_8UC1);n return dst;n}n
※[171103] 基於縮略圖哈希值比較的圖像相似性檢索
TAG:OpenCV | PrincipalComponentAnalysis |