
[第9次聽寫] 變形金剛(二) 甩掉字幕看電影

我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長, 好久不練聽力了, 感覺有些生鏽. 我打算每天早上做1分鐘聽寫, 看看自己能堅持多久, 把你聽寫的文本粘貼到評論中和我一起堅持吧~

[第9次聽寫] 變形金剛(二) 甩掉字幕看電影_騰訊視頻 https://v.qq.com/x/page/q0517ji9w2g.html


You all want to see some dare(dead) robots?

Were not supposed to be here.

Were kids, man.

We get away with anything.

I was just a normal kid before my world fell apart.

No, no, no, no. Look at me.

Wake up, it cant be(Canopy).

I went to normal schools(a normal school), lived a normal life.

Some kids used to tease me.

Wow. Who is he?

As far as youre concerned, my boyfriend.

How long has that been going on?


1 dead robots我聽著感覺不像是dead, 但dead確實說的通, 而dare說不通.

2 We get away的時態注意一下, 不需要We can get away或Wed get away, 就直接一般現在時就好.

3 Canopy我考慮到了可能是一個稱呼, 但我只想到了bumble bee, Canopy的意思是一個把自己偽裝起來的機器人.

4 I went to a normal school, 這裡went聽不出來, 聽著像go, 但和上下句時態要保持一致只能是went. 後邊school末尾是沒有s的, 這個聽丟了.

5 has容易聽成is, 但是那樣語法就不對了.


這篇感覺好難呀! 你覺得哪句最難?


[第8次聽寫] 變形金剛(一) 甩掉字幕看電影

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