

和導師探討後,得知交互設計或者人機交互領域的文章,更多得都是集中在幾個大型學術會議中,主要有頂尖的CHI、CSCW、ACHI以及HCII,還有和交互、信息可視化相關的BELIV等。這些會議基本會每年舉辦一次,譬如CHI於2017年5月11 舉辦,ACHI於2017.3月舉辦,HCII將於2017年6月在加拿大舉辦。每年的會議都收錄了大量來自世界各地從事交互設計相關領域研究的學者的文章,並且這些文章都可以從會議官網下載閱讀。在每年會議收錄的論文中閱讀部分自己感興趣的,相信你都會獲得很大的收穫。


CHI(Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems):SIGCHI Conferences

The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) series of academic conferences is generally considered the most prestigious in the field of human-computer interaction. It is hosted by ACM SIGCHI, the Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction. CHI has been held annually since 1982 and attracts thousands of international attendees.

CSCW(Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing): 21st ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing

The ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is a premier venue for presenting research in the design and use of technologies that affect groups, organizations, and communities. The development and application of new technologies continues to enable new ways of working together and coordinating activities. Although work is an important area of focus for the conference, technology is increasingly supporting a wide range of recreational and social activities. CSCW has also embraced an increasing range of devices, as we collaborate from different contexts and situations. The conference brings together top researchers and practitioners from academia and industry who are interested in both the technical and social aspects of collaboration.

UIST(User Interface Software and Technology):30th ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium

UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) is the premier forum for innovations in the software and technology of human-computer interfaces. Sponsored by ACMs special interest groups on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI) and computer graphics (SIGGRAPH), UIST brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse areas that include traditional graphical & web user interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality, multimedia, new input & output devices, and CSCW. The intimate size, the single track, and comfortable surroundings make this symposium an ideal opportunity to exchange research results and implementation experiences.


我閱讀的過程是下載了CHI2016和HCII2015的文章,將它們按照主題分類,再挑感興趣的進行閱讀。比如HCII2015的主題包括Automotive and Aviation,Assistive Technologies and Environments,Design and User Studies,Fitness and Well-Being Applications,HCI in Business and Innovation,HCI in Health,Learning Technologies,Location and Context Awareness,Mobile Interaction and Smart Devices,Social Media和Urban Interaction多個主題,基本涵蓋了交互設計研究的所有領域。另外可以發現國外的會議論文大多數都針對的是一個非常小的點去做實證類研究,給出研究結論和設計啟發,而很少再去提及交互設計的概念或者解釋設計方法,這也反應了國內外在學科進度上的差異吧。譬如幾個有趣的題目包括針對中風患者康復的可交互棋盤遊戲、路人對於公共場合相機設備使用的觀點、識別在工作中對於技術產生積極體驗的體驗類別、習慣養成類App在習慣獨立性上所扮演的角色、在語境中的智能手機通知:以廣告服務為例對接受性進行案例研究等。


除了這些國外學術會議外,最近國內也開始舉辦交互設計領域的學術會議。比如將於6月7、8號在廣州舉辦的Chinese CHI 2017(Home | Chinese CHI 2017),和今年秋天UXPA將舉辦的學術會議。期待在這些會議上看到國內學者精彩的文章吧。

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HCI項目訪談--HCID@IUB 十問十答

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