
我們在寫作文的時候經常要用到很多主題相關表達,比如寫「青少年犯罪」類文章會用到 juvenile delinquency,young offenders, crime deterrence 這些搭配和片語。那麼,平時應該怎樣積累這些主題相關表達呢?



An overuse of mobile phones by parents disrupts family life, according to a survey of secondary pupils. ...

Among the pupils:

82% felt meal times should be device-free

22% said the use of mobiles stopped their families enjoying each others company

36% had asked their parents to put down their phones ...

Research last year by DAUK and HMC showed almost half of secondary pupils were checking their mobile phones after they had gone to bed, amid warnings that they were arriving at school tired and unable to concentrate.

上面段落中加下劃線的短語 an overuse of mobile phones,disrupt family life,device-free,enjoy each others company,arrive at school tired and unable to concentrate 都是看起來很簡單但又非常實用的寫作表達。長期閱讀這些文章並積累好詞好句會使我們的遣詞造句能力得到很大提升。


Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very small numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend public money on saving these languages, while others believe that would be a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.



As English becomes the world dominant language, minority languages are put in a dangerous place.People who appeal to protect them with tax revenue are opposed by those who regard it as an abuse of public funds.I would argue that the endangered languages should be saved and the government should give financial priority to other important areas, such as education and technology.

The minority languages are a cultural treasure for human beings, which are worth our preservation. Although the languages cannot directly boost economic growth, they are the essence of specific civilization, inheriting different beliefs and values. By contrast, if one day there were on longer other languages except English, the multicultural society would die out as well as the language.As a result, we need to take measures to keep them alive.For instance, the government can establish an institution that recruits interested and capable volunteers to learn and inherit the nearly disappearing languages.Such method does need financial support, but with the help of social funds, it will not take up too much public resources.

On the other hand, the limited revenue of government might be better spend on fields that help improve living standards and make economy productive. The reason why is that many important concerns are under-funded. First, people living under the poverty line still have to struggle for living.It is the government who is responsible for using state pensions to reduce social inequality. Second, education and high technology means the future of a country, so they deserve more financial support.

In conclusion, saving endangered languages need to share revenue moderately ,but a wise government should take advantage of public fund to benefit taxpayers.


As English becomes the worlds dominant language, minority languages are put in a dangerous place. People who appeal to protect (support protecting) them with tax revenue are opposed by those who regard it as an abuse of public funds. I would argue that the () endangered languages should be saved and the government should give financial priority to other important areas, such as education and technology.

The () minority languages are a cultural treasure for human beings, which are worth our preservation. Although the languages cannot directly boost economic growth, they are the essence of specific civilization, inheriting different beliefs and values. (they constitute a reservoir of cultural and historical knowledge) By contrast, if one day there were on (no) longer other languages except English, the multicultural society would die out as well as the language. (many cultures would die out with languages) As a result, we need to take measures to keep them alive. For instance, the government can establish an institution that recruits interested and capable (enthusiastic and qualified) volunteers to learn and inherit the nearly () disappearing languages. Such method does need financial support, but with the help of social funds, it will not take up too much public resources.

On the other hand, the limited revenue of the government might be better spend on fields that help improve living standards and make the economy productive. The reason why (behind this) is that many important concerns are under-funded. First, people living under the poverty line still have to struggle for living. It is the government who is responsible for using state pensions to reduce social inequality. Second, education and high technology means the future of a country, so they deserve more financial support.


In conclusion, saving endangered languages need to share revenue moderately, (governments should use public money to save endangered languages) but a wise government should take advantage of public funds to benefit taxpayers.


Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very small numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend public money on saving these languages, while others believe that would be a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.





The global advance of English in the past decades has put many minority languages at risk. This has raised concerns over the disappearance of some languages and triggered debates about whether governments should save them.

Some people argue that the government should put money into the protection of endangered languages because these languages possess cultural and social significance. Each language is a unique expression of the human experience of the world, and the disappearance of it will result in the irrecoverable loss of cultural and historical knowledge. One example is the Inuit, the language spoken by people living in the chilly northern areas of the North America. There are many words for snow in Inuit to match the many varieties people encounter, and they enable us to see snow from a different angle, an experience so valuable that no one could contemplate the loss of Inuit with equanimity. Also, as a language dies, its speakers may experience the loss of their language as a loss of their original ethnic and cultural identity. Such scenarios justify government』s efforts to preserve dying tongues.

However, some deem that it is a waste of time and money to protect minority languages from extinction. Throughout human history, languages have been born, evolved and died. This is a natural process of language evolution, and efforts to reverse the trend will prove to be costly and thankless. Another concern is that governments』 effort to save dying languages might encourage some minority groups to hang on to their mother tongues, making it difficult for them to become assimilated into the community. For these reasons, governments should think twice before allocating public funds to keep alive endangered languages.

Overall, minority languages that are in critical danger of extinction are worth saving. At the same time, governments should encourage minority groups to learn languages shared by the wider society, so as to promote social harmony.



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