礦物燃料(煤、石油、天然氣)fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas
水資源保護 water conservation水資源短缺 water shortage海水淡化 sea water desalinization
降低資源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource degradation開發可再生資源 Develop renewable resources清潔能源 clean energy廢氣廢水粉塵類:
汽車尾氣排放 motor vehicle exhaust
尾氣凈化器 exhaust purifier無鉛汽油 lead-free gasoline電動汽車 cell-driven vehicles; battery cars工業廢水處理率 treatment rate of industrial effluents城市污水處理率 treatment rate of domestic sewage工業粉塵排放 industrial dust discharge煙塵排放 soot emissions
緩解交通阻塞的壓力 relieve the traffic congestion
加快車流量 accelerate the flow of traffic交通法規 traffic law and regulation遵守交通法規 observe traffic regulation森林動物類:
造林工程 afforestation project
綠化面積 afforested areas; greening space森林覆蓋率 forest coverage火災隱患 a fire hazard環保產品 environment-friendly products瀕危野生動物 endangered wildlife【必備短語】
pose a threat to health
The actions of these factories have posed a threat to the public』s health.這些工廠的行動已經給公眾的健康構成潛在威脅。2【被耗盡 】
be exhaustedThe water resources will be exhausted one day, if people don』t attach importance to the water conservation from now on.水資源總有一天會被耗盡,如果人們不從現在開始重視水資源的保護的話。3【供應不足】be in short supplyThe solar energy is in short supply in this area since the relevant technology is still immature.由於相關技術尚未成熟,該地區的太陽能供應不足。
4【提高大眾的環保意識】arouse people』s awareness of environmental protectionThe government should take stronger and harsher measures to arouse people』s awareness of environmental protection.政府應該採取強有力的措施來提高大眾的環保意識。5【使某事成為當務之急】make something a top priorityThe sudden earthquake made evacuation a top priority.突然發生的地震使得疏散群眾成為當務之急。雅思考試必考的單詞表,全的不要不要的!
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