

No man needs one. They usually cost the downpayment of a house and yet men can』t get enough of them.


Sometimes in a watch boutique it could be forgiven to ask yourself 「what kind of person pays so much for something that only tells the time?」 It just seemed so nonsensical. Of course, some are beautiful, but there are many cheaper ways to look beautiful AND tell the time!


A wrist watch isn』t just a device to tell the time - it is much more than that. It』s a unique blend of personal expression, history, engineering and art, all of which sits nicely on your wrist. Watches are the male version of jewellery: A Rolex or a Jaeger LeCoultre, whether its gold, platinum or stainless steel, is always socially acceptable no matter the occasion.

David Beckham with a Rolex Gold Day Date

拋開它們的尺寸不說,一些手錶甚至還包含著運動、危險和冒險的元素。比如說在60年代,美國宇航員BuzzAldrin和Neil Armstrong帶著歐米茄的超霸手錶首次登上了月球。有哪個男人不想跟這個扯上關係呢?雖然咱們與月球恐怕永遠也不會那麼近距離地接觸。

And despite their size, some watches even have a hint of sport, danger and adventure about them. In the 1960s for example, the Omega Speed master Professional was worn by Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong as man ventured into space for the first time on an expedition to the moon. What man wouldnt want to have a little part of that- even if the closest he got to the moon was, well, never?

Buzz Aldrin and his Omega Speedmaster Professional "Moonwatch"


Some would say that a car fulfills the exact same purpose but I would disagree with that viewpoint. Don』t get me wrong, I love cars too but they have a major disadvantage compared to the wrist watch: they spend a lot of time parked rather than being displayed where you can see them. A watch is a Porsche or Aston Martin that you can take to meetings - and it doesnt harm the planet either.

Patek Philippe Calatrava 5227


On close examination, the watch is no less than a masterpiece, which sits beautifully on the wrist. Measuring 36mm across, one could argue that its dimensions are perfectly suited for a gentleman』s wrist.The bezelled dial glistens as it catches the light at different angles and reflects it beautifully to catch the eye but not for too long and the linen textured dial, which is no longer available in today』s production looks so elegant. The watch is perfect to wear every day, discrete casually but also holds up effortlessly in more formal attire.


Then there』s the engineering behind it. The internal workings of a fine mechanical wrist watch are an art form unto themselves, and unlike the latest tech gadgets,can be serviced, maintained. The technology aspect is, of course, crucial for men as we are intrinsically nerdy; we love nothing more than an item that not only looks good but has functions and a construction that will have taken a lot of craftsmen a lot of time.

Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust


Few owners of Rolex wrist watches actually know that Oyster Perpetual written on the dial, refers to the fact that the watch is waterproof and is self winding (automatic). Even fewer know that the first Oyster Rolex in 1926 was the first mass produced wrist watch to be waterproof and that the Datejust was introduced by Rolex as the first watch ever to not only tell the time but also have an automatically changing date mechanism (complication). That sounds like nothing now, but remember there were no electronics during the time when these timepieces were being produced. The Date just was and is still seen as an engineering feat and formed the basis for success of the brand that is widely celebrated today as Rolex.

美國總統奧巴馬的JorgGray 6500系列

President Obama and his Jorg Gray 6500 Series

手錶在男人眼中的地位正如鞋子在女人眼中的地位。我們就是這麼樣的,但這也是一種簡單的快樂。其實手錶並無關價格,奧巴馬總統帶著一隻不超過260英鎊(大概2170RMB)的手錶領導著西方世界,而Diego della Valle,Tod』s時尚帝國的億萬富豪老闆,總是低調地帶著一隻完美設計的Swatch。

Men see watches the same way women see shoes. Its what we do. But its also about simple pleasures. It isnt necessarily about the price: President Obama sports a timepiece costing no more than £260 and he is the leader of the free world,while Diego della Valle, the billionaire owner of the Tods fashion empire,always sports a humble but perfectly designed Swatch.

「日內瓦條紋」是腕錶狂熱愛好者 Daniel Sum 主理的博客。他同時也是奢侈品媒體平台「鉑金3號」的創始人之一。如果您想要更深入了解學習腕錶的世界,請掃描二維碼關注並支持 Daniel 的分享。

GENEVA STRIPES is a blog written by Daniel Sum,a passionate watch enthusiast. He is also one of the founders of 鉑金3號, a luxury media marketing platform. To learn more about the interesting world of watches and horology and also support Daniel』s work please scan the QR code.


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