
某熊周刊系列:一周推薦外文技術資料(2.5)歸納於某熊周刊:一周推薦外文技術資料是筆者每周瀏覽外文技術網站中時發現的不錯的文章/項目/書籍/教程的集錦,可以關注筆者的專欄某熊的全棧之路及時獲取更新。資訊來源包括但不限於Medium、Twitter、Google Plus、Reddit、Hacker News、DZone、Github Trending。另外,周刊中的技術知識框架圖參照筆者的2016:我的編程知識體系結構。請自備梯子。


  • Codebrag:Your daily code review tool

  • A warning from Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Stephen Hawking:This weekend Bill Gates and Elon Musk both warned us about the one thing politicians are too scared to talk about: automation

  • Why I Dont Talk to Google Recruiters

  • VR Hasn』t Really Arrived Yet


  • Oracle preps developers for Java 9 upgrade

  • PHP 7.1.2 Released

  • Java libraries you cant miss in 2017

  • Intro to Generics in Swift with BobIntro to Generics in Swift with Bob

  • Deploying Rust in a large codebase.

  • Javascript Promises Best Practices & Anti Patterns

  • Understanding Scope in JavaScript


  • Heres a tutorial I made on creating a reddit bot using Python

  • pre-commit by Yelp: A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.

  • mac-dev-playbook:Mac setup and configuration via Ansible.

  • The Rise and Fall and Rise of Functional Programming (Composable Software)

  • Design Patterns for Humans? - An ultra-simplified explanation


  • Learn Angular 2 with Me

  • VueJS — the Green framework

  • Is NodeJs Faster Than JSP?

  • D3 and Canvas in 3 steps

  • How to build animated microinteractions in React

  • 5 web trends for 2017

  • Jest 19: Immersive Watch Mode & Test Platform Improvements

  • HTTP/2 – A Real-World Performance Test and Analysis

  • Getting started with internationalization (i18n) in React

  • React and Redux Sagas Authentication App Tutorial

  • Redux 4 Ways:Implementations of Thunk vs Saga vs Observable vs Redux Promise Middleware in 10 minutes.


  • The State Of AI

  • Part uh: what does it take to be a full stack developer?

  • GraphQL Voyager:Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph


  • A.I. Duet A piano that responds to you.

  • A Beginners Guide to the Mathematics of Neural Networks

  • The Mathematics of Machine Learning

  • Categories of Machine Learning Algorithms

  • An awesome iTerm2 backend for Matplotlib, so you can plot directly in your terminal.

  • Baidus Ring Allreduce Library Increases Machine Learning Efficiency Across Many GPU Nodes


  • Exploring Performance of etcd, Zookeeper and Consul Consistent Key-value Datastores

  • Linux 4.10 is Released

  • ElasticSearch API cheatsheet

  • 3 tricks for mastering Docker with Python

  • Big Data Trends for 2017:Once a year we step back to take stock of the big changes in the world of data. This whitepaper details the trends that stand out to us for 2017. Big data becomes fast and approachable with new options to speed up Hadoop, Organizations leverage data lakes from the get-go to drive value, Spark and machine learning light up big data.


  • Time to Encrypt the Cloud

  • Google Security Whitepaper

  • Introducing Netflix Stethoscope:Netflix is pleased to announce the open source release of Stethoscope, our first project following a User Focused Security approach.

  • Deep Learning for Cyber Security


  • Android Studio 2.3 RC 1 is Now Available

  • APP Privacy Policy Generator

  • Building iOS App With VIPER Architecture

  • A UI framework that enables panels on iOS.

  • Retrofit 2.2.0 發布

  • Build an Imgur App with React Native and MobX

  • Introduction to Closures in Swift 3

  • Master Functions in Swift 3


  • 知乎專欄:某熊的全棧之路

  • 知乎專欄:前端當自強

  • 知乎專欄:lotuc的編程之路

  • 2016-我的技術之路:編程知識體系結構

  • 2016-我的前端之路:工具化與工程化


李宏毅機器學習2016 第九講 卷積神經網路

TAG:iOS | Web开发 | 机器学习 |