


引用幾段 Anscombe:

I am sitting in a chair writing, and anyone grown to the age of reason in the same world would know this as soon as he saw me, and in general it would be his first account of what I was doing; if this were something he arrived at with difficulty, and what he knew straight off were precisely how I was affecting the acoustic properties of the room (to me a very recondite piece of information), then communication between us would be rather severely impaired.


All I am here concerned to do is note the fact: we can simply say 『Look at a man and say what he is doing』 — i.e. say what would immediately come to your mind as a report to give someone who could not see him and who wanted to know what was to be seen in that place. In most cases what you will say is that the man himself knows; and again in most, though indeed in fewer, cases you will be reporting not merely what he is doing, but an intention of his — namely, to do that thing. What is more, if it is not an intention of his, this will for the most part be clear without asking him.

我們在絕大多數情況下可以毫無障礙地讀出一個人的直接的意向行動(intentional action)是什麼,比如說看到一個人在吃飯,他在幹什麼?吃飯啊!這種情況下我們問為什麼或者問「你在幹什麼」的時候,多半是要問一些更加深層的東西,這沒錯,但是這並不意味著「吃飯」本身就不是那個人的意向行動了。反過來,如果這我們都讀不出來的話,那麼我對於那個主體的生活方式毫無疑問是非常無知的。想像你跑去一個原始部落,或者觀察一種你從未見過的物種的生活方式。如果你連它是在玩耍還是在進食都分不清楚的話,很難想像你能有效地記錄這個物種的生活。


There is a point at which only what the man himself says is a sign; and here there is room for much dispute and fine diagnosis of his genuineness.


So that while we can find cases where 『only the man himself can say whether he had a certain intention or not』; they ate further limited by this: he cannot profess not to have had the intention of doing the thing that was a means to an end of his.





為何在電影中看到「I dont know what you are talking about」時都會下意識地感覺到此人在撒謊?

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