專訪| 加拿大應用技術與職業學院協會副主席談加拿大的學院教育

加拿大的大學(University)是精英教育,側重理論,如果希望從事律師、醫生、工程師等職業,如果追求名校,如果要繼續讀碩士讀博士,大學教育是必經之路; 加拿大的學院(College)是職業化教育,側重應用,如果是以就業為導向,如果希望儘快畢業,如果不介意做律師助理、工程師助理、X光技師等職位,學院可能是更好的選擇。為了讓大家更好的了解加拿大的學院教育體系,悠問專門採訪了Colleges and Institutes Canada (加拿大應用技術與職業學院協會)負責國際合作的副主席 (Vice President) Paul Brennan先生。

1.Could you please briefly introduce Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan)?


We』ve changed our name recently, and the Colleges and Institutes Canada used to be called 「the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)」, and we』re not the same as US community colleges which are mostly associate degrees. The Canadian College Institute System was created as the alternative system to excellent universities to train people and educate people for jobs of tomorrow. Our focus is educating people to obtain jobs and to become better citizens. So we provide people with skills, knowledge and attitudes that allow them to obtain the employment.

我們協會最近改了名稱,之前叫「加拿大社區學院協會(ACCC)」,但由於我們協會的成員院校與提供associate degree(國內譯作副學位或副學士學位,一般是美國兩年制的社區大學 community college所提供的文憑)的美國社區大學有所區別,所以改名為「加拿大應用技術與職業學院協會(CICan)」。加拿大的(技術與職業)學院教育體系作為優質大學教育的補充,是以就業為導向來培養和教育學生。我們致力於培養學生各種職業技能,相關知識以及職業態度,讓他們輕鬆找到工作,成為更好的公民。(文末相關閱讀里有更多關於College的文章)

Our employment rate is on average over 90% and our graduates obtaining the jobs within 6 months and they are verified. There are 95% of employers are very satisfied, so that』s our real focus and strength. Why we obtain that is because we are close to employers of every level, employers on the provisional boards, international boards and college boards and we adjust our curriculum continuously. So we attain high level of employ ability, and we offer wide various options for everyone, like 「2-year program」, 「3-year program」 and 「4-year degrees」 which are more applied and even postgraduate certificate specialization and a few masters in system as well. So, it』s quite an academic system where the institutes are plugged into the community, industry and employers.


2. As you just said, those schools under the Colleges and Institutes Canada not only offer 2-year and 3-year training programs, but also the bachelors and master programs, right?


Yes, that distinguishes us as well. We have a quite number of institutes to offer degrees, but they still have to be very practical bachelor degrees, the same except as bachelor degree in Canada but the content will be more practical than traditional academic degree. We are probably equivalent to 1-year out of 4 years. We』ll arrange internships in various companies and learning on the job, so maybe three months every year, so that』s about a year experience for companies, so you are much about employable on that type of bachelor degree.

是的,這也是讓我們與眾不同的一點。我們協會有相當一批院校能提供學位,但與加拿大普通大學的學士學位(Bachelor Degree)相比,我們的學士學位會更偏實際運用些,兩者大概有1/4的學習內容是一樣的。我們會在很多不同公司里安排學生實習,每年大概三個月的時間,便於讓學生更好了解工作內容,所以學生四年畢業後,會有差不多一年的實習經歷,使得我們的本科學生更容易就業。

3. Lots of Chinese parents, not like the parents in Canada, might prefer their children go to university. What you think the differences between college and university in Canada?


We got about 25% students going to colleges and 75% universities before, but now it』s 52%-53% go to college after high school graduation, and 47%-48% going to university. But we still have some unemployed university graduates, so I think we still need move further to match the job market.



The reality is that we moved away from the society that needed, university graduates are elites. Everybody is doing repetitive jobs in a country or in low level manufacturing, so you can find that universities are nothing. But new economy and new jobs are created in the middle area in many way. And they don』t need the theoretical university education, they need practical education that equips them with the ability to do things and to improve. So it really depends on what you want in your life and what you want to do. If you want to a digital animator and work for Disney or Pixel, you do that in college and you don』t do that in university. So it』s depends on what you want to do in life and which career you might be interested in. You may think the university is only way but it』s no longer the case. And that』s why many countries including China have to face that too many university graduates cannot find work but college technical graduates are not satisfied, and that』s most country need to undertake.

事實上,我們已偏離社會的真實需求,大學畢業生是按照精英模式在培養。很多人在鄉村和低端的製造業里從事重複性的工作,對於這些工作,大學可能並沒起到什麼作用。新的經濟增長點,新興的工作大多是以不同的方式產生於中間區域,它們需要從業者具備較高的教育程度,但是並非偏理論的大學教育,而更多地需要偏應用的教育,要能勝任工作。所以,關鍵還是要看自己究竟想要什麼,如果你想在迪斯尼或者Pixel(都是業內最頂級的)做一名數字動畫師(Digital Animator),那麼你在學院就可以學到,大學沒有這個專業。 而且我們的學生都找到了工作。大學並非唯一出路,關鍵是要明白自己感興趣的行業以及在哪可以學到這些知識。很多國家包括中國都面臨這樣的窘境,很多大學畢業生找不到工作,而市場所需要的專業技術人才卻很緊張,這些問題亟待解決。

4. Since we have lots of colleges in Canada, what』s the factors for people to consider to choose a college?


We are a national association for 135 colleges polytechnics, all of our members can only be members, those are publicly founded and created by the Ministry of Education. It doesn』t mean all our funding are from the government and in fact less than half usually. We are very entrepreneurial, we do corporate training, adult education, but all of our institutions have quite similar quality and we don』t have the level 1, level 2 and level 3. So it really depends in what area you want to study, so if you want to do the aviation, then there will be about five institutions involve that, maybe you have special sector is interested that you could choose. Do you want to live in a big city which may be more expensive or you want to live in a middle size city outside big cities which is less expensive, perhaps more connect with people because the population is fewer, close to environment and nature and etc. So again, there are numbers of factors which influence your choice, but, whether small or big city, you can find high quality education.

我們是一個全國性的組織,我們協會成員包括135所加拿大公立學院。 雖然我們成員學院是由加拿大各省的省教育廳(Ministry of Education)資助和建立,但是,這不意味著我們所需要的資金全部來自省教育廳,事實上,我們有超過一般的資金都來自院校在公司培訓、成人教育等方面所獲得的收入。 協會中所有學院的教育水平比較均衡,沒有等級之分,所以選擇哪所學校完全取決於自己,如果你想從事飛機製造業,那麼就有五所院校可供選擇。另外,你需要考慮你是喜歡居住在生活成本昂貴的大城市還是生活成本較低的中等城市。在人口少的地區,人與人之間的交流可能反而會更多,周圍環境等也會與大城市不同。所以,做出選擇的時候要考慮多方因素,不過,無論你是選擇大城市還是小城市,你都可以獲得高質量的教育。

Our role is helping people to make choices, so you can see the websites on all the programs and we know what a group of people want. People don』t apply to us and they apply to the colleges, but if we know a group of hundreds of people want to do 「3+1 program aviation」, we could move to the right direction.


5. Regarding of what you said about professional training of college levels, there are some particular areas only in college, right ?


Yes, there are many more applied areas, like digital animation or designing. Some universities are getting into it, but those programs are bigger firms in college system and our students now have their equivalent salary. Many others like paralegals are also the college level. Lawyers also need a number of people to support them and do the research. Or health system, we always talk about doctors and nurse, but there are other occupations in hospital like technologist taking your bloods or doing your x-rays or people will help you in hospital room or support you at home, all those are trained in colleges. So that』s another example what we be training there. In Canada engineering areas, most Canadian companies will hire 1 engineer and 5 or 6 engineer technologists, that』s the real balance because they need one to see the plan and 4 or 5 people to make the project happen. In most other countries, they will have one technologies and 4 or 5 engineers, it』s the engineer that do the technologies jobs and frustrated, and so again we train right people in the right job.


Last year, more Indian students came to the colleges comparing those went to universities in Canada, and we had 14,000 Indian students to our college system, and over half of them had university degrees in India but could not get hired, and they came here for one year postgraduate certification specialization. So they can come along for 1 year and can work for the next year.


It』s the education training system that adjust to the actual labor needs. Too many young people and parents say university is only the way to the success, but it is no longer true. It is pushing too many students to the university ignoring what they really want to do. It is coming out the employment, it is dead here and costs them a lot. College education is half price than the university one. These days US dollar rates, and 1 US dollar equals to about 1.34 Canadian dollar, so you can get high quality education with very low price in Canada.


6. It seems like the college students are easily find the job compared to university students, is that right?


Yes, absolutely. Some people in their college days will discover what they want and decide whether they need the university education, so what we done is building the bridges or pathway from our colleges or polytechnics to traditional universities, so you don』t have to repeat what you』ve done. Sometimes the employer say some the best employees are both done college and university, it』s mixed practical and theoretical skills, it』s a nice mix.


You want to be a lawyer, a doctor, or engineers, those occupations will acquire universities, so it』s not the question of one is better than the other, they are equal but different and it depends on what your child or young person wants to do in their life. Many of them do not know what they want to do, they are better to start in college and learn some skills. At some point, you know what you want to learn from universities, you could go to universities then you will be succeed.


7.Today more and more international students come to Canada, do they have limits to apply any majors? I know some colleges are public founded, and they may guarantee Canadian citizens』 seats first, is that true?


We』re created to serve Canadians, if the programs like the digital animation, there are certain numbers for international students and you have to check that out. Generally, we are very entrepreneurial and the industry is growing, other colleges will set up programs as well. Before, only Sheridan has the program, now Humber has, Algonquin has a program. It』s regulates itself, and when you apply, you should ask those questions like 「Can I get in?」. In the health area, something is difficult. If you want to be a nurse, you need to wait for Canadians get in firstly, so you may have to wait for years.


We find that the major problem of Chinese students coming here is their low level English, so some joint programs with China, one of the key things is improving teaching English at Year One at post-secondary. We will send Canadian teachers to train the trainers in English language or French language. If they haven』t learned English well, it will be more difficult to get TOEFL 550 or IELTS 5.5. Even some people passed the exam like TOEFL or IELTS, they still have the challenges, particular the listening and speaking capacity. In Canada, you may have the problems to engage in active Canadian classrooms with weaken English listening. So you have to start early and have some native speakers teaching. We are working with China now to let some ESL teachers from Canada to teach six months or a year in China.




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