
【HP】《哈利波特神器寶典Harry Potter: The Artifact Vault》翻譯D










「Yourntriumphs will earn your points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. Atnthe end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House Cup.」

——MinervanMcGonagall, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer』s Stone

Mountednon the wall to the right of the Great Hall』s High Table are four largenhourglass-shaped cylinders representing the Houses of the school, respectivelynin the order of Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw. Filled withnprecious 「germs」 (emeralds, yellow diamonds, rubies, and sapphires), thenhourglasses release these down or back up to indicate points won and lost by studentsnin each House. Instead of jewels, production designer Stuart Craig loaded thenhourglasses with tens of thousands of glass beads, which caused a nationalnshortage of these in England. The hourglasses were fully functional; attentionnwas paid at the beginning of each school year to having the beads occupy onlynthe shorter top portion of the glasses until classes started.










—— MinervanMcGonagall, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part2

InnHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part2, the final battle between good andnDark forces—and the final confrontation between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort—is fought onnthe grounds and in the hallways of Hogwarts. Teachers, students, and othernschool personnel are involved, including defenders as yet unseen to this point:nthe statues of armor-suited knights that are brought to life to protect thenschool. Jumping down from their perches, they march to battle at the command ofnProfessor McGonagall (who always wanted to use the spell to do that). Conceptnartist Adam Brockbank and Andrew Williamson drafted knights equipped with chainnmail, maces, battleaxes, and shields, several of which show clear allegiance tonone of the four Hogwarts houses. One sports a sporran, the leather pouch thatnis part of traditional Scottish Highland attire, typically worn over a kilt,nand another seems better suited to play in a Quidditch match. The knights camento life thanks to a combination of practical and digital effects. Fiberglassnmodels of the knights were cast and then painted to look like stone. Thesenmodels were then cyber scanned into the computer for their knightly locomotion.

OPPOSITE:nThe House Points Hourglasses with Ravenclaw right then in the lead for thenHouse Cup; Top: Visual development art of the Fighting Knights by AdamnBrockbank featuring individualized weapons and shields; ABOVE Post-battle, thenfiberglass versions of the knights lie in pieces on the field.






The filmmakers constantly explored ideas that might enhance locations or action sequences. For Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince it was proposed that armored troll and elf statues in the entrance hall stairway of Hogwarts would come to life via digital animation. This particular concept didn』t end up making it into that movie, but was realized in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 2 shows that armored elves might have joined them. Sharp eyes can spot manufactured troll and elf armor in the Room of Requirement before it is destroyed by Fiendfyre.

THIS PAGE: Concept artist Rob Bliss』s visual development for troll armor for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince stands next to Adam Brockbank』s development art of elf armor for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 2. The two suits of armor are not to scale—the elf would barely top the troll』s armored shoes; BACKGROUND: Draft work by Emma Vane of the troll armor; which Mr. Filch and Mrs. Norris are distracted by a mouse scurrying within troll armor as Harry Potter walks by unseen.







HERMIONE: Now remember, Slughorn usuallyneats early, takes a short walk and then returns to his office.

HARRY: Right. I』m going down to Hagrid』s.

HERMIONE: What? No, Harry——you』ve gotnto go see Slughorn. We have a plan ——

Flich fumbles around the foot of the armournfor the mouse with Mrs Norris

Harry walks past…

Cut high above Troll armour. The mouse isnsitting on the armours shoulder. Flich climbs up between its arms to get thenmouse. Harry walks past behind.



nNovember 2007











「Seamus,nthat picture』s moving!」

n——Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer』s Stone

Onenof the most magical moments on Harry Potter』s first day at Hogwarts in HarrynPotter and the Sorcerer』s Stone that unequivocally signifies an immersion intonthe wizarding world is the students』 encounter with the moving paintings andnportraits on the walls of the grand staircase. Modern technology may have givennus video and 「live photos,」 but there』s nothing yet that will top a paintingnwith which you can have an actual conversation. 「One of the major tasks of thenart director in charge of props,」 explains set decorator Stephenie McMillan, 「wasnto research and commission the portraits and get them painted.」 Over the coursenof the series, Lucinda Thomson, Alex Walker, and Hattie Storey had thisnresponsibility. Their research covered every time period and style. 「We lookednat the whole history of painting, really.」 Says production designer StuartnCraig, 「 from classical Egyptian to the twentieth century.」 Many of thenunmoving paintings were based on well-known portraits of royalty or celebritiesnfrom literature, art, and society. Creating the artwork involved variousnprocesses. 「One of our artists, SallynDray, preferred to paint on a clean white canvas. Very intimating, I think,」nCraig says. 「 We would give her the subject, and she would create it fromnscratch.」 Others were 「cheats.」 We would start with a photograph, and thenartist would give it a painterly texture including the appearance aged varnish,nso it would look exactly like an oil painting.」 Ten artists painted annestimated two hundred portraits for the first film; more were added throughoutnthe series to address story points.

Fornthe moving portraits, the same process was followed with a few extra steps.nOnce the painting was sketched out in concept, the background would be paintednand filmed. The moving subjects are would then be cast—actors andnvery often crew members were recruited for the roles. The costume departmentnwould create their clothing, set design would coordinate with the propsndepartment to put together a setting if needed, and the action would be filmednby the second unit in front of a green screen. Jany Temime, costume designernfrom Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban through the end of the series,nconsidered this a fun task. 「I enjoyed doing the portraits, creating littlentableaus of a sixteenth-century wizard or an eighteenth-century wizard. Or wenwould take a classic painting and wizard up the people in it.」

Innorder to ensure that the portrait』s subject had the correct eye line to thenactors or action, the scene would be filmed first with a green-screen canvasninside the frame. Then the visual effects team would be able to film the actornor actors 「in」 the painting with the knowledge of where they should be looking.nOnce all the elements were composited together by the visual effects team,」 thenmoving portrait would be given a texture digitally,」 explains visual effectsnproducer Emma Norton, 「a source of light for shadow or reflection, and oftennthat crackling effect that you get on old oil paintings.」 The final portraitnmight also be duplicated in a nonmoving form if the painting needed to be innits position on the wall in the background of a scene. As it would be too farnaway to tell, it wouldn』t warrant any motion in it. For scenes on thenstaircases here there was no interaction between the characters and thenportraits, the walls would still be filled with paintings but with only a fewnthat were animated. 「You』re watching the characters,」 Norton continues. 「You』re not looking at the portraits, and younwouldn』t want too many moving ones because it would be distracting. Therenshould be a few that could show a reaction to the conversation or the action,nbut only if they were there to enhance the story, not to be there just becausenyou could put them there.」

Lighting thenportraits was of extreme importance. Or example, the anteroom to Dumbledore』snoffice featured walls filled with portraits of the previous headmasters andnheadmistresses of Hogwarts, and many of these paintings had been hung on thenupper portion of the walls between windows, so the light source needed to benconsidered very carefully. Due to height of the room, cinematographer RogernPratt had to create several distinct lighting sources.」 I didn』t want to usencandles for lighting,」 he explains, 「because I always feel that candles arendistracting. So we opted for oil lamps, which would be on and around the tablesnand would allow me to create a certain amount of warmth and softness.」 Highernup, the anteroom would be lit by cool moonlight, softly coming through thenwindows.

Another task fornthe art, props, and costume departments was the classroom for Defense Againstnthe Dark Arts professor Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and the Chamber ofnSecrets, which featured a large painting of Lockhart painting a portrait ofn…himself. The static inset portrait is reminiscent of a 1638 painting bynAnthony van Dyck; the larger Lockhart was filmed in the same way as all othernmoving portraits. Initially, Stuart Craig and Stephenie McMillan proposed that,nin a visual effect, Lockhart would walk out of the portrait into the classroom,nbut eventually it became simply that Lockhart descends down the staircase fromnhis office in a dramatic entrance and only exchanges a wink with his paintedndouble.

In two of thenfilms, many subjects of the paintings leave their frames: in Harry Potter andnthe Prisoner of Azkaban in fear of the possibility of Sirius Black being in thencastle, and in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 2 in fear during thenBattle of Hogwarts. 「The inspiration for these was a combination of what was innthe script and the director』s ideas,」 says McMillan. For Harry Potter and thenPrisoner of Azkaban, 「Director Alfonso Cuarón very carefully choreographed allnthe small ridiculous situations and people running away,」 she continues. 「Thennart director Hattie Storey worked with a concept artist to create a master plannfor the choreography, according to which various subjects traveled from onenportrait to the next.」 Perspective needed to be attended to carefully. 「The movementsnwere very complex,」 says Emma Norton, 「because you were also changing scale.nThe subjects would be moving through different aspect ratios, and so we』d havento work out all those cues.」

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnIn addition to the actors and crew members usednas portrait subjects, some of the people 「wizarded up」 included the films』nproducers and department heads, as recounted by Stuart Craig: 」In Dumbledore』snoffice, prop master Barry Wilinson』s there. Producer David Barron. I』m there.nHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban director Alfonso Cuarón』s wife andnbaby are in one, and another features art director Alex Walker. Harry Potternand the Sorcerer』s Stone director Chris Columbus had his portrait painted, butnit didn』t make the film. Very good portrait, I have to say.」 There is anColumbus on the wall of Hogwarts, however. Violet Columbus, the director』sndaughter, portrays the girl holding flowers who curtseys to the first years innHarry Potter and the Sorcerer』s Stone.



TOPnLEFT: Storyboard artwork by Stephen Forrest-Smith for Harry Potter and thenHalf-Blood Prince depicts an unfilmed scene where Harry Potter sneaks out ofnHogwarts undetected after having imbibed Felix Felicis; TOP RIGHT AND OPPOSITEnBOTTOM RIGHT: An unidentified Headmaster; RIGHT: Visual development art of SirnCadogan by Olga Dugina and Andrej Dugin for a moving portrait to be seen innHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Sadly, this brave knight』s scenesnwere left on the cutting room floor; OPPOSITE TOP RIGHT: Professor ArmandonDippet, Headmaster when Tom Riddle attended Hogwarts and the Chamber of Secretsnwas first opened; OPPOSITE TOP AND BOTTOM LEFT: Newt Scamander, author of thenbook Fantastic Beasts and Where to find Them, a standard work in the Care ofnMagical Creature curriculum.



TOP: Annunidentified Headmaster; ABOVE RIGHT: Actress Elizabeth Spriggs poses for hernportrait as the Fat Lady in full costume and with some set dressing for HarrynPotter and the Sorcerer』s Stone; RIGHT: Professor Gilderoy Lockhart paints hisnown portrait, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; OPPOSITE: The portraitnof Professor Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) was placed in the Headmaster』snOffice after the events of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince



OPPOSITE TOPnRIGHT: A wizard chess match set on the walls of the Gryffindor Common Roomnviewed in deleted scene from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabanndemonstrates the coordination of the production design, set decoration, and artndepartments: The paintings on the wall of the painting are also visible on thenwalls of Hogwarts including OPPOSITE TOP LEFT: An unidentified witch; OPPOSITEnBOTTOM LEFT AND RIGHT: Two unidentified Headmasters; ABOVE LEFT: CottismorenCroyne, better known as David Heyman, the producer of the Harry Potter films;nABOVE RIGHT: Stuart Craig, production designer for the Harry Potter films, isnimmortalized on the Grand Staircase as Henry Bumblepuft; FAR LEFT: The Girlnwith flowers was portrayed by Violet Columbus, daughter of director ChrisnColumbus; LEFT: Barry Wilkinson, property master for the Harry Potter films,nwas the model for Tobias Misslethorpe, founder of Witch Weekly.




「Of course! There arenother thins defending the Stones, aren』t there? Spells…enchantments.」

——Hermione Granger,Harry Potternand the Sorcerer』s Stone

第二章 《魔法石》



As the book andnmovie title suggest, the story of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer』s Stone is thenpursuit by Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger of a magical objectnthat is, as Hermione describes, 「a legendary substance with astonishing powers.nIt will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, whichnwill make the drinker immortal.」 In order to prevent Voldmort from acquiringnthe stone, the staff of Hogwarts have hidden it and created four securitynobstacles: the three-headed dog, Fluffy; a temperamental plant; a door that cannonly be opened by a winged key; and a life-size game of chess that must be won.nVoldemort, who is still noncorporeal and so shares Professor Quirinus Quirrell』snbody, has passed them all. These tests will call upon each hero to contribute anskill that delineates their character: Hermione for her knowledge of spells,nHarry for his broomstick-flying talents, and Ron for his proficiency at wizard』snchess.

The nearlyn100-percent-digital Fluffy (his drool was a practical effect) could be subduednby music. Getting through Devil』s Snare involved relaxation (impossible fornHarry and Ron when wrapped in the Snare』s tentacles) or a source of light,ncreated by Hermione. Devil』s Snare was surprisingly a practical effect (as andigital one would have proved incredibly costly). Puppeteers positioned belownthe plant slowly pulled off vines that had been wrapped around the actors. Thennthe film was played backward so it appeared that the plant was entangling themninstead of the other way around.







——赫敏·格蘭傑和哈利·波特 《哈利·波特與魔法石》



「Curious. I』vennever seen birds like these.」

「They』re notnbirds, they』re keys.」

——Hermione Grangernand Harry Potter,Harry Potter and the Sorcerer』s Stone

nnnnnnnnnnAfter sidestepping Fluffy and dropping throughnDevil』s Snare, the next challenge to get closer to the Sorcerer』s Stone is tonget through a locked door. After Hermione tries the charm Alohamora, which, tonher frustration, does not work, Ron and Harry realize that they must find andncatch the right key in a swarm of winged keys flying through the room. Whilenthe design of the keys was relatively simple, they 「had to be scary and wild,nbut not too scary or too wild,」 explains visual effects supervisor RobertnLegato. 「The more beautiful you make something, the more nonthreatening itnbecomes.」 Legato knew it was a fine line between the keys being frightening andnbeing intimidating. Another consideration was their movement: 「They are innessence tied together, the way they move, which affects the way they』ll looknand the way they』re lit on-screen,」 he says. After the final design was testednand approved in a digital animatic, the many keys were made to move in concertnlike a flock of birds. The wings of the key that opens the door were crafted innan iridescent shot silk.


Page 60: RonnWeasley directs the life-sized wizard chess game from atop his knight』s horse.nRon sacrifices his piece so that Harry Potter can win and retrieve the Sorcerer』snStone in the first Harry Potter film; OPPOSITE TOP: A film still of Ron,nHermione, and Harry after landing in Devil』s Snare; OPPOSITE BELOW: Visual developmentnartwork by Cyrille Nomberg illustrates the arrival of Harry, Hermione, and Ronninto the room of their chess game challenge; TOP: Concept art for the wingednkeys by Gert Stevens; ABOVE: Harry Potter flies among a swarm of winged keys;nABOVE RIGHT: The winged key prop used to open the locked door.



——羅恩·韋斯萊 《哈利·波特與魔法石》





「It』s obvious,nisn』t it? We』ve go to play out way across the room. All right. Harry, you takenthe empty Bishop』s square. Hermione, you』ll be the queenside castle. As for me.nI』ll be a knight.」

——Ron Weasley, HarrynPotter and the Sorcer』s Stone

The finalnchallenge before Harry Potter』s confrontation with Voldmort is to win a game ofnwizard』s chess. Director Chris Columbus』s preference was always to see if thenaction could be created practically instead of digitally, and the specialneffects and props departments were glad to comply. Full-size models of thenthirty-two chess pieces, some of them twelve feet high and weighting up to fivenhundred pounds, were sculpted in clay and cast in various materials accordingnto their use. The prop makers produced the swords, maces, armor, and even thenbishop』s staffs that were their armaments. 「Then we had to make the chessnpieces move,」 says special supervisor John Richardson, 「which was a challengenbecause of their size and weight, and the fact that their bases were verynsmall.」 Richardson and his team rigged the pieces that needed to move withnradio controls. 「We could drive a horse forward and then stop, and then move itnsideways and stop very cleanly.」

「While the pieces on the set were fully builtnand could shift across the board,」 says visual effects producer Emma Norton, 「theynweren』t articulated. So when you see one of those pieces do more than just movenforward, they』re computer-generated versions. But when we create something innCG, we will borrow as much as we can from the model, which has been painted tonbe photographed on-screen. So we photograph it, cyberscan it, take texturesnfrom the prop and from whatever the art department has provided and treat itnlike skin, the teture skin. Then we build a CG model and wrap that texturenaround it .So for all intents and purposes, you』re looking at the real thing.

nnnnnnnnnnThe most important consideration of the scenenwas that when a piece was taken by the opposite side, it would explode, meaningnthe young actors would be involved in a scene with blasts and bursts and flyingnrubble. Instead of pyrotechnics, Richardson and his team used compressed airndevices activated via remotes to blow the pieces up in a very controlled way. 「Therenwas some flame on the set, and smoke, so we had air and fire and bangs andnpretty much a little bit of everythingnelse we come across in effects,」 Richardson explains. The 「broken」 pieces seennafter the explosions were individually sculpted and cast, and not just smashednoriginals. Digital dust and debris were added after the scene was shot. The 「marble」nof the chessboard』s squares was created using a well-known art technique ofnsquirting oil paint into a vat of water —in this case, a six-foot-square tank—and then placing paper on top to absorb thenswirling colors. The best versions were scanned, enhanced digitally, and thennlaid down on the set. 「That was an incredible set,」 actor Rupert Grint (RonnWeasley) recalls. 「And such a cool scene, with pieces being smashed andnexploding around us. I』ve still a broken piece of the horse I was riding!」



nnBELOW AND TOP RIGHT: Visual development art ofnthe black side』s pawn and queenside castle chess pieces by Cyrille Nomberg andnRavi Bansal; BELOW RIGHT: Finishing touches are added to one of the chess set』snkings; OPPOSITE: A close-up reference photo of the white side』s chess piecesnfeatures the rook, knight, bishop, and pawns, some of which moved via radioncontrols.

下頁:由克瑞羅·諾伯格和拉維·邦薩爾通過視覺發展藝術製成的棋子,正在嘗試操作不同的武器,調整姿勢和腰帶;右上:哈利·波特正在接近十二英尺高的白皇后 《哈利·波特與魔法石》;下頁底部:每一個爆炸的棋子背面有一條凹槽,用於發生爆炸和堆積碎片。


TOP,RIGHT,ANDnOPPOSITE TOP: Concept art by Cyrille Nomberg and Ravi Bansal of the wizardnchess pieces, experimenting with different weaponry, postures, and girths;nABOVE RIGHT: Harry Potter approaches the twelve-foot-high white queen in anreference photograph taken on the set of Harry Potter and the Sorcere』s Stone;nOPPOSITE BOTTOM: Behind each side of the chess board were pits where thenexploded and taken pieces ere piled up.



——奎里納斯·奇洛 《哈利·波特與魔法石》



「It shows usnnothing more or less than the deepset, most desperate desires of our hearts.」

——Albus Dumbledore,nHarry Potter and the Sorcerer』s Stone

Though thenMirror of Erised plays an important part in Harry Potter』s defeat of thencombined Professor Quirrell/Lord Voldemort, he first encounters the mirrornduring his escape from the Restricted Section of the library after anninterrupted search for information on Nicholas Flamel, the owner of the Sorcere』snStone. The mirror is a mashup of different architectural styles: the outernsides are Corinthian columns that bracket an inner set of smaller Doric columnsnembellished with a knot pattern. The principal style is Gothic; seven graduatednlancet-style arches are framed by a larger one. (The number seven appearsnfrequently within the wizarding world.) Above this is a triangular arch adornednwith palmettes that supports the final toppers —two obelisks. Thenwriting that apeears over the biggest arch of the mirror reads: Erised stranehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. It』snnot a magical language, but rather the mirror image of the sentence, 「I innunique combinations. Unlike most props, which are duplicated for different usesnand in case of breakage during filming, only one Mirror of Erised was everncreated.



——阿不斯·鄧布利多 《哈利·波特與魔法石》

儘管厄里斯魔鏡在哈利·波特中打敗奇洛教授/伏地魔的過程中扮演了重要的角色,但他第一次遇到魔鏡,卻是在查照尼克·勒梅的信息時,從圖書館禁書區匆匆逃離的過程中見到的。魔鏡混合了各種不同建築風格;外來科林斯式列,拱頂內部是多利安式列裝飾結模式,主要風格是哥特式。七個柳葉型小拱環鑲嵌其中(七這個數字經常出現在魔法世界)。上方的三角拱形裝飾著棕葉飾,指向兩個方尖碑。頂部符籙刻著:Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. 這不是一種魔法語言,而是這個句子的鏡像文(我所顯示的不是你的臉,而是你心裡的渴望。)n「這是一個神奇的組合。它不像其他的道具一樣,在系列的拍攝中被反覆被使用。只有厄里斯魔鏡是這樣被設計創造的。」

TOP RIGHT: In anmovie still from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer』s Stone, Harry holds thenSorcerer』s Stone, which shows up, to his surprise, in his pants pocket; TOPnLEFT: A close-up of the Sorcerer』s Stone; ABOVE: Professor Quirrel (IanHart)nsees his reflection in the Mirror of Erised; OPPOSITE: A props reference shotnof the Mirror of Erised.

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn右上:在《哈利·波特與魔法石》的電影中,哈利攥著魔法石,顯出驚訝的表情,令他吃驚的是魔法石突然出現在了他的褲子口袋裡;左上:魔法石的特寫;上圖:奎利納斯·奇洛(伊恩哈特)看到了他在厄里斯魔鏡的反射。下頁:厄里斯魔鏡的道具。I show not your face but your hearts desire. (我所顯示的不是你的臉,而是你心裡的渴望。)


【HP整理】Pottermore:新版 3D 神奇動物的真容

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