酒廠|對話太平洋板塊:如何對抗整合?Interview with Pacific Plate Brewing Co(下)


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縮寫:SZ=作者和採訪人Sean Zhang張惟一,SK=史蒂芬酷仙,JP=強納森帕拉達

SZ=Sean Zhang, SK=Stephen Kooshian, JP=Jonathan Parada

關於啤酒業內人士 About Beer Snobs

SZ:nTo me a lot of the Chinese craft beer drinkers are turning into beer snobs,nwhat』s your take on that?


SK:nI think that』s definitely a world-wide phenomenon. We have the same experiencenhere in America with certain beer drinkers. I think craft beer is a lot likenfashion for a lot of people. You express yourself with what you drink. Or younmade your loyalty to certain brand or to a certain style. But I encourageneverybody out there to try something new, try something different, trynsomething you wouldn』t normally try. I force myself too all the time. buy anbeer, drink a beer that I wouldn』t normally drink, just to broaden my horizon,nand that will make you a more well-rounded craft beer drinker. I think it』s oknfor people to drink 12 percent bourbon barrel aged stouts. it』s great, it』sngreat for the attention that』s being paid to craft beer, but I just hope peoplencan get out that and expand their horizon.


JP:nI agree 100%. But also remember people』s palates change


JP:just like any industry where there』s subjective tastes, like you saidnfashion. You』re gonna have people that will act a certain way. You will havenpeople act snobbish and call themselves connoisseur, experts, and then you willnhave a whole other range of people. I』m not surprised to hear that you arenexperiencing that. But I』m pretty positive that if they do as Kooshian said, trynsomething new every once in while, they will come around.


SZ:nI am just brought that up as a topic to discuss, because I have met a lot ofnpeople they are like 「oh I don』t drink IPA anymore because that』s notnfashionable or trendy」. But for me that』s what brought me to the craft beernworld, the Stone IPA. And the first sip I took I almost spit it out because itnis too damn bitter.


(Stone IPA)

SK:nIt is still pretty damn bitter.


SZ:nLike you said, my palates changed.


關於大魚吃小魚 About Big Corporations Buying Binge

SZ:nOk I want to get into more serious topic now. The owner of first craft beernbrewery in China. Master Gao wrote an article criticizing the current trend ofnbig players buying out all the small craft breweries, that』s called 「CraftynBeers Get the Fuck out of China」. I don』t know if you guys have experiencednsimilar things in the U.S. But I know in last year, a lot of craft breweriesnwere bought by the big players like InBev, Miller and Constellation. BluenPoint, Elysian, 10 Barrel, Golden Road, Brecken Ridge, Four Peak were allnbought by InBev. So what』s your guys take on this. Do you sense a threat fromnthis?

SZ:現在我要說點嚴肅的了。中國第一家精釀酒廠的老闆高大師寫了個文章抨擊現在的啤酒寡頭瘋狂收購小精釀酒廠的事,那文章叫「高岩 | 讓偽精釀滾出中國」。我不知道你們在美國是不是遇到了相同的境遇,但是我知道就去年一年很多精釀酒廠都被三大巨頭:百威、米勒和星座給收購了。 Blue Point, Elysian, 10 Barrel, Golden Road, Brecken Ridge, Four Peak 都讓百威給買了。你們怎麼想?你們感受到威脅了嗎?

SK:nI think there』s always been the looming idea that this is gonna happen soonernor later. It just happened too soon. 2015 was definitely the year of the buyouts,nthat is the year that craft beer 『sold out』 as they were labeled now. And Inthink what it proves is that the craft beer revolution was a great success.nLooking at it from a positive perspective, it shows that it』s becoming anmulti-billion dollar world wide industry, and the big players, the bignWall-Street guys, stock brokers, the huge corporations they wanna piece of thenpie now. Because it』s taking from their sales. Because they see that it』snprofitable.

I think it』s part of the bigger global fight, honestly, againstncorporatism. As individuals, we can choose to support independent businessnwhether it』s a brewery, a restaurant, a clothing line, and stay away fromnthings that are corporate. Because this is just another arm of the globalncorporate monster reaching in and taking something that』s home grown,ngrassroots, that』s build by the people. And then stealing it, marking it, andntrying to make millions of dollars off of it.

It』s up to the individualnconsumer to be informed and find out who got bought out. And make that choice.nAnd say I』m not gonna drink that beer from somebody who』s being bought out. Ifneverybody did it, they go out of business tomorrow. If everybody stop drinkingnthe beer from big corporation, from ABInBev, from SABMiller, from Heineken.nThey would go out of business tomorrow.




SZ:nI stopped buying Ballast Point. Once I figured out they were sold tonConstellation for 1B. They do make really great beer. But…

SZ:自從Ballast Point出售給星座酒業後,我就沒再買過Ballast Point的酒。他們釀的酒真好,但是……

JP:nBecause of this really bold move, by these larger corporate breweries, there』snnow a huge political movement from within these brewer』s associations that arenfurther bringing our voice to the Capital Hill. We are part of the CalifornianCraft Brewer』s Association, which has people up the Capital Hill working for usnevery day. To make sure that foreign and larger interests such as ABInbev andnMillerCoolers don』t push us out of the legislative process. This is all resultnof free market enterprise.

But because we now have membership in these greatnassociations. Nationally, the BA, and the CBA. We now have a kind of a unifiednvoice of the legislative voice that didn』t exist 20 years ago. That definitelynbrought a huge amount of attention to the industry and we are fighting back. Sonwe are doing what we can.



JP:nIt』s not necessarily that we are ourselves are gonna be the ones that competenwith big corporate entities. That goes back to what I was talking about withnour national association, and state-wide association. We go to thosenconferences and we talk about what』s happening from top to bottom. As long asncraft breweries do the best to stand together, make great beer all the time.nAnd just inform every person that comes in, as to the benefit of going with thencraft brewery. (39:56) Then I think we are going to be successful.


精釀啤酒和大廠比有什麼優劣?About the Advantages and Disadvantages of Craft Beer

SZ:nWhat sort of an advantage do you think do you have in terms of developing goodntasting beers, after all the big players do have unlimited funding.


SK:nThe biggest advantage that we have as independent craft brewers is that ournhands are not tied by metrics and numbers and reports. We get to brew amazingntasting beers with incredibly unique ingredients that would so expensive fornone of the big brewers to get their hands on rather than just use an artificialnflavoring to emulate it.


SZ:nI remember you told me when you were doing this coffee stout, you had itnshipped from NY freshly roasted.


SK:nafter it was shipped from Oaxaca. It was a very short amount of time fromnharvest to roast to here. You would have incredibly fresh brewed coffee fromnOaxaca to here. And that』s exactly what I』m talking about. You see a beer likenBluemoon, that last year came out with a horchata ale. And Bluemoon』s horchatanale is meant to compete in the Latin America market, which is a lot of beernthat we are doing. But how did that make this beer? Did they use real cinnamon?nDid they use real anything? Or is it just a Frankenstein of artificial flavorsnand sweeteners.

So the biggest advantage that we have is that the real, trueningredients are used in our beer. It』s first of all, barley, hops, water, andnyeast. That』s what great beers start with, that』s the purest beer you can getnthere』s no addictive, there』s no enzymes, there』s no any type of syntheticnpowders or things that people at bigger breweries would use to manipulate thenbeer. And then after that, all the flavorings we use are real ingredients. RealnMexican cinnamon, real Ecuadorian cocoa, real vanilla, roasted chocolate fromnOaxaca. That is what the craft drinkers want. They want to go to the localnbrewery, they want the freshest beer possible. Not to buy some shelf turd, notnsomething that who knows which warehouse it sat in and what ingredients itnused. That』s the biggest advantage we have. It』s the quality. And, thenlocality.



Thenbiggest disadvantage, it』s just the sheer power that these guys have. Thenmarketing power, the ability to just scoop up a brewery, buy out a brewery, tonsteal a brand, or rip off somebody』s recipe.


SZ:nThat』s something I wanted to ask. Let』s say InBev comes to you and say yournhorchata recipe is infringing on their recipe. Let』s go to the court.


SK:nIt』s happened to a lot of the other breweries. They sued them to death.


SZ:nIt doesn』t matter whether or not you did. The sheer amount of legal fees wouldnjust inundate you to death.


JP: One of thenbiggest craft breweries, Dogfish Head, had a Pun』kin Ale. Not Pumpkin the fullnword. It』s nice it』s funny. And I think Miller or AB, they tried to sue himnsaying that name is too generic. And it』s good that they went after him (SamnCalagione) because he had the ability to answer and he argued. And he saidn『really, you called a beer 「natural ice」, 「natural light」. How is that not morengeneric than Pun』Kin Ale???』 So I don』t remember what the ending result was.nBut my feeling is that everybody is already angry at the tactic AB/Miller isntaking.

JP:有個最大的精釀酒廠,狗魚頭,有一款男瓜艾爾(Punkin Ale)。不是南瓜哦是男瓜。名字起的很有趣。然後我忘了是米勒還是百威了,他們試圖告狗魚頭說他這個名字太常見了。我覺得他們告他(Sam Calagione狗魚頭老闆)是個好事,因為他有能力回擊。他說「搞毛?你們管你們丫自己啤酒叫「自然冰」,「自然光」,你跟我說說我這男瓜艾爾怎麼就比你那還常見了??」。我不記得最後怎麼解決了,反正我覺得他們這操行已經觸犯了眾怒。

So this is a much less advertised way to buy out a craft beer and then bolster that brand, is less egregious to consumer, who likes that brand then say someone who loves Dogfish Head, but sometimes get that thirty racks of Keystone for the party, and then to say oh Keystone is trying to sue my favorite brewery. Screw that company. That pisses more people off.


Nownwhether or not they will never do that again, I can』t say. I think they knownthat they have to go after someone with deep pockets. Right now, the majoritynof breweries don』t have deep pockets. It』s like almost a moot point, they mightnbe able to shut a tiny brewery like us down, but they all have the cost too.


SZ:nIm gonna make an inappropriate comparison: it almost feels like you guys arenthe urban guerrillas against the government entity.


SK:nYeah. It is essential what it is. It』s not only in this industry. Thisnindustry』s got a lot of attention because of this was an industry that built bynthe guys brewing beers in their garage and now you see how these hugenconglomerate, globalized corporations are trying to commandeer and steal it fromnthe creators. I think it』 just one of the downsides of modern day capitalism.


SZ:nWe just can』t have any good things can we.


JP:nAnd it』s a double edge sword, it』s gonna take legislation time to catch up withnthe speed that this free market is happening at. But I am confident that withnour voices as craft beer brewers through our various associations, and withnanti-trust laws, that has been in place for many years. I think they』ll be ablento catch up and more than likely they』ll have to sell off a lot of theirnassets. Many of these acquisitions may not even last. So we』ll just have tonwait and see, and keep supporting craft breweries across the nation, and heck,nin China as well. And just make sure that you are informed as to what it is younare buying and why you are buying it.


給中國精釀愛好者的話 Things to Say For Chinese Craft Beer Lovers

SZ:nDo you have anything to say to Chinese craft beer lovers?


SK:nWe want to encourage you guys to continue to drink local, find that local craftnbreweries that are indecently owned one that are close to you, and support it.nAnd definitely drink American craft beer if you can get your hands on those outnthere.


JP:nIf you are able to, try your hands on home brewing. There are a lot ofnliterature out there you can just read about. And That』s how we started. Talknto your homebrew shop owner. Education is power.






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