酒廠|對話太平洋板塊:如何對抗整合?Interview with Pacific Plate Brewing Co(上)




下面進入正題,因為這篇文章也要給本次接受採訪的對象,太平洋板塊(以下簡稱太板)酒廠的兩位東家Jonathan Parada和Stephen Kooshian看,所以我寫了英語和中文兩個版本,大家湊合著看。

Because I need to show this article to the interviewees, the owners of Pacific Plate Brewing Co., Jonathan Parada and Stephen Kooshian, I wrote an English version and a Chinese version. So bear with me please.

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Interview With Pacific Plate Brewing Co.在線收聽_mp3下載

前兩天高岩寫了一篇叫「讓偽精釀滾出中國」的文章,在業內引起了不小的反響。我藉此為契機,採訪了位於洛杉磯市中心東24英里的加州蒙羅維亞市的一家名為「太平洋板塊」的小型精釀酒廠的兩位創始人Jonathan Parada和Stephen Kooshian。

Several days ago, Master Gao wrote an article called "Crafty Beers, Get the Fuck Out of China", and the article caused a lot of discussion within the industry. I took the opportunity and interviewed Jonathan Parada and Stephen Kooshian, the two founders of Pacific Plate Brewing Co., a micro craft beer brewery located 24 miles east of down town Los Angeles in the City of Monrovia, CA.

(左一為Kooshian,他是釀酒師。帶著黑髮帶的是Jonathan,儘管我不知道他丫沒頭髮為什麼要綁頭帶。右一是3位創始人的另一位Steven Cardenas,此次未參加採訪)

(First one on the left is Stephen Kooshian, the Head Brewmaster. The one with the bandana is Jonathan although his hair style does not call for a bandana. The one on the right is Steven Cardenas, one of the three founders of Pacific Plate. Unfortunately, he was not featured in this interview.)


縮寫:SZ=作者和採訪人Sean Zhang張惟一,SK=史蒂芬酷仙,JP=強納森帕拉達

SZ=Sean Zhang, SK=Stephen Kooshian, JP=Jonathan Parada


關於太平洋板塊酒廠 About Pacific Plate Brewing Company

SZ: So, could you please briefly tell me about your brewery? Inknow it fairly new and it』s probably one of the newest in Southern California.


JP: Augustn30th would be our third year anniversary, and believe it or notnbecause of the explosion of craft beer, especially in California but honestly,nacross the nation, we are absolutely not one of the newer breweries anymore. We』ve got some real credentials with ournHorchata Stout or our Mango IPA. We』ve got a strong following, we』ve got reallynstrong social media presence. So, we are young, but we are not that youngnanymore.


(歐恰塔世濤 Horchata Stout) photo from Yelp.com

SZ: Why did you start this brewery?


JP: Me and Stephen sat together at work and we struck out conversation andnthen I found out he』s a home brewer. And he (Stephen) taught meneverything he had learned. So yeah we are just self-taught and just brewednhomebrew as often as we could.


SZ: So, did any of the homebrew you made back thenntransferred into the products over here at Pacific Plate?


JP: So our Widowmaker IPA was the first beer that we kinda ofnmade because someone else suggested that we make it. He said 「Hey why don』t younguys make a IPA?」 We were making German lagers, and brown ales. we weren』tnreally messing around with IPAs. So we were like OK. SO we made an IPA. Andnthat become our Widowmaker IPA, which is our most popular one. And then we started to falling into the LatinnAmerican stuff, because my father was born in Guatemala and his (Stephen)nmother was born in Nicaragua. So, we kinda grew up with these Central Americannand Latin American flavors like Mango, Agave, and cinnamon.

(寡婦製造者IPA Widowmaker IPA) photo from Yelp.com


SZ: Horchata?


JP: Horchata, exactly. But we weren』t seeing that in craftnbeer. So we started to think about how do we incorporate these Latin Americannflavors to really classic beer styles. When we started brewing together we were like hey why don』t we take annEnglish milk stout, which at the time was dying out in style, and try to getnsome horchata flavor to it. And his mom, actually has a Nicaraguan horchatanrecipe, which blended really perfectly with this historical stout. And thatnbecame our horchata stout, which is our other most popular beer.


SZ: That is my favorite, and for the Chinese listeners whondon』t know, horchata is a drink that』s like part milk part rice..


JP: Year, basically it』s sweet Latin American drink, andneach culture has their own version. Mexico has a rice milk version, Nicaraguanis more of a spices and chocolate milk version, so there are many differentnstyle.


SZ: So it』s more of the Nicaraguan origin.


JP: Exactly, yeah. Think of in America their sweet drink isnsoda, so soda is one thing that』s created in American, and Horchata is more ofntheir kind of version of that.


關於酒廠的手續和選址 About The Paper Work and Location of the Brewery

JP: Thenexperience with LA being a potentially small, alcohol manufacturer, was.. itnwas really slow. There was not fluid line of communication. And, it seems asnthough you would need a million dollar just to think about doing manufacturingnin LA proper. Because what they require you to do is to rent a location, andnthen wait the year long process for your ABC to come through. If it comesnthrough.


SZ: So you are basically wasting a year』s worth of rent. Justnto do the paperwork.


JP: Yeah. Just to do the paperwork. Now technically we might be able to set up a brewery and then justndo packaging and sell it to wholesales, but the margin on that is, just.. fornour size the money we had it didn』t make sense.


SZ: I feel you man. As someone who』s from China I totallynfeel you. Talking about bureaucracy, nobody really beats us on that, but comenon. This is 21st century, what the hell.


SZ: so then you decided not to do it with LA.


JP: So not LA, and at that point we were so shocked that hownunapproachable they were. We just started looking at every city. We startedneast and made our way back. And we actually almost signed a lease in San Dimas.


SZ: I don』t think you can have a brewery there.


JP: right. We were looking at the property without firstngoing to the city. So that was like, that』s how green we were. We didn』t know.nWe were about the sign a lease and we were waiting for the real estate agent.nAnd then we said why don』t we go to the city just to tell them we are here, wenare going to sign a lease. I shit you not, they laughed at our faces. They arenlike ahh no that』s not gonna happen. The city has a law that you cannot have anbar.


SZ: not a bar?


JP: cannot have a bar unless you serve food. And unless 51%nof the sales comes from the food. So you have to monitor the amount of alcoholnyou sell is less than 49%. We were like really? We are not serving hardnalcohol, just beer. They said no. It』s against city law.

JP: 不賣吃得就不能賣酒。然後你收入的51%要來自於食物。所以你還得看著點,不能賣太多酒,別超過49%的營業額。我們說卧槽你他娘的在都我啊。我們又不賣烈酒我們就賣賣啤酒。他們說那也不行,犯法。

SZ: Sound like a law came from two centuries ago and it』snstill there.


JP:In the case of Monrovia, a lot of the cities that are farnenough away from LA but is still LA county, they became cities because thenpeople lived there wanted to be in a dry city. So that』s usually why theynincorporate. So I assume that William Monroe, is probably turning over in hisngrave.


SZ: The founder of the city.


(William Monroe)

JP: Yeah. I promise him we are doing good here.


關於酒廠現狀 About the Current Situation of the Brewery

JP: We are sticking to the half classicnbeer line, and the other half we are doing experimental stuff with LatinnAmerican flavor infused stuff. We are all really happy. All three of us have ournindividual economies, and we got employees, now we are adding to the local jobnmarket.


SZ: How many employees?


JP: We』ve got two brewer assistants, and two taproom. Sonfour, and a fifth person on call if we need him.


SZ: I assume you are planning on upgrading your brewhouse?


JP: Yeah, Right now we are trying to just maximize thenefficiency and how much we can get out of our current system.


SZ: what are you using right now?


JP: we are using a 1 barrel brewhouse. So we』ll see backnthere the three barrel fermenters, there』s two 7 barrel fermenters.


SZ: What kind of a response do you get locally, either fromnyour customer or from the residents? I notice you have almost 5 starsnreviews on Yelp. Do you get a lot of requests to do interviews, or do you get anlot of compliments from local community?


JP: we have a pretty strongnfollowing of people. That kind of strong base is reacting very positively to what we are doing. Wenoccasionally get people in that don』t know what craft beer is, that they arenmaybe used to Tecate or Corona, that』s what all they drink. For them, we arenalways excited to bring them to the horchata stout or the agave wheat.

You need to have the word to continuously getting out andngetting into other』s experiences and getting into their mind like 『oh craftnbeer, there』s so many in Monrovia」. Word of mouth is the most powerful tool,nsecond only to our social media.



酷仙亂入 Stephen Kooshian Joins

SK: I am Stephen Kooshian, the brewmaster here. This is a Sion Kolsch glass from Cologne, Germany. Somebody made a candle out of it. It has clear yellow wax, and a little head on the beer with white wax.




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