





Melinda Qiaolian May

  • Master Pilot: May is an accomplished pilot, able to perform such feats as flying through the eye of a storm with a plane as large as the Bus, or deceiving a series of HYDRAQuinjets into believing the plane had been destroyed using a clever cloaking maneuver. She, as mission commander, is usually in charge of piloting the Quinjet as well.
  • Master Martial Artist: May is one of S.H.I.E.L.D.s best martial artists, possessing more black belts than the notorious Black Widow. She was able to take down a Centipede assassin and beat Grant Ward in a sparring match and twice again, once when he was under the influence of Lorelei and the other time when they fought at Cybertek. Agent 33 underestimated May in their fight because both were trained by S.H.I.E.L.D. Even after being tortured she was able to defeat Agent 33. She has been overcome in physical combat on very few occasions, especially by opponents with superhuman strength, such as Michael Peterson when he took her by surprise in an alley in Los Angeles, or the AsgardianLorelei.
  • Master Acrobat: May is seen using her acrobatic skills to her advantage. She was able to surpass the speed of a running Cybertek security guard doing multiple handsprings to take him out.
  • Expert Marksman: May prefers not to use firearms during her missions, unless strictly necessary. If forced to use them, May usually chooses handguns as her weapon, even when the agents that accompany her choose assault weapons. She has displayed high accuracy, being able to kill most of her enemies with a single shot, or being able to shoot Lance Hunter in the shoulder to avoid compromising Jemma Simmons mission cover within HYDRA.
  • Multilingualism: May is fluent in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Spanish. She used this skill in missions in Hong Kong, the Cayman Islands, and Miami, respectively.
  • 飛行專家
  • 格鬥大師 梅是神盾局最好的格鬥家之一,比著名的黑寡婦擁有更多的黑帶(此話出自Phil Coulson),梅在MCU中僅僅被擊敗過屈指可數的幾次,尤其是當對手擁有超人類的力量時。比如說Michael Peterson。
  • 雜耍大師(Acrobat不知道怎麼翻暫且叫雜耍吧,翻跟頭之類的近身技巧)
  • 神射手 梅一般不喜歡開槍,除非必要的情況下。當被迫使用槍械的時候,梅通常選擇手槍,即便通行的特工選擇自動步槍。她展現了極高的准心,對其敵人通常能夠一擊斃命
  • 多語言 梅能夠流利說英語,廣東話,普通話以及西班牙語。分別在香港,開曼群島和邁阿密的任務中展現了這些語言。


Natalia Alianovna Romanoff

  • Master Spy: Romanoff is a dangerous secret agent highly skilled in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. Her talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking as a special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. She often resorts to seduce men to obtain her goals while working undercover, such as when she posed as an assistant to evaluate Tony Stark for the Avengers Initiative. Romanoffs skills are so legendary that Nick Fury created a Lie Detector that he hoped she could not deceive.
  • Master Martial Artist: Romanoff is extremely skilled in the field of martial arts, having mastered arts such as karate, judo, aikido, savate, boxing, lucha-libre style wrestling and multiple styles of kung fu. She has easily taken down many enemies, such as dozens of Hammer Industries security guards, Georges Batrocs armed pirates, several members of STRIKE, dozens of Ultron Sentries, and even the hordes of Chitaurisoldiers that invaded New York City. She is skilled enough to be able to defeat Clint Barton in combat when he was under Lokis influence, and she even held her own against the much stronger Winter Soldier.

"I could use a boost."―Black Widow


  • Master Acrobat: Romanoff incorporates gymnastics and acrobatics into her fighting style as she battles opponents. During her fight within Hammer Industries Headquarters, Romanoff used these skills to defeat the guards. During the War for Earth, she got to ride a Chitauri Chariot by using her acrobatics to commandeer it.

"You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers."―Loki


  • Master Assassin: Romanoff is very skilled in the art of assassination, considered to be one of the most dangerous assassins in the world. She is known to have killed many people during her time serving the KGB and S.H.I.E.L.D..
  • Expert Marksman: Romanoff is a very accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting. During a battle in Washington, D.C., Romanoff would have shot the Winter Soldier through his eye if he had not been wearing protective goggles.
  • Multilingualism: Romanoff is fluent in Latin, Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, and various other languages.
  • Gifted Intellect: Romanoffs intellect seemingly puts her on par with Steve Rogers and Clint Barton. She possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.

"Thank you for your cooperation."―Black Widow after tricking Loki


  • Master Interrogator: Romanoff was able to trick Loki into telling her about his plan to use Hulk against the Helicarrier to bust him out of his cell. She was able to do a "reverse interrogation"; while she seemed to be in danger, in truth, she was getting all the information she wanted to know.

"The person who wrote this is slightly smarter than me. Slightly."―Black Widow


  • Expert Hacker: Romanoff can hack into most computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security. She used this talent to hack into Hammer Industries mainframe and help James Rhodes regain control of the War Machine Armor and enabled him to help Stark fight the rest of the attacking Hammer drones, and again to access the location of Camp Lehigh from the USB Steve Rogers received from Nick Fury.
  • Pilot: Romanoff is a skilled pilot, capable of flying a Quinjet with ease.

  • 間諜專家 黑寡婦是個極其危險的特工,擁有極其高超的情報,偷竊,偽裝,潛入,以及拆除技巧。她的天賦以及多年的經驗使她能夠成為一名高等級的神盾特工。當卧底的時候,她通常採取色誘男性的方法來完成她的目標,例如當她作為助手去完成復仇者聯盟對鐵人的評估。她的技能是如此的傳奇,以至於弗瑞特別造了一台測謊儀希望她無法矇混過關。
  • 格鬥大師 黑寡婦擁有極其高超的格鬥技巧,精通空手道,柔道,合氣道,法國踢腿術,拳擊,摔跤,以及多種風格的功夫。她能夠輕易地擊敗許多對手,比如幾十個鎚子工業的保安,STRIKE成員,數十個奧創機器人,甚至是入侵紐約的成群的奇塔瑞戰士。她能夠擊敗鷹眼,對抗冬兵。
  • 雜耍大師 小寡會將體操與雜技融入她的格鬥中

  • 刺殺大師 可能是世上最好的刺客。
  • 狙擊專家 極其精準的狙擊手,在華盛頓的時候,倘若冬兵沒有帶保護鏡的話,黑寡婦將會能夠通過冬兵的眼睛將其射穿
  • 高超理智 她的理智分析能力差不多與美隊和鷹眼齊平。能夠快速進行危險評估並迅速適應戰術情況。
  • 審訊大師 小寡能夠誘使洛基告訴她他的計劃,她能夠做所謂的「反審問」,當她看上去好像置於危險之中的時候,反而能夠獲得所有她所需要的信息。
  • 黑客專家 黑寡婦可以黑進大多數計算機系統而無須觸發防火牆以及安全系統。
  • 飛行員
  • 多語言 流利掌握拉丁語,俄語,英語,法語,德語,中文,以及其他多種語言。



  1. 雙方20米開外空地空手互博沒有事先準備遭遇
  2. 200米開外,倉庫地形,手槍配備,沒有事先準備遭遇。
  3. 200米開外,倉庫地形,所有裝備配備,沒有事先準備遭遇。
  4. 200米開外,倉庫地形,所有裝備配備,有事先準備。


  1. 大致五五開,20米的範圍,沒有利用地形的可能只能死拼,雙方近乎持平的格鬥技巧,任何一個小失誤都有可能造成己方的失敗。

  2. 黑寡婦米蘭達六四開,梅展現過極其優秀的手槍作戰能力,黑寡婦槍械能力不輸但更會利用地形。200米的範圍可以做很多事了。
  3. 黑寡婦勝,擁有升級過的The Black Widows Bite的黑寡婦,在沒有事先準備遭遇的情況下,梅基本沒有機會掏出她的手槍。
  4. 黑寡婦勝,同上,加上黑寡婦擁有更好的大局觀和一個更好的戰術大師。









她的確也是個很厲害的特工,但她被稱為The Calvary只是因為大家不了解真相,不知道巴林島事件的主角其實是異人而已。








5、赤手空拳瞬間給4、 5個神盾特工繳械(美隊2)















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